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研究背景 生殖道感染(Reproductive tract infection,RTI)已成为全球特别是发展中国家非常重要的生殖健康和公共卫生问题。采取有效的干预措施预防和控制RTI的发生和流行,减少RTI的损失已成为全球的共识。国家计生委本着“以人为本”的原则,将RTI的防治工作作为全系统战略发展的重点工程,于2001年下半年开始先后在全国20个省市区开展试点工作。各个试点区开展了一系列的RTI研究工作,但这些研究多是横断面的研究,目的多在于了解RTI患病及相关知识、态度和行为的现状。有的地区也开展了一定范围内的干预研究,其中涉及的干预手段有健康促进(包括健康教育),筛查和查找病例,治疗以及临床病例管理,且大多集中在城市与流动人口,而针对农村已婚育龄妇女RTI干预的研究少之又少。由于RTI大多无症状,加之具有症状多样性与不典型性、多重感染与隐私等特点,致使很多感染者不能得到及时诊治,因此开展RTI干预模式研究十分必要。
     主要目的 本研究旨在探索农村已婚育龄妇女RTI综合防治的可持续发展的模式,为减少RTI传播制订防治策略和进一步推广提供依据。应用分子生物学技术,建立用于常见RTI病原体检测的多重PCR筛查方法。
    Reproductive tract infections (RTI) have become a major public health problem all over the world, especially in developing countries. It is a consensus throughout the world to take effective measures to prevent and control RTI. According to the principle of "clients first" , The National committee for population and Family Planning initiated a significant systematic strategy, namely the program of RTI prevention and treatment and conducted the pilot study in 20 provinces in 2001. A series of researches have been done, most of which were cross-sectional studies, aiming only at having an insight into RTI-related knowledge, attitude, practices and its prevalence among women, while lot of counter measures or interventions on this point had been taken, especially in rural area. Because of absence and variety of symptom, non-typical and multiplex infection, many of RTI could not to be diagnosed and cured, so it is important for control RTI to early discovery, diagnosis and treatment. At the same time, the methods to detect RTI pathogens are inadaptative for the need of the epidemiological screen and laboratory diagnosis. The main problem is only one pathogen can be detected in a test or one kit that results in miscellaneous cost and trivial operations. So it is important to find a method to detect several RTI pathogens in one examination simultaneously.
    This study aimed to establish the sustainable development of integrate control model of RTI, and to supply strategies for generalization of prevention and treatment of RTI. By using the molecular-biological
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