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At the beginning of this dissertation, the research foundation formed in the development of engineering magnetics and its present status are briefly retrospected, and the latest evolvement related to physical field analysis and muitifield coupling problem of magnetic machine are particularized. Deficiencies of current design and analysis method of magnetic machine are also listed. Based on these, measures and meanings of systematic research on physical variables calculation and coupling effects among muitifield are discussed. Also, mathematical and physical theories and methods which are generally applicable to the following studies are summarized. Based on field analyzing, those generally ignored or assumed ingredient of design such as magnetic resistance, magnetic leakage, skin effect and linearization of B-H magnetizing curve, are taken into consideration. The relational dynamic problems, for instance, how rotate speed influences the distribution of magnetic field, are also discussed. By contrastive analysis, necessity of field analyzing in magnetic machine design is explained. Quantitive results are obtained, so those side-effect which may present to both magnetic circuit and field-circuit integration method are clarified.Temperature field calculations contribute to another field analysis for magnetic machine. This dissertation gives a comprehensive discussion on the issue. Compare with the coarse calculating way by means of Newton formula or equivalent heat network method, temperature of each part obtained by field analysis are more direct and exact, and disciplinarian of heat distribution and transformation can also be found easily through the presentation of heat grads, heat flow density and other heat parameters. Main components in an electromagnetic bearing rotor supporting systems are exemplified in this part.Another main topic of this dissertation is muitifield coupling problem in magnetic machine. From the micro mechanism point of view, the paper classifies the phenomena and forms of coupling in magnetic machine, intending to discuss its method and significance to magnetic machine design. In this section, coupling problems are divided into several parts: single field interior coupling, two fields' mutual coupling, coupling among three or above three fields, and some complex coupling problems. Main couplings in entity of magnetic machine are analyzed one by one in illustrational way. To some sorts of complex coupling, decomposed ways for modeling and numerical solution are put forward. At the end of this dissertation, idea of magnetic machine design considered mutiphisics coupling is present, that is, the Multidisciplinary Design Optimization method. An integrated platform frame for magnetic machine analysis and design is also conceived based on this idea.Based on all the above analysises, surrounding the essence problem of magnetic machine design and contraposing deficiencies of current methods, a field-circuit integrated way considering
    coupling effect for magnetic machine design is put forward as conclusion. A practical design example is particularly performed to illustrate the process and feasibility where the method is utilized for the geometric and electromagnetic parameters design of magnetic machine in admissive precision.
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