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本文以资产定价模型到今为止的两大模型:CAPM(Capital Asset Pricing Model)及APT理论(Asset Pricing Theory)为基础,以实务应用为前题将重点放在如何将CAPM及APT的理论应用在这两个基金的投资组合上,应用目前国际上证券及基金实务界应用的两大数据库金融服务公司,即Bloomberg及Barra或EM,试图找出两个小的替代投资组合(Pfoxy portfolio),来模拟(Mimick)上述两个大的投资组合的股价变动情况。最后以数个指标来提供实务界在中国是否较适用于CAPM模型或APT模型,并提供一政策指导建议,期望提供中国的证券市场能朝向良性而成熟的方向发展。本文在结构上共分为一章导论、五章正文和一节结论。
     第四章金融实务界的APT应用模型:本章主要介绍支持APT理论的金融服务公司EM模型的理论及应用方向。基本结论是作者认为EM是使用了EM董事长Alvin Stroyny的线性APT模型为估计基础,加上一些改良的因素分析法的运作而得出风险模型。其中除了EM的风险模型外,也包括了著名的支持APT模型的始祖Barra解剖风险模型的介绍。
The paper is based on two comtemporary asset pricing models, ie. CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) and APT (Asset Pricing Theory), to apply into two funds by utilising two popular financial systems, Bloomberg and Barra or EM, to find two Proxy portfolio to mimick the performance of the two funds. The conclusion is whether CAPM or APT applies better in China. In the end, we offer some guidance for Chinese securities market by hoping the more mature development. The paper is constructed by 7 chapers, one introduction, five contents and one conclusion.
    Chaper 1 Introduction: the author briefly reviews the current theorial development of CAPM and APT, the popular financial service companies, ex. Barra, and the motives of the research and main innovative points of the thesis. The two funds the author used here are China Fund Inc., and Taiwan Opportunity Fund which are managed by Martin Currie Asset Management Ltd.
    Chaper 2 Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of CAPM: the author divides into the single and extended multifactor theory of CAPM. Regarding the multifactor CAPM, it could divide into Nonlinear CAPM and Conditional CAPM.
    Chaper 3 Theoratical and Empirical Analysis of APT: the author divides APT into multifactor APT and FF, besides the different methodology of APT models.
    Chapter 4 APT's application EM in the real financial world: by introducing the research of linear APT model by Alvin Stroyny, the current chairman of EM. Besides, the risk models and risk decomposition Barra models are described.
    Chapter 5 the empirical analysis (Part I): First of all, the design of the problems. Then Bloomberg solution is introduced. In the end, the author got two proxy portfolios with ten stocks each matching for China Fund Inc., and Taiwan Opportunity Fund and compared the two funds by showing the different correlation coefficient, β and a. In conclusion, two funds are applicable to CAPM models, even in five year investment horizon.
    Chapter 6 the empirical analysis (Part II): First of all, the author described the EM soltions. Then he demostrates the proxy portfolios by using tracking errors and the variances of the proxy portfolios.
    Chapter 7 Conclusion: First, the author compares the different proxy portofilio by using Bloomberg and EM system. Second, discusses thhe current problems in Chinese stock market. Finally, we could divide our conclusion into several reasons to influence the application of APT or CAPM and offer some guidance to Chinese equity market. In China, , the average investment horizon is shorter, the data set is less, the market is less efficent and less complicated than the international market. Thus, it adopts CAPM better, vice versa. In a word, CAPM could bring China Equity market toward maturer market by lifting up the restrictions in three directions: allowing
    more financial tools, quickier media transmission and liberlizing banking systems in China.
14 详见2.1.2。
    15 CAPM的假设之一是所有的投资人都是不喜爱风险的风险趋避者,但而相对于其它成熟股票市场的成长中国家股市中的投资人来说是不适用的,可能大部分个别投资人都是风险爱好者,而对成熟国家市场来说则是最少会有一些个别投资人在某一段时间内是风险的偏好。
    16 主要的文献包括Chen(1983)、Fama & French(1992)、Jegadeesh(1990)及Mei(1993)。
    17 参考http://www.cfainstitute.org/的位于美国的合格财务分析师Chartered Financial Analyst(即CFA)的组织机构CFA Institute对避险基金的一般定义是使用买入、融券的技术或能融合其它的金融衍生商品,如选择权(OPTION),衍生性金融商品(Derivatives)或转换(SWAP)来达到锁定获利及避开价格波动风险的目标。一般来说,基金经理经常使用杆杆(Leverage)工具来达到避险的目的。
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