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     EB辐照小麦种子的发芽试验结果表明,经过0.5~5.1 kGy EB辐照抑制了小麦种子的萌发,辐照剂量越高,种子萌发抑制越严重,辐照剂量对活力指数的影响最为显著。种子水分基本不变、色泽、气味检测均正常。种子膜透性测定结果显示,电子束辐照能够导致种子损伤,增加膜透性。
     小麦经1.0kGy辐照后制得面包、馒头品质仍然正常,3.5 kGy以下辐照后品质发生轻微变化,但仍属于正常食用范围;剂量高于3.8 kGy后,食用品质加速变差。TPA图谱分析表明,馒头的硬度、粘附性、弹性、粘聚性、咀嚼度、回复性这些品质指标之间显著相关(P<0.01),而EB辐照剂量与馒头的硬度、粘附性、弹性、粘聚性、咀嚼度、回复性品质指标显著相关(P<0.05)。
     EB辐照能部分破损小麦面粉中的淀粉颗粒,破损淀粉含量随着辐照剂量增大而增加,DSC研究结果表明,辐照剂量使小麦淀粉的热性质受到较大影响;小麦淀粉分子量研究结果表明,辐照后小麦淀粉分子量降低,且当辐照剂量达到4.4 kGy时,分子量降低了一个数量级,从而进一步阐释了经电子束辐照的小麦淀粉流变学特性的变化进而影响加工制品变化的实质是,EB辐照引起了淀粉分子结构的改变的结果。
Tilletia Cntroversa Kuhn (TCK) is the most important quarantine bacteria in imported grain of our country. To carry out green grain storage technology, protect environment and to ensure food safety in China has become an important strategic significance. Pesticides /bactericidal by electron beam irradiation technology is promised to play an important role not only in quarantine TCK bacteria in imported wheat but also for non-chemical control of pests in stored grain, especially for the grain storage in South China region with high temperature and humidity. The effectiveness of EB irradiation on-line to kill insects and bacteria dynamically were studied, effects on wheat quality were also included in this study. The main results are as follows:
     In the experimental design of two doses (0.3kGy, 0.6kGy), the electron beam on line can effectively kill pests in stored grain. In view of the biochemical effects of radiation, the insects died gradually in 7 days instead of immediately on the spot. Sitophilas Oryzae (L.) adults are more sensitive to the electron beam irradiation than that of Rhizopertha Dominica (F.). The range of 0.3~0.6kGy dynamic EB irradiation as a reference dose for insecticide is realistic. 0.6kGy dose of radiation are all death capacity to the test insect species and eggs. In the study of on-line irradiating sterilization experiments, EB irradiation can effectively inhibit the total number of stored wheat colony(P<0.01), the higher the radiation dose, the lower the total number of colonies. Different doses of irradiation were all highly significant inhibited to all species of fungus in this study. The sensitivity order to EB irradiation of fungus is Alternaria sp>Aspergillus> Fusarium> Penicillium> Rhizopus.
     In the study, the method of artificial inoculation TCK spores to affect wheat was used to study the effectiveness of online EB irradiation to kill TCK. It was found that EB irradiation can inhibit the germination of TCK spores and made them inactivation, the higher dose, the lower germination. The number of TCK spores germination was reduced with abnormal germinating or growing-stopped until the full suspension of germination, which reflected the radiation sensitivity of TCK. 3.6kGy dose of EB irradiation could inhibit and inactivate the winter TCK spores; the death rate of TCK was reduced by 90% or more with 4.0kGy on-line irradiation; wheat can not be disseminated in the dose of 4.4kGy.
     EB irradiation of wheat seed germination test results showed that, 0.5 ~ 5.1kGy EB irradiation inhibited the germination of wheat seeds, the higher the radiation dose, the more severe inhibition of seed germination.Radiation dose is the most significant to the vitality index. Water is essentially the same, color, odor testing were normal. Determination of membrane permeability of the seed showed that electron beam irradiation can lead to seed damage, increased membrane permeability.
     EB irradiation dose was negatively correlated with falling number, gluten index and falling number of sample changed significantly especially after radiation doses above 4kGy.Dough rheological properties from the Farinograph curve showed that, comparing with the control, absorption, stability, break time and other indicators of samples in each dose level of EB radiation were increased in varying degrees with doses. Evaluation value is negatively correlated with the degree of softening, and other water absorption, development time did not change very obviously.
     The quality of steamed bread made from 1.0kGy irradiated wheat is still normal while minor changes happened in the dose of 3.5 kGy, but it is still in the part of the normal range of consumption. When dose is higher than 3.8 kGy, the eating quality of steam bread became accelerated deterioration. TPA spectrum analysis showed that the quality indicators of bread as hardness, adhesion, elasticity, cohesiveness, chewiness, resilience were significantly correlated (P<0.01), while the EB irradiation doses were also significantly associated with all above bread quality indicators (P<0.05).
     EB irradiation can partially damaged starch granules in wheat flour and the damaged starch content increased with the increase of irradiation dose. DSC research results showed that the radiation dose affected the thermal properties of wheat starch significantly. Molecular weight study of wheat starch showed that wheat starch molecular weight were reduced after irradiation, and when the radiation dose is about to 4.4 kGy, the molecular weight reduced nearly an order of magnitude lower. Thus further explained that, the essence of rheological properties changes in wheat starch which also affected changes in processing products are the results of starch molecular structure changes because of EB irradiation.
     SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and RP-HPLC studies found that the molecular weight and proportion of protein units in gliadin were not particularly significant changed by EB irradiation, only ratio ofα/βsubunit slightly increased. The peak of the CD spectrum for EB irradiated-gliadin is in red shift and the absorption of light values increased with EB irradiation doses. It shows that under the conditions of the experimental doses, macromolecules in gliadin had been partially degraded while Low molecular weight glutenin subunits(LMW-GS)were decreased greatly, the higher doses, the more influence.
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