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     本文以2002年第一季至2006年第四季之台湾上市公司为研究对象,排除金融保险、证券业与资料不足或遗漏之公司,样本公司共597家等27个产业,研究资料为横断面与纵断面混合资料(panel data)。因此,本研究以panel regression model作为实证研究之方法,并建立联立回归模型进一步了解盈余管理与转让定价是否存在互为影响之关系。
In recent years, the trends of globalization and the growing body of international economic activities push up the industries going global. Consequently, leading the multinational business generally utilize transfer pricing among their related party for avoiding the tax paid or managing earnings. This dissertation argues that Taiwan corporations might manage their earnings due to the implementation of the Act of Regulations Governing Assessment of Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax on Non-Arm's Length Transfer Pricing in Taiwan. Therefore, this dissertation focuses on the impact of transfer pricing on the earning management and discusses whether the transfer pricing is one of the means in earnings management.
     This study collects the firms that had ever listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange from 2002 to 2006. Samples from finance, insurance, and security industries are excluded, as well as the samples with missing data. Finally,597 firms from 27 industries are obtained in form of panel data. Based on the panel regression model, I construct simultaneous regression models for investigating the interaction between the earnings management and the transfer pricing.
     The first issue of this paper is to find out the factors what affects transfer pricing strategy among Taiwan listed firms. The empirical results show that the firm with higher profit ability and leverage level tend to keep profit at subsidiary who set up at tax-haven by transfer pricing. The second issue of this research is to detect whether the transfer pricing is one of the means in earnings management. The empirical results exhibit the discretionary accruals of earnings management is affected by transfer pricing. This results imply transfer pricing is a mean of earnings management.
     According to empirical results, this paper addresses four suggestions. First, tax authority should take notice of the firms with higher leverage ratio for a long run. Second, security authority have to review the applicability of the regulation that separate parent and subsidiary company's financial statement for a main statement in Taiwan, and strengthen the information disclosure among related parities base on information transparency. Third, when corporations face any problems during driving corporate governance should discover the long-term solution projects from frame side. Forth, sthength the ethics of accounting practitioners.
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    3 曾嘉文译(2004),「论国际面之税务行政」,税务旬刊第一八八二期,页7
    5 参见刘剑文《国际税法学》第二版北京大学出版社,第218页。
    6 参见刘剑文《国际税法学》第二版北京大学出版社,第226页。
    7 参见凌忠嫄、吴莲英、宋秀玲着“移转订价制度详解-我国法制暨国际比较”,实用出版社2005年3月初版,第20页。
    8 参见
    9 参见刘剑文《国际税法学》第二版北京大学出版社,第225页。
    10 参见刘剑文《国际税法学》第二版北京大学出版社,第244页。
    11 参见刘剑文《国际税法学》第二版北京大学出版社,第212页。
    12 参见 10733
    13 参见 10733
    14 参见刘剑文《国际税法学》第二版北京大学出版社,第211页。
    15 参见刘剑文《国际税法学》第二版北京大学出版社,第213-219页。
    16 参见两岸经济统计月报(第197期),网址:
    17 Amershi, A. H. and P. Cheng. Intrafirm resource allocation:The economics of transfer pricing and cost allocations in ac 2 counting. Contemporary Accounting Research,1990; 7 (1)
    18 Luft, J. L. And R. Libby. Profit comparisons, market prices and managers'judgments about negotiated transfer prices. The Accounting Review,1997; 72 (April):217-229
    19 Luft, J. L. And R. Libby. Profit comparisons, market prices and managers'judgments about negotiated transfer prices. The Accounting Review,1997; 72 (April):217-229
    20 论企业集团分权化管理及其内部转移定价机制的运用《企业集团组建与运行中的财务与会计问题研究》课题组-会计研究2001.5

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