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As China's government transformation progresses,"public service" as the government transition process of the core concepts and increasingly become the focus of research. Broadcasting and television broadcasting, this should be a public service an important part, but because of market competition intensifies, showing increasingly weakening trend. This hope through broadcasting and television public service theory to explain this concept, domestic and international broadcasting and television public service practical experience, for contemporary Chinese broadcasting and television public service system established to provide a theoretical basis and operational recommendations.
     Papers around the broadcasting and television public service this topic, from the theoretical and practical aspects launched a systematic study. The study will address the theoretical origins of public service, public service broadcasting in Europe and America models, broadcasting and television public service theoretical framework and interpretation, as well as Chinese characteristics of broadcasting and television public service system construction, and broadcasting and television public service reform and human development a prospective study.
     Firstly, the theory of public services and the development of schools of the sort, the period from the creation of a new historical school, social reformism, the French public law school, to the development and maturity of welfare economics, Keynesian theory of public goods, as well as reflection and change on the new liberalism, new public management theory and the new public service theory, extending to the public Service Theory in China's development-serve the people wholeheartedly theory, theory building service-oriented government, representative view of each stage and its relationship with the theory of evolution in public services and development of the relationship between the commentary for later broadcasting and television public service laid the foundation for the theory of interpretation.
     Public service broadcasting from European origin, development to the United States, Japan and other countries, resulting in a distinctive public service broadcasting mode of operation. This article from the institutional, funding sources, content and management of four aspects of the national public service broadcasting practices were summarized for the Chinese characteristics of broadcasting and television public service system construction provided for reference and reference samples.
     Broadcasting and television public service and public service broadcasting is definitely not the same concept, the former is a function, which is a system, this article on public service theory and practice of public service broadcasting model performed a detailed analysis is not meant to imitate the West public service broadcasting system, but to those on the basis of theory and practice, combined with China's national conditions, so that the existing broadcasting enterprises are better able to perform public service functions. Papers on broadcasting and television public service essential attribute, the basic meaning and types were defined, and from the broadcasting and television public service aspects of the basic principles and implementation patterns launched its theoretical interpretation. Not only clarifies the concept of these two easily confused, is currently the domestic research for the first time this theory made a clear and complete presentation.
     On broadcasting and television public service theory interpretation, based on the Chinese practice of public service broadcasting for a more in-depth research, trying to build a Chinese specialty broadcasting and television public service system implementation model, including its institutional system, content service system and management evaluation system. With the broadcasting and television industry changing social context, broadcasting and television public service is gradually showing a new trend, how to adapt to the situation develops, and actively promote broadcasting and television public service transformation and upgrading, this paper also put forward their point of view.
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