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Since the reform and opening up, with the rural economic reform is progressing smoothly, agricultural surplus labor supply has been continually increasing; township enterprises offer unprecedented opportunities for agricultural surplus labor transfer in non-agricultural industries. Meanwhile, with the implementation of coastal open policy, export-oriented economy in the eastern coastal area has a rapid development; manufacturing industries, with the characteristics of labor-intensive, low value-added, export-oriented generate great demand for agricultural surplus labor, agricultural surplus labor transferring from one region to another region increase a lot, farmers'frenzied hunt for work in cities becomes a great economic and social phenomenon in the process of economic development in our country since the1990s, and it also increasingly becomes important practical problem and theoretical problem of common concern by the government, industry and economic circles. Especially since entering new century, with the gradual change of supply and demand of agricultural surplus labor, plus the gradually entering Cenozoic migrant workers, agricultural surplus labor has been transferred into the active industry choice stage from reckless regional transfer, which is contrary to the phenomenon of " farmers' frenzied hunt for work in cities " in early time of the reform and opening-up. Agricultural labor transfer and employment brings the problem of townspeople, urban and rural household registration system reform, the rural land system, peasant workers'social security, peasant workers' children entering the school, left-behind children and the foundation status of agriculture, food security issues, and so on. Therefore agricultural surplus labor transfer and employment has become the most important project in the progress of China's economic development.
     Based on the review of relevant research achievements, taking the relationship between the change of industrial structure and agricultural surplus labor transfer and employment as the main line, summary analysis of the trends and characteristics of agricultural surplus labor transfer and employment in economic development and industrial structure evolution process is made in the paper. From the perspective of interactive relationship between industrial structure evolution and agricultural surplus labor transfer and employment, theoretical analysis and empirical analysis are used to estimate the number of Chinese agricultural surplus labor, and to probe into the main factors influencing agricultural surplus labor transfer and employment in industrial structure evolution, based on which, countermeasures of promoting agricultural surplus labor transfer and employment under the industrial structure evolution background are put forward.
     First of all, the paper makes a literature review. Results are that the domestic and overseas scholars has been expanding and deepening those classical theories as Lewis dual economic theory, Ranis-Fei labor transfer theory, Jogenson theory and Todaro theory to make a large amount of research of agricultural surplus labor transfer. Research shows that there is close interaction between the industrial structure evolution and agricultural surplus labor transfer, appearing as in different stages of industrial structure, agricultural surplus labor transfer presents different paths; the differences of industrial structure in different regions can influence the interregional flow and employment choice of agricultural surplus labor; the status of rural surplus labor transfer and employment in turn can affect industrial structure evolution and so on. The existing research literature expounds the issues of industrial structure evolution, agricultural surplus labor transfer and employment etc, which is an important theory and method base for the further research in the paper.
     Secondly, synoptically description of the change trend and basic features of agricultural surplus labor transfer and employment is made in the paper, which shows that with the industrial structure evolution in economic development process, the transfer of rural surplus labor come through such basic stages as rural internal transfer, transfer to another region, on-site transfer and urban-rural integration employment. And the characteristic of agricultural surplus labor transfer for a period of time is that the traditional transfer is still play the leading role, and backflow transfer, entrepreneurial transfer and training transfer will continue to increase. The reason is that whatever the rural reform, urban reform or opening up is, the results of which are appearing as industrial structure evolution, thus further bringing employment structure changes. The differences of industrial structure in different regions on one hand means the gap of economic development, on the other hand shows the gap of urbanization. The adjustment of rural internal economic structure led to rural internal on-site transfer of the rural surplus labor, the industrial structure formed in the leading development of the eastern coastal area led to interregional transfer of the rural surplus labor, further appearing as agricultural surplus labor transferring in different industries and between urban and rural areas.
     Thirdly, theoretical interpretations of agricultural surplus labor transfer and employment problems under the background of the industrial structure evolution are made in the paper. Analysis shows that "tide model" can be used to describe the industrial structure evolution, industrial structure evolution depends on demand structure, technological progress and the country's industrial policy, the income gap and labor transfer and employment in different industries and different areas appears in this process. China's proportion of total rural output value in GDP has been falling, so the incomes of agricultural labor are less than other industries, abundant agriculture surplus labor are transferring to other industries. In recent years, the phenomenon of labor shortage appeared in some regions and labor shortage and quality would in certain degree affect the industrial structure evolution and industrial transfer. But the overall agricultural surplus labor is still in the period of large supply, industrial structure evolution and industry layout played a dominant role in influencing the agricultural surplus labor transfer and employment.
     Fourthly, empirical analysis of the relationship between industrial structure evolution and agricultural surplus labor transfer and employment is made in the paper. The results are that industrial structure evolution with the proportion of rural output in GDP is declining caused the relative surplus agricultural labor. Agricultural surplus labor, to what extent, transfers to which industry and area relates to the change of industrial structure, and industrial distribution. Some preliminary conclusions can be drawn out through empirical analysis:(1) The degree on which agricultural surplus labor transfer outside the agriculture depends on comparison between agricultural and non-agricultural income. Regional and national non-agricultural development influencing agriculture surplus labor to transfer outside reflects the influence of agriculture industry structure evolution; the farmer's influence is bigger than the latter's, and the latter's influence was not statistically significant, which suggests the regional feature of non-agriculture employment market. The policy in order to eliminate the obstacle agricultural surplus labor inter-regional transfer and employment and relevant migration cost will be conducive to the unified market of national labor, in which developing education to improve educational degree is an important one.(2)On the choice of the industry into which agricultural surplus labor transfer, the industrial structure evolution promote the employment structure evolution, the rural surplus labor force as the part of national labor are not completely excluded from non-agricultural industries, they also participated in the employment evolution, for example, wholesale and retail trade and catering and construction attracted lots of agricultural surplus labor.(3)On the choice of the region into which agricultural surplus labor force transfer, the region with large non-agricultural output value has more non-agricultural employment opportunity, attracting more population and the labor. However, the region with more agricultural surplus labor transfers out the population and the labor.
     Finally, based on the above analysis, the paper puts forward the countermeasures promoting agricultural surplus labor transfer and employment under the background of industrial structure evolution, mainly including:promoting industrial restructure, to expand the space of agricultural surplus labor transfer and employment; guiding industrial interregional transfer to advance close transfer and employment of rural surplus labor; vigorously developing township enterprises and county economy, to promote the urbanization process; strengthening human capital investment to improve the overall quality of agricultural surplus labor, etc.
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