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Objective:To understand the Prevalence situation and the ePidemiological factors of AIDS, and analyze the tendency of AIDS among the high-risk behavior grouPs, which include injection drug users, men who have sex with men (MSM), and female commercial sexual workers, we described the infection of HIV and syPhilis, and the AIDS-related behavioral characteristics of these three grouPs. It may be Provide the basis for formulating the AIDS Prevention and control strategy, interventions and evaluation.
     Methods:In the Provision Period of 2009 and 2010, using cross-sectional survey to investigate the PeoPle who measured uP to standard, and While collecting blood samPles for serological detection. The main contents of investigation included the general demograPhic information (e.g, age, sex, marriage, residence, nationality, standard of culture), the serological information (e.g, HIV antibodies test, syPhilis antibodies test), the behavioral information (e.g, sexual act, injection drug use), and the AIDS Prevention and control information (e.g, the awareness of AIDS Prevention and control knowledge, the situation of accePtance testing and behavior intervention services).
     1. The result of investigation among injection drug users
     Most of the injection drug users were young male adults, and more than half of the resPondents had very low culture. The rate of the resPondents who had injected drug was 59.8% in 2009, and the rate was 75.5% in 2010. The investigation results of both two years showed that the number of the injection drug users, who were Tianjin registered resident, was less than PeoPle who were non-Tianjin registered resident. 11.4% had used a condom every time when they had sex with regular sexual Partners at the most recent year in 2009, and the rate was 14.4% in 2010.29.1% had commercial sex at the most recent year in 2009, and the rate was 21.0% in 2010. The AIDS knowledge rate was 57.0% in 2009, and was 76.3% in 2010. HIV and current syPhilis infection rate were 3.1% and 4.1% in 2009, resPectively. The result of investigation showed that received advanced education was the Protective factor of HIV infection; injected drug and commercial sex were risk factors. HIV and current syPhilis infection rate were 8.25% and 1.25% in 2010, resPectively. The result of investigation showed that the Protective factors of HIV infection were Tianjin registered resident, the Han nationality, and the high AIDS knowledge rate. The risk factor was injecting drug.
     2 The result of investigation among the female commercial sexual workers
     Most of the female commercial sexual workers in Tianjin were unmarried, and their culture was very low. The migration of this grouP was very high.72.5% of the resPondents worked less than a year in Tianjin in 2009, and the rate was 73.5% in 2010.66.3% had used a condom every time when they had commercial sex at the last month in 2009, and the rate was 68.2% in 2010. The AIDS knowledge rate was 83.4% in 2009, and was 76.7% in 2010.HIV and current syPhilis infection rate were 0.1% and 1.6% in 2009, resPectively, and the rates were 0.12% and 2.05% in 2010.
     3 The result of investigation among MSM
     The investigation results of both two years showed that the stander of culture of MSM was relatively high. And the median age of the first sex with male is 22.51.1% had used a condom every time when they had sex at the last six month in 2009, and the rate was 39.1% in 2010. The average number of sexual Partner was 13 at the last six month in 2009, and the number was 16 in 2010. The AIDS knowledge rate was 85.4% in 2009, and was 74.8% in 2010.The investigation results of both two years showed that the resPondents who had often went to Public entertainment for bath, sauna, foot and massage, had much higher infection rate than those didn't. And the resPondents who infected with syPhilis also had much higher infection rate than those did not infect.
     Conclusion:Different resPondents in different years had a certain degree of knowledge of AIDS knowledge; however it still needs to imProve. The risk behaviors of HIV infection were ubiquitous among different grouPs, and the resPondents of different grouPs have different degree of HIV infection. Accordingly, we should be strengthened health education and behavioral interventions about the high-risk grouPs, to reduce the risk of HIV infection, and Prevent the sPread of AIDS from high-risk to the general PoPulation.
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