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Asbestos tailings are kind of solid mineral wastes which are harmful to the people’s health andenvironment, and should be recovered and utilized. In this paper, asbestos tailings as raw material,the technique routine, processing parameter and principles are investigated, that the prepare ofmagnesium hydroxide/calcium carbonate composite flame retardant materials and carbonsequestration lithium silicate materials by the utilities of the asbestos tailings. The prosessing,mechanism and dynamics of calcinations of asbestos tailings and ammonium sulphate werereaearched. The prosessing of oxidation and impurity of calcined product filtrate was reaearched.The prepare and mechanism of magnesium hydroxide/calcium carbonate composite flameretardant materials and carbon sequestration lithium silicate materials were also reaearched.Theresults showed that under optimized conditions, the magnesium leaching rate ofcalcinations–solution prosessing is95.29%; the iron precipitation of oxidation-impurity is99.69%;the magnesium hydroxide/calcium carbonate composite flame retardant materials that the amountof magnesium of11.02%, a tensile strength of11.88Mpa, elongation at break of103.4%, anoxygen index of25%; and carbon sequestration lithium silicate materials that the adsorptioncapacity of25.94%, the adsorption rate of84.85%.
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