800kV SF_6高压断路器的研究与开发
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     基于气体质量守恒、能量守恒定律和牛顿第二定律,采用模块化拓扑关联分析方法,建立了SF_6高压断路器压力特性与机械特性耦合数值分析计算方法;在验证其适用性的基础上应用该方法对800kV SF_6高压断路器空载、T100s开断条件下压气室內气体压力特性和操动机构的机械特性进行了耦合数值计算,对比了开断电弧、关键结构参数对压气室內气体压力特性、质量和焓的流动特性及操动机构行程曲线的影响,优化确定了800kV SF_6高压断路器灭弧室的气吹结构。
     基于气体质量、动量、能量守恒定律建立了断路器开断过程灭弧室气流场仿真数学模型:采用区域分解算法和移动网格技术解决了复杂流路及变场域问题;对建立的数学模型采用有限体积法进行求解。在验证所建立气流场分析计算方法适用性的基础上应用该方法对800kV SF_6高压断路器空载开断、T100s开断条件下对应气流场进行了详细的计算分析,确定了800kV SF_6高压断路器开断过程中介质较薄弱位置。
     针对高压断路器实际运行工况和型式试验工况,全面考虑介质的电容性能和电阻性能,在国内较多采用的静电场分析计算方法的基础上建立了工频电压及瞬态电压下的电场分析计算方法。应用该方法结合800kV SF_6高压断路器的工频耐受电压试验、操作冲击耐受电压试验、雷电冲击耐受电压试验及开断过程中的瞬态恢复电压,对其静态绝缘及动态绝缘性能进行了详细的分析计算,优化确定了其绝缘结构。
     基于流注放电理论所确立的开断判据,对800kV SF_6高压断路器T100s开断方式的开断性能进行了分析论证。
     基于本文理论研制的800kV SF_6高压断路器样机于2007年1月在机械工业高压电器产品质量检测中心(沈阳)顺利通过了中华人民共和国电力行业标准DL/T593-2006要求的工频耐受电压试验、操作冲击耐受电压试验、雷电冲击耐受电压试验等绝缘试验项目;于2007年6月在国家高压电器质量监督检验中心西安高压电器研究所顺利通过了中华人民共和国电力行业标准DL/T402-2007要求的短路开断试验、近区故障开断试验等关键容量试验项目。这些试验的成功,验证了本文计算理论及计算方法的的合理与正确性,也验证了评价体系的可信性。
Electrical power industry is very important to the development of national economy, and the development of national economy promotes electrical power industry greatly. Because of the long distance between regions of power generation and power consumption, the electrical power network construction layout in China is schemed to be larger generator groups,superhigh voltage and electrical network combination. High voltage switchgears are the key equipments to protect electrical power system running safely. Electrical power network in northwest of China has applied 750kV power transmission line in 2005 and nowdays the research of 1000kV power transmission technology has already begun, so it's very important to develope 800kV switchgears independently.
     Development of high voltage switchgear involves many subjects such as mechanism,heat,gas flow,eletricity and magnetism, so it is very profound. In this dissertation, based on deep research of its associated theory, applying the method of imported software with self-programming, the softwares integrating by pressure characteristic and movement characteristic coupling, gas flow computation, electric field computation and interrupted criteria were formed, which are very useful in the developing process of circuit breaker. Using the softewares, 800kV SF_6 high voltaege circuit breaker which is one of the very key items of the tenth five-year plans was developed successfully.
     Based on the laws of mass conservation, energy conservaion and newton 2nd law, the coupling computation method of pressure characteristic and mechanism characteristic of SF_6 high voltage circuit breaker was built and its validity was proved. Associating with noload operation and T100s test duty the gas pressure characteristic of cylinder and mechanism characteristic of operation mechanism of 800kV SF_6 circuit breaker were coupling computated; The influences of interrupted arc and key structures on the gas pressure characteristic, to the mass and enthalpy flow characteristic and the stroke of operation mechanism were compared. The chamber structure of 800kV SF_6 circuit breaker was optimized and determined.
     Based on the laws of gas mass conservation,energy conservation and momentum conservation, the mathmatics model of gas flow field computing method was built. Applying zone decomposition theory and moving grid technique, the complex path problem and field-changing problem were solved; Finite volumn discretization theory was applied to solve the built mathmatics model. After its validity being proved, the gas flow fields of 800kV SF_6 circuit breaker were computed and analysed associating with its noload operation and T100s test duty. The region where the gas insulation strenghth was relatively weaker was determined.
     Regarding to the real service situation and dielectric type tests, taking the capacity property and resistance property of medium into account, the electric field computing mathematics model under power voltage and transient voltage was built on the basis of static electric field computing method. Associating with its power frequency voltage withstand test, switching impulse voltage withstand test and lightning impulse voltage withstand test and TRV during the interrupting process, the static and dynamic insulation characteristics of 800kV SF_6 circuit breaker were computed and analyzed in detail. Its insulation structure was optimized and determined.
     Regarding to the criteria founded on the gas discharge theory, the interruption performance of T100s test duty of 800kV SF_6 circuit breaker were evaluated.
     The 800kV SF_6 circuit breaker sample has passed its dielectric tests including the power frequency voltage withstand test, the switching impulse voltage withstand test and lightning impulse voltage withstand test regulated to the national standards DL/T593-2006 in Shenyang High Voltage Apparatus Quality Test Co.,Ltd in Jananury 2007. It has also passed the short circuit breaking and making tests including the terminal fault test,the short line fault test regulated to the national standards DL/T402-2007 in Xi'an High Voltage Apparatus Quality Test Co.,Ltd in June 2007 successfully. The tested results proved the theories and methods in this dissertation are reasonable, and the pricision and the credibility of the evaluation criteria were proved as well.
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