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The purpose of the study is to investigate the distribution of stress at metal-resin, and the relatien ship between the stress and configuration of metal surface, setting tenperature , thermocycling, kind and quantity of resin material and extrapressure.
    a set of Digaital Strain Indicator was used in the study the samples were prepared according to the situations of clinical restorations and abutment teeth.
    The following main conclusions can be drawn:
    (1) For the resin mass unrestrained the stress concentrates on the sharp margin of it ,while the stress of metal-resin interface fakes place along tha long axile of samples,but for the rounded samples there is no difference whether at central or at margin points.
    (2) The stress of convex metal surface composited with resin is much lower (153.45MPa)than that of concave surface (17.16MPa).
    (3) The depth and the protrusive angle of a cavity have a positive relationship with interface stress ,but the width and the concave angle have a negafive one.
    (4) Anong the three treatment methods of metal surface, the stress of metal-resin interface roughened by lost crystal salt is higher than that of sandlasting and control groups .But affer thermocycling, the result shows that thefomer has a surper resistance to the change of temperature.
    (5) The round interface of metal-resin has a higher stress than that of the opened in those stright line samples.
    (6) For the resin of samples set at a higher enviroment temperature, thein(?)interfaces appear to have a much higher stress than that set at a normal temperature.
    (7) The extrapressure can frozen partial stress on the mefal-resin
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