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  • 英文题名:A New Approach to Electrcardiographic Inverse Problem Studies: Solution in Terms of Heart-torso Model Parameters
  • 作者:夏灵
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:生物医学工程
  • 学位年度:1995
  • 导师:吕维雪
  • 学科代码:0831
  • 学位授予单位:浙江大学
  • 论文提交日期:1995-12-01
     系统地介绍了现有心电逆问题研究的方法及其进展。在分析了以往逆问题研究方法的欠缺后,在国际上首先提出了一种基于心电仿真模型参数解的逆问题研究新方法,并给出了一个逆问题研究新方法的研究方案。通过对WPW预激综合症室内预激点定位的试验表明其逆解得出的预激点位置误差一般不超过4.5 mm。通过在模型产生的体表电位数据中加噪声和电极位置偏移的方法来模拟实测的体表电位数据,试验结果表明体表电位数据在存有信噪比为15的噪声和电极位置最大偏移量不超过10 mm的情况下,逆解的稳定性良好。
Previous electrocardiographic inverse problem studies have focused on deducing equivalent heart sources or reconstructing epicardial potentials from the measured body surface potentials. Many equivalent representations of the cardiac sources can be used. We do not know in advance which equivalent representation is more suitable, we can employ the equivalent representation in this way or in that way. Even if the employed equivalent representation is suitable for cardiac sources, the inverse solutions are not accurate because of the ill-posed nature of the inverse problem. So the inverse problem in terms of equivalent heart sources has little applicability. For the inverse problem in terms of epicardial potentials, theoretically, the reconstructed epicardial potentials' posses higher diagnosis resolution compared with the body surface potentials, however, the inverse solutions of this approach are also not accurate enough for clinical applications. The most shortcoming of these two approaches is that both of them have not related the body surface potentials to the excitation propagation process in the heart.
     The developments of the excitation propagation-type heart models (forward problems) enable us to study the relationship between the body surface potentials and the excitation propagation of the heart. Combining the forward problem with the inverse problem can produce a new approach to the inverse problem, i.e., solutions in terms of heart-torso model parameters, which was introduced by us for the first time in the world. In the heart-torso model, the heart excitation propagation depends on a set of model parameters, so the heart excitation propagation should be determined if we can deduce the model parameters from the body surface potentials. The most important advantage of this approach is that the quantitative information of the heart disease (the position, the range and the seizure degree of the focus, etc.) could be determined from examination of the recovered heart-torso model parameters.
     The author has done the following research work:
     1. Research work on electrocardiographic inverse problem
     After reviewing the previous electrocardiographic inverse problem studies, the author introduced a new approach to electrocardiographic inverse problem studies, i.e., solutions in terms of heart-torso model parameters, and designed a research scheme. To verify the validation of the new method, the author used the approach to localize the site of ventricular preexcitation with simulated body surface potential data in mimic patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome. The inverse recovered preexcitation site was in close agreement with the true preexcitation site, usually the position error
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