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The central issue of education is the human, and the value pursuit of developing andconstructing the university culture is to foster and cultivate the people. The educating functionis the fundamental aspect of university culture. The construction of university culture shouldnot stress the external and materialized aspects, but emphasize the educating function, throughwhich all of the subjects, including administrators, faculty and students can be affected andcultivated.
     According to the cultural psychology, the culture and the mentality is inter-structured.University administrators, faculty and students are three major subjects in university. Theuniversity should make an effort to construct an subjective culture, making the subjectiveorganizational culture, the subjective faculty culture and the subjective student culturetogether as a whole. Make sure that there is a shared value of autonomous thinking andbehavior. In order to realise the educating function of the university culture, the universityshould emphasize the autonomy, choice and creativity of all its members. The universityculture will not determine the mind and behavior of the staff by itself, the subjectivity of allthe human being in it must be involved.
     As an organization, the universities have created cultures of fragmentation. Guided bythe specialty areas of academic disciplines, university structures have been created that areorganized around academic departments. Specialization has been the dominant organizingprinciple within the academy. Although specialization produced an undeniably rich body ofknowledge, it also fragmented the curriculum. As the development of competitiveindividualism, there's a significant communicational and collaborative insufficiency among allthe menbers who feel extreme loneliness and isolation. The culture of universities tends todiscourage if not block attempts to create a shared vision. It is a culture that tends to reinforceindividual patterns of behavior and reward systems. First of all, there is a lack ofcommunication and collaboration between administrators and faculty, with a significantperspective conflicts between them. Second, an absence of communication and collaboration also appears among faulty. Faculty tend to create boundaries based on their academicdiscipline and training. This influences what they teach, how they teach, what researchinterests they pursue, and how they navigate the promotion and tenure landscape of theircampus. What is often missing is a sense of connection and interdependence with theirstudents and colleagues. Then, faculty conservatives abound at research universities. Theseare persons who subscribe to traditional norms and expectations related to research, teaching,and service in this particular institutional environment. The idea of student development perse, in or out of the classroom, may not be held as a high priority. As a result, they emphasizemore on the organizing and transferring the knowledge,but discourage the communicationwith students and stimulation of their mind. Finally, there is a consumer-directed perspectiveamong university students, that they come to university to buy the diploma. This point of viewcalls for the superior service, but discourage the subjectivity in nature. On the other hand, theadministrators and faculty hold the intention that students should learn autonomously anddependently, that it's not their responsibility to help and support students' lives andimprovements. As a result, an isolation between college students and faculty in formulated.Most of the college students feel lonely and helpless.
     Based on this context, the research notes that university culture should be changed andreconstructed. The university should change its value and conception into a culture stressingthe subjectivity of administrator, faculty and students. Meanwhile, the university shouldremold the culture of communication and collaboration among the three subjects. Thisresearch consists of five chapters:
     Chapter 1. This chapter is mainly about explicating the conceptions of university culture,subjectivity and culture among subjects.
     Chapter 2. Based on the analysis of the relationship between organizational culture andsubjective perceptions in university, this chapter suggests that administrators and facultyshould make more interactions. The organizational culture should be constructed to foster theresearch scholarship and teaching scholarship of faculty. Then this chapter analyses theconception of "student as customer" in university, followed by its harmfulness, and thensuggests that students and the university should formulate a new relationship ofco-production.
     Chapter 3. This chapter analyses the essence of faculty subjectivity and the reality ofabsence of faculty communication and collaboration at the beginning. Then suggests thatuniversities should improve the subjectivity of faculty in research and effective teaching, thatthe communication and collaboration between faculty and colleagues, and communicationbetween faculty and students should be improved.
     Chapter 4. First of all, this section analyses the reality of the college student culture,suggesting that the core of the student subjective culture is the autonomous learning. As theautonomous learning stress the dependent learning, the conception of "self-directed learning"is pulled in. Self-directed learning values the subjectivity of college students, meanwhile, italso emphasise the support, help, and collaboration between subjects. Moreover, thesubjectivity of college students not only shows up in the autonomous learning, but alsoemerges in their autonomous construction of the whole university culture. College studentsconstruct their university culture through their culture-psychological structure.
     Chapter 5. This section calls for reinventing the culture of communication andcollaboration among the three major subjects in university, steering the mind and behavior ofall its members through the dominant value of communication and collaboration. This chapteris then followed by the suggestion that universities should provide institutional guarantee forcommunication and collaboration among the subjects. The university should construct aculture that stimulate the subjectivity of faculty in research collaboration and teachingcollaboration. Kinds of learning communities should be established, in order to foster thedevelopment of subjectivity of students and faculty, and enhance the communication andinteraction between faculty and students.
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