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抑郁是青少年早期普遍存在的消极情绪问题,青少年抑郁的持续存在不仅对个体当前的心理、社会和情绪健康具有较大的破坏性,而且这一状态还有可能扩展到整个青少年期甚至是成年期,增加其未来教育、就业以及适应性发展的危险性(Cohen, 1998; Santrok, 2001; Roza, Hofstra, van der Ende, & Verhulst, 2003)。青少年早期这一特殊的发展过渡阶段和抑郁本身的特点不仅增强了抑郁对个体的消极影响,同时也增加了青少年抑郁理论研究与实际干预的复杂性。已有研究多数关注焦虑和抑郁的共发性,关注具有抑郁临床水平的特殊群体,缺乏对抑郁状态的概念分梳,较少关注对过渡期普通青少年群体抑郁情绪或亚临床水平抑郁的研究。而且,少数关于儿童青少年抑郁的纵向研究也主要是基于西方文化背景的,我国学者多采用横断研究设计比较和分析了不同年龄阶段儿童青少年抑郁的发展差异及相关因素(Angold & Rutter, 1992; Lovibond, 1998; Hankin & Abramson,2001;刘凤瑜, 1997;阳德华,王耘,董奇, 2000),缺乏对青少年早期抑郁的纵向研究,无法系统地揭示青少年早期抑郁随年龄增长的发展变化、抑郁的预测因素及可能存在的性别差异。
     本论文的研究数据来自《儿童青少年社会行为的发展及其与学校适应关系的追踪研究》(2008~2011年)数据库,最终选取的1818名有效的青少年被试在2008(T1)、2009(T2)、2010(T3)、2011(T4)(即被试从5年级到8年级)连续四年均完成了问卷调查,其中男生918人,平均年龄14.33±0.35;女生900人,平均年龄14.26±0.34。1818名有效青少年被试中有1713名青少年的母亲完成了2008~2010年的母亲问卷调查。青少年完成的问卷包括青少年抑郁问卷、自我概念问卷、朋友关系问卷;母亲完成的问卷包括教养方式问卷以及包含家庭收入、父母职业、父母受教育水平的家庭社会经济地位测量指标。本论文采用Epdata3.1录入数据,运用SPSS13.0、Amos7.0、SAS 9.1、Mplus6.0软件对数据进行管理和统计分析。本论文主要的研究结果包括:
Being a typical kind of internalizing problem, depression is pervasive duringearly adolescence. And early adolescence, a special transitional stage, is also adangerous factor for adolescents’depression. Depression during early adolescencewould bring poor prognosis, increasing the risk to education, employment and otherantisocial behaviors in the future. Existing researches mostly concerned about thecomorbidity of anxiety and depression, and the clinical level of depression ofadolescents, few researchers paid attention to depressive emotion of common group.In addition, those longitudinal studies about adolescents’depression were mainlybased on western cultural context, and most Chinese scholars studied thedevelopmental characteristics of adolescents’depression with cross-sectional studydesign. So it was an important issue to explore how depression changes with age, andhow environment factors interact with individual, and whether gender differencesexist by longitudinal design in our contemporary context.
     This thesis was to explore the developmental characteristics and relevantinfluencing factors of adolescents’depression that were derived from adolescentsself-report by individual-centered and variable-centered analytical orientations in alongitudinal design. The perspective of developmental psychopathology anddevelopmental systemism theories were used as theoretical framework. This thesiscontained two studies. Study 1 was designed to investigate the developmentalcharacteristics of adolescents’depression, including two sub-studies, in which study1-a was to explore the average trajectory and heterogeneous subgroup trajectories ofdepression by individual-centered orientation, and study 1-b was to examine theStability and change with age of depression during early adolescence byvariable-centered analytic orientation; Study 2 was designed to investigate thepredictors of depression during early adolescence, containing two sub-studies, inwhich study 2-a was to describe the developmental trends of maternal parenting, friendship quality, self-concept and previous depression and examine whether theabove variables could explain the variance of the subgroup trajectories usingindividual-centered orientation, and study 2-b was to examine the relationshipbetween depression and maternal parenting, friendship quality, self-concept andprevious depression by variable-centered orientation. Gerder difference would beanalysed in the studies mentioned above.
     Data used in this thesis was derived from the database of a longitudinal researchproject of development of the social behavior of children and adolescents and itsrelation to the school adjustment. Eventually 1818 anticipants who completedquestionnaires from 2008 (T1) to 2011 (T4) were selected as effective formal ones,including 918 boys with average age of 14.33±0.35, and 900 girls with average age of14.26±0.34. Depression Inventory of Youth Self Report (YSR), Self-ConceptQuestionnaire, Friend Relationship Questionnaire were administered on adolescents,and mothers completed the questionnaire of Parenting Style and the index of familySocio-Economic Status measures containing monthly income, parental occupation,parental educational level. Epdata3.1 procedure and SPSS13.0、Amos7.0, SAS 9.1,Mplus6.0 software packages were used to log and to analyze the data. The majorfindings were as followes:
     (1) Depression during early adolescence showed an increasing growth. Thereexisted four heterogeneous sub-groups developmental trajectories by latent classgrowth analysis: the low growth, the low stable, an increasing-stable high-level andnon-depressed sub-group. The distribution ratio of anticipants was 27.4%, 49.2%,4.1% and 19.3%, respectively.
     (2) Adolescents with increasing depression scored lower on self-concept, friendcompanionships, friend affective support and maternal warmth parenting than thosenon-depression ones, and stable low-level sub-group of adolescents reported moreannoyance and conflict between friends.
     (3) The higher level of self-concept adolescents had, the greater possibilityadolescents were distributed to no-depression sub-group trajectory. The moreannoyance and conflict existed between friends, the greater possibility thatadolescents would be classified into subgroups with increasing trend of depression.Friend intimacy could increase the possibility that adolescents belong to subgroupswith increasing trend of depression rather than no-depression one.
     (4) The previous level of depression was not only a direct predictor variable, butalso was a moderating one. Specifically, the previous depression of adolescents couldpredict significantly their following depression, and could moderate the relationshipbetween maternal parenting style and friendship quality and the following depression.
     (5) The integrated structure of relations model was constructed to describe thecomplex relationship between adolescents’depression and maternal parenting style,friendship quality, self-concept and the previous depression, within which theself-concept not only played a mediator between maternal parenting style, friendshipquality and adolescents’following depression, but also was moderated by adolescents’previous depression. That is, the self-concept was a moderated-mediating variable foradolescents’following depression.
     In this thesis, there were still some limitations. Firstly, anticipants in this studywere mostly from families with high socioeconomic status, which made it impossibleto investigate how disadvantaged environment and the changes of environmentalfactors influence adolescents’depression across time. Secondly, too many variablesincluded in this study not only increased the difficulties in statistical analysis, but alsomade it difficult to explore the complex relationship between adoldescents’depressionand the environment factors. As such, it was necessary to use more scientific andeffective motheds to examine the relathionship between depression during earlyadolescence and the selected environmental factors in a sample from different familysocioeconomic status in the next step.
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