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     论文基于住房和城乡建设部科技示范项目(编号:2009-S5-6)“基于WebBOS勺韶关市数字化城建档案管理系统”、江苏省测绘科技计划支撑项目(编号JSCHKY201009)“基于WebBOS的城市测绘档案管理系统”、“镇江市城建档案整理及报送系统”项目支撑,研究城建档案著录内容规范、数据组织、数据解析以及城建档案整理及报送系统实现问题。系统选择Visual Studio.Net 2010集成开发平台,数据库采用SQL Server 2008,运行平台是NET Framework 4.0。选用WPF作为RIA客户端开发技术,利用XML技术建立城建档案的数据组织,选用C#为编程语言。该系统数据结构灵活变化,能很好地适应将来城建档案政策的变化,为未来应用模式的调整垫定了基础。论文主要研究内容和研究结论如下:
With rapid development of urban construction, there are more and more urban construction archives, more and more types of construction archives. The traditional ways for submitting the urban construction archives, such as paper-based submission, disk-based submission and email-based submission, can't meet the much more complex demands. The shortage of paper-based way is that it can't be in time and that the submitted archives can't be used for building the digital database. In disk-based way, the paper documents normally are converted to electronic form and then submitted. But because of the delay of the disk delivery, the submission is also not in time. Email-based way improves the efficiency of submission. But because of the size limitation of email and its security shortage, this way can't meet complex submission. And, the amount of data increases, the types of data are no longer limited to text, but also audio, video, picture and other carriers. These new demands brought new difficulties and challenges. With the growing popularity of computer technology and network applications, many urban construction archive agencies have focused on the urban construction management information since 1980s. But they pay much attention to the data received, little to the management and supervision of the data at urban construction form units. To improve the scientific awareness about the urban construction archive management from urban construction archive form units, and help submit the archives electronically instead of traditional way, the system has been built. It can make the tidy work front, and reduce the workload on archives tidy at urban construction agencies.
     Based on the projects:Ministry of Housing and Urban Technology Demonstration Project (NO.:2009-S5-6) "Digital Urban Construction Archives Management System Based on WebBOS of Shaoguan City", Jiangsu province Program Support Project Surveying and Mapping (NO.:JSCHKY201009) "Urban Mapping File Management System Based on WebBOS" and "Urban Construction Archives Tidy and Submission System", the paper is given. the Urban construction archives are taken as research object, WPF, one of effencient RIA technologies, is selected to built the urban construction archive tidy and submission system. The paper first analyzes the data characteristic and its categories, formulates a set of standard about urban construction archive recorded contents. Then it gives much focus on the data organization of urban construction archive. XML is used to describe the data organization structure. After analyzed the system requirements deeply, the development and runtime environment are identified. Visual Studio.Net 2010 is selected as integrated development platform. SQL Server 2008 is selected as database management software..NET Framework 4.0 is selected as runtime platform. WPF is selected as RIA client development technology. C# is selected as programming language. The main contents and conclusions are as follows:
     (1) Development of standard about urban construction archive recorded contents:Based on the requirements about the system, considered the needs on data sharing, a set of standard about urban construction archive recorded contents is developed in line with national standards. The standard has much scalability and practicality. It includes the recorded contents of urban construction project, project-level archive, single project archive, files class-level archive and file-level archive.
     (2) Data organization of urban construction archive:The data organization is the key in the system. The data characteristic is summarized, the data organization in the current urban construction management system is analyzed, then the data organization in the system is divided into three levels:project-level archive, files class-level archive and file-level archive. XML, including the structured information about these archive and the relations, is used to predefined the data organization in the operation system.
     (3) The implementation of the urban construction archive tidy and submission system:The urban construction archive tidy and submission system is based on WPF technology. WPF, as a RIAclient development technology, is selected. After the standard of urban construction archive recorded content and the data organization are settled, The implementation of the system is introduced. The functions include the tidy and parse of urban construction archives. When the archives and relational XML file are submitted to the server-side. First, structure information about project-level archive is acquired, then relates to the FolderGroup table and one piece of record is inserted into the database. Next, the same operations are done on the file class-level archive and file-level archive. And the relations among project, file class, file and electronic accessory are recorded in the database. Finally, the system application is given to show. The solution is proved to be practically significance and worth promoting.
     For further research, the upgrade and expansion research on the system with WPF technology should be tried to implement, and the performance of the system on the parse should be improved.
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