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The overseas Chinese is of the unique in the global diasporas. Their writing is carried out within such a unique hybrid cultural context. The overseas Chinese women writers not only differ from the men, in biological and social difference imposed by the history, but also in cultural difference owing to the alien areas. As minority female in the alien mainstream, their double marginal identity in particular makes their writings unique. Gender, race and cultural identity, the three major issues within the contemporary literary and cultural studies, are fully embodied in the overseas Chinese women writings.
    Because of the great impact of the Chinese American writing, this dissertation deals with the overseas Chinese women writings headed by the United States. In thorough perspectives, the study elaborates the formation and the development of the writing and analyzes the representative texts so as to bring about the theory implied. As there has been lack of such special study on overseas Chinese women writing so far, it is hoped to fill in the gap in the field.
    The first Chapter deals with the general development of overseas Chinese literature. The emphasis lies in how the Chinese American women writings change from resistance to feminine ones. Chapter Two is how the hybrid cultural context impacts such a women writing and how the writers actively commit themselves. The third one is a textual interpretation of four representative women writers in order to bring about their narrative features and strategies for their uniqueness and significance. Based on the analysis, Chapter Four is to deal with the theory concerned and the theoretical significance and problems in overseas Chinese women writings. The stress lies in the analysis of the theoretical features and relationship between gender and feminine writings, the discourse of the other and cultural narrative strategy within the overseas Chinese women writings. As a conclusion, it discusses the possibilities for the field of comparative literature brought about by such a study.
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