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热水钙华沉积的水化学条件是钙华沉积的基础。为了更好地理解影响钙华(尤其是热水钙华)沉积的控制因素,选择我国广西、云南、天津、西藏等水热活动区的23个温泉水样,其中18个温泉沉积钙华,其余则不沉积钙华,对它们进行了水化学指标包括温度、pH值、总溶解性固体(TDS)、Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、Na~+、K~+、HCO_3~-、SO_4~(2-)等含量, Ca~(2+)及HCO_3~-当量和百分含量、Mg/Ca比值等的分析。结果显示,研究区沉积钙华的温泉的水温变化较大;二氧化碳分压(PC O2
     )高,平均值10-1.29atm; TDS大多在1–3g/L左右;且方解石饱和指数(SIc)和文石饱和指数(SI_a)都达到了饱和状态。其HCO_3~-含量较高,绝大部分大于470mg/L,HCO_3百分含量接近或大于30%。当泉水Ca~(2+)与HCO3的当量接近或很好匹配时,最易发生钙华沉积。
     对天津王四井一个沉积近30年(1978-2006年)的层状钙华剖面的高分辨率微量元素(Mg, Sr, Ba等)和稳定同位素(δ~(13)C、δ~(18)O)的研究发现,Sr、Ba显示非常高的正相关性,它们与Mg有很好的负相关关系。钙华微层的δ~(13)C和δ~(18)O的变化具有同步性。钙华δ~(13)C及Mg/Ca与微层物理特征(厚度、颜色、结晶程度)有一定关联,且与气温变化有关。当钙华微层为厚的褐色疏松层,且其具有低的Mg/Ca值和高的δ~(13)C,δ~(18)O值时,反映冷干的气候条件;反之,当钙华微层为薄的乳白色致密层,且其具有高的Mg/Ca值和低的δ~(13)C、δ~(18)O值时,反映了暖湿的气候条件。
Hydrochemical control factors of travetine precipitation is the basic condition forthe deposition of travertine. In order to better understand the impact of travertinedeposition control factors, water samples of23hot spring collecting from thehydrothermal activities areaes of Guangxi, Yunnan, Tianjin and Tibet of China.Around18hot springs have travertine deposition, and the rest have no travertinedeposition. We analized temperature, pH, TDS, contents of Ca~(2+), HCO_3~-, Mg~(2+), Na~+,K~+and SO2-4, percentage content of Ca~(2+)and HCO_3~-, and Mg/Ca ratios of these springs.Hot springs with deposition of travertines have a wide temperature range and higherP1.29C O2
     , the average was10-atm, variation range of TDS in most springs are from1to3g/L, and calcite saturation indices (SIc) and aragonite saturation indices (SIa) aresaturated. At the same time, contents of HCO_3~-are very high, of which the vastmajority are greater than470mg/L. when percentage content of the HCO_3~-close toor greater than30%of the anions total, and equivalent of Ca~(2+)and HCO_3~-have a verygood match with each other, springs are most probably proned to deposite travertines.
     We present a continuous about30-year-long (1978to2006) high-resolutionrecord of trace element (Mg, Sr, Ba) and stable isotope (δ~(13)C, δ~(18)O) variations in amodern laminated travertine from Wangsi Well, Tianjing. Sr and Ba along thetravertine section show high-positive correlation, which have a good negativecorrelation with Mg. Sympathetic variations in δ~(13)C and δ~(18)O of travertine werediscovered. Variations of δ~(13)C and Mg/Ca are involved in physical characteristics(thickness, color, crystallinity) of the laminated travertine, and they relate to climatechanges. When travertine micro-layer is a thick, brown, loose layer, and which have alow Mg/Ca ratios and high values of the δ~(13)C and δ~(18)O, reflecting the cold and dryclimate conditions; Conversely, when the travertine micro-layer is a thin milky denselayer, and have a high Mg/Ca ratios and low values of the δ~(13)C and δ~(18)O, reflectingthe warm and humid climatic conditions.
     U-series dating of9travertine samples depositing near Rongma hot springs inthe northern Tibet was used. The results show that the U contents of the travertinesamples are as high as0.298-1.363ppm, and variation range of the234U/238U are from1.475to1.700. The uranium-series ages of the travertine samples range from11,500to4,600a, falling within the first stage of the warmest period of the marine oxygenstable isotope (MIS1), high-resolution δ~(18)O values record of the speleothems in Hulu Cave and Guliya Ice core, respectively, reflecting a warm and wet period duringthe deposition of the travertines in the study area. Combination of the high water levelof the lake and the prosperous Charophyta flora at the Taicuo ancient lake of Tibetand strong summer monsoon influence imply a warm and wet climate during the sameperiod. High-resolution hot spring travertine dating establishs a continuous, reliabletime scale of the study area. It is significance for the reconstruction of paleoclimateand palaeohydrology in the study area.
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