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With more and more nations acquiring the ability to exploit space, human being is obtaining more benefits from space technology and activity. Giving the tremendous expenditure and great sophisticated technology needed when exploiting space, no country can make this achievement alone. Therefore, international cooperation on space issues becomes the inevitable choice and trend. In addtion, owing to the unique nature of space field, effective international cooperation is critical to maintaining world peace and development, promoting global governance and regional integration, and fanally enhancing the benefits of all people in the world.
     However,international space cooperation has not gone entirely smoothly, and the reason lies in that mankind behaves the same on ground and in outer space. Space Age is a truly global political era. That states use what kind of ideas and theories to guide their actions to deal with the international space affairs, will largely shape the pattern of international space system and affect the future direction of the international community.
     In the perspective of political realism, Space affairs is mainly security issue, related to competition, conflict, hegemony and power transfer. Although realists recognize the existence of space cooperation, they deny its effectiveness. Therefore, during the cold war the main agenda is not cooperation but competition. In the contrary, Liberalism view that cooperation is the trend of space development, and concern more about that cultural traditions, historical experiences, value systems, the demostic political and economic structures when analysing the formation of national space policy. Space system in the Perspective of international political sociology is constructed by the nations or nation groups holding different ideas, cultural values and following the different behavior models through their interaction. Contemporary Western Marxist theory, a good explanation of the formation of international space system and its inequalities arising from the status quo, can bluntly expound the unrealistic nature of "equality" principle of the international space mechanisms.
     Overall, the major factors affecting international space cooperation can be summarized into five: (space) strengths, interests, identity, international environment and international mechanisms. These factors are interrelated and interact. Among them, strength is the basis for cooperation, interests are the decisive driving force, international environment and identity are critical constraints, and mechanism is the ensuring factor. However, they are not all at the same time to play the same effect. In different historical periods and in different areas of cooperation, some factors may play a dominant role according to different partners.
     The reality of human space activities had fully verifyed these theories. Mankind entered the space age in 1957, but from 1957 to 1969, apart from the basic principles of co-operation and some foundamental knowledge exchange, there were almost no meaningful access to the cooperation. Strengths, interests, identity were undoubtedly important factors during the early space age, but the Cold War environment played a key role for the success or failure in international space cooperation at that time. After 70’s, the world situation changed, the US-Soviet hegemony adopted a new trend, and Multi-level system of the International Space began to emerge. The United States and the Soviet Union adjusted their space strategy respectively, gradually started substantive space cooperation between them, and at the same time began to deepen co-operation within their respective groups. The integration process promoted the European countries to create the world's first inter-governmental international space cooperation organization - the European Space Agency. Developing countries had also gradually started to focus a whole system of their own interests in space.
     1990s later, a new trend of liberalism began to promote large-scale in-depth development of international space cooperation, and economic factors as well as the demands of economic interests in international space cooperation had played a bigger role. Meanwhile, space commercialization entered the rapid development stage, space economy had become an important part of the world economy. In addition to deepening of cooperation among the traditional space powers, many newly industrialized countries and developing countries are widely involved in various levels and various forms of space cooperation. The main actors of co-operation more diversified.
     As a developing country, China made a series of important achievements by taking the space policy of emphsizing independent development and participation in international cooperation at the same time. After nearly 60 years’efforts, the international community had worked together to gradually establish a set of international mechanisms coordinating the interest of space activities around the world, promoting international cooperation, and maintaining order in space.
     In short, the international space interaction has always been competition and cooperation co-exist, but the era of the development needs international space cooperation to be further strengthened. First, promoting developing countries and small countries to participate in-depth in a wide range of international space cooperation and enhance the overall strength of the world in space. Secondly, creating a favorable international environment and cultivate the concept of a positive identity. Thirdly, the international mechanisms of space shall be improved. Fourthly, the United Nations’force in international space cooperation shall be strengthened. Fanally, Space cooperation should be guided by the principle of gradual and orderly progress.
①蔡玉高、周润健:“专家称美俄卫星相撞事件敲响空间安全警钟”,新华网, 2009-2-13 ,http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2009-02-13/103417208876.shtml。
    ②相关的文献有:J.Golden,(ed.), Outer Space and World Politics, New York: praeger, 1963. Don E. Cash, The Politics of Space Cooperation, West Lafayette: Purdue University Pres, 1967.
    ③Everett C. Dolman ,Astropolitik Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age, London: Frank cass .2001 p.149.
    ①Everett C. Dolman ,Astropolitik Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age,London: Portland.2001 p.2.
    ②Everett C. Dolman ,Astropolitik Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age,London: Portland.2001 p.4.
    ③Everett C. Dolman ,Astropolitik Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age,London: Portland.2001 p.4.
    ④Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,p.2.
    ⑤Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,p.3.
    ①相关的文献有:Ranan U. and Pfaltzgraf R.(ed.), International Security Dimensions of Space, Medfors MA: Archon,1984. Walter A. McDougall, The Heavens and the Earth: A Political History of the Space Age, New York:Basic Books,1985. Tony Osman, Space History, London: Michael Joseph, 1983. James Clay Moltz, The politics of space security : strategic restraint and the pursuit of national interests, Calif: Stanford Security Studies, 2008. Schrogl Kai-Uwe, Mathieu Charlotte(ed.), The yearbook on space policy : 2006/2007: new impetus for Europe. New York : Springer, 2008.
    ③John J.Klein, Space Warfare: Strategy, principles and policy, London and New York: Routledge, 2006, pp..160-.163.
    ④相关文献有:Radford Byerly, Jr. (ed.), Space policy alternatives, Boulder : Westview Press,1992. Kenneth Button, Julianne Lammersen-Baum, Roger Stough(ed.), Defining aerospace policy : essays in honor of Francis, U.S.: Aerospace industries ,2005. W. Henry Lambright, Space policy in the twenty-first century,Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003.
    ①Eligar Sadeh(Ed.), Space Politics and Policy: An Evolutionary Perspecrive, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
    ②Roger Handberg and Zhen Li, Chinese Space Policy: A Study in Domestic and International Politics, New York: Routledge, 2006.pp.153-173.
    ③相关的文献有:Fruitkin A., International Cooperation in Space, NJ: Prenticehall, 1965. Kash d., The Politics of Space Cooperation, NJ: Prenticehall,1967.
    ①Matthew J.Von Bencke, The Politics of Space: A History of U.S.-Soviet/Russian Competition and Cooperation in Space, U.S.A: Westview Press, 1997, pp..185-194.
    ②Yuri Y.Karash, The Superpower Odyssey: A Russian Perspective on Space Cooperation, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1999.pp..323-324.
    ①Kazuuto Suzuki, Policy Logics and Institutions of European Space Collaboration, England: Ashgate, 2003.
    ②Stephen D.Krasner, Struuctural Causes and Regime Consequences: Regimes As Intervening Variables, Stephen D.Krasner (E.D.), International Regimes, Peking: Peking Univercity Press, 2005,p.1.
    ③M.J.Peterson, International Regimes for The Final Frontier, New York: State University of New York Press, 2005.
    ④Prof.Dr.I.H.Ph.Diederiks-Verschoor & Prof.Dr.V.Kopal, An Introduction To Space Law, The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer, 2008.
    ①Roger M.Bonnet and Vittorio Manno, International Cooperation in Space: The Example of the European Space Agency, U.S.A: Harvard University Press, p.138.
    ①参见李彬:“外空战后果分析”,载李彬,吴日强主编:《国际战略与国家安全——科学技术的视角》,中国传媒大学出版社2008年版,第69- 73页。
    ①Joan Johnson-Freese and Andrew S.Erichson,“The emerging China-EU space partnership: a geotechnological balancer”, Space Policy, Vol.22 (2006),p.13.
    ②See Prof.Dr.I.H.Ph.Diederiks-Verschoor & Prof.Dr.V.Kopal, An Introduction To Space Law, The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer, 2008.pp..17-18.
    ①Prof.Dr.I.H.Ph.Diederiks-Verschoor & Prof.Dr.V.Kopal, An Introduction To Space Law, The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer, 2008.p.20.
    ③Joan Johnson-Freese, Space as a Strategic Asset, New York: Columbia University Press, 2007, p.83.
    ④Joan Johnson-Freese, p.30.
    ③Everett C. Dolman , Astropolitik Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age, London: Frank Cass.2001 p.15.
    ④Everett C. Dolman .p.8.
    ①See Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,pp..9-10.
    ①John J.Mearsheimer,“Structural Realism”, in Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki and Steve Smith(eds), International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diverity, Oxford, oxford University Press, 2007, p.72.
    ②Chris Brown& Kirsten Ainley, Understanding International Relations, New York: Palgrave Macrmillan , 2005, p.46.
    ③Everett C. Dolman , Astropolitik Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age, London: Frank Cass.2001,pp..132-141.
    ②Chris Brown& Kirsten Ainley, Understanding International Relations, New York: Palgrave Macrmillan , 2005, p.141.
    ④James A.‘Vedda, Space Commerce’, Eligar Sadeh(Ed.), Space Politics and Policy: An Evolutionary Perspecrive, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.p.201.
    ⑤James A, p.202.
    ④Joan Johnson-Freese, p.227.
    ①See M. J. Peterson, International Regimes For The Final Frontier, New York: State University of New York Press, pp..174-199.
    ②Prof.Dr.I.H.Ph.Diederiks-Verschoor & Prof.Dr.V.Kopal, An Introduction To Space Law, The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer, 2008.p.25.
    ③Prof.Dr.I.H.Ph.Diederiks-Verschoor & Prof.Dr.V.Kopal, p.49.
    ②Joan Johnson-Freese , p.216.
    ①Hubert George,“Remote sensing of Earth resources: emerging opportunities for developing countries”, Space Policy, Vol. 14, 1998,p.27.
    ①Lt.Gen.Cook,USAF Space Command, quoted in Alasdair Mclean,‘A new era? Military space policy enters the mainstream’, Space Policy,Vol.16(2000),p.22.
    ①Pravda 5 Oct.1957. as cited in Matthew J.Von Bencke, The Politics of Space: A History of US-Soviet/Russian Competition and Cooperation in Space, U.S.A: Westview Press, 1997, p.11.
    ②See Matthew J.Von Bencke, The Politics of Space:A History of US-Soviet/Russian Competition and Cooperation in Space,U.S.A:Westview Press,1999,pp..19-20.
    ③D. Mikheyev, The Soviet Perspactive on the Strategic Defence Initiative,p.39. as cited in Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,p.28.
    ⑥Michael Sheehan, p.23.
    ②Pravda, 5 Oct. 1957. As cited in Matthew J. Von Bencke, The Politics of Space: A History of US-Soviet/Russian Competition and Cooperation in Space, U.S.A: Westview Press, 1997, p.11.
    ②Michael Sheehan, p.24.
    ①Michael Sheehan, p. 33.
    ②Matthew J.Von Bencke, p.11.
    ①See Michael Sheehan, pp..36-37.
    ②See Matthew J.Von Bencke, The Politics of Space: A History of US-Soviet/Russian Competition and Cooperation in Space, U.S.A: Westview Press,1997p,p..17-18.
    ①See Matthew J.Von Bencke, pp..22-23.
    ②See Michael Sheehan, p.41.
    ③See Michael Sheehan, p. 39.
    ⑤See Matthew J.Von Bencke..p.19-20.
    ⑥D. Mikheyev, The Soviet Perspactive on the Strategic Defence Initiative,p.39. as cited in Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,p.28.
    ①W.D.Kay, Defining NASA,pp.73-4. as cited in Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,p.49.
    ②President John F. kennedy, text of address to Congress entittled,‘Special message to the Congress on urgent national needs’, 25 May 1961. President John F. kennedy Library, http//: www.cs.umb.edu/jfklibrary/j052561.htm。
    ③President John F. kennedy, text of address to Congress entittled,‘Special message to the Congress on urgent national needs’, 25 May 1961. President John F. kennedy Library, http//: www.cs.umb.edu/jfklibrary/j052561.htm。
    ①J.Logsdon,‘Evaluating Appollo’, Space Policy, Vol.5, No.3 (August, 1989),p.188.
    ①See Matthew J.Von Bencke, ,pp..52-53.
    ③President John F. kennedy, Address before the 18th General Assembly of the United Nations, New York, 20 September,1963. President John F. kennedy Library, http//: www.cs.umb.edu/jfklibrary/j092063.htm.
    ①Yuri Y. Karash, The Superpower Odyssey: A Russian Perspective on Space Cooperation, U.S.A: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1999,p.10.
    ②Matthew J.Von Bencke, p.75.
    ①Congressional Record, 10 October 1963, cited in Kay, Defining NASA,p.85.
    ①OTA, International Cooperation, p.41. as cited in Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,p.69.
    ①Joan Johnson-Freese, p.62.
    ②NASA, Advisory Council, Task Force on Interntional Relations in Space, International Space Policy for the 1990’s and Beyond, October 12,1987,18. as cited in Joan Johnson-Freese, Space as a Strategic Asset, New York: Columbia University Press, 2007, p.62.
    ②Yuri Y.Karash, p.85.
    ①Soviet Space Programs 1976-1980,Part 1, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, US Senate, 97th Congress, 2nd Session, Washington DC, US Government Printing Office, 1982,p.177. as cited in Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,p.58.
    ①Peter Bond, The Continuing Story of the International Space Station, Chichester: Springer Praxis,2002,p.44.
    ①Hans Mark, The Space Station: A personal Journey, Durham, DC, Duke University Press, 1987, p.50.
    ②Matthew J. Von Bencke, p.86.
    ②Hans Mark, The Space Station: A personal Journey, Durham, DC, Duke University Press,1987,p.69.
    ①P.Fischer,‘The origins of the Federal Republic of Germany’s space policy 1959-1965-European and national dimensions’, ESA HSR-12 (Noordwijk, Netherlands,ESA,1994),p.6. as cited in Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,p.74.
    ②Michael Sheehan, p.74.
    ③Michael Sheehan, pp.76-77.
    ④Michael Sheehan, p.75.
    ①Kevin Madders, A New Force at a New Frontier(Cambridge, Cambridge Univercity Press,1997),pp131-132. as cited in Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,p.80.
     ①Michael Sheehan,p.77.
    ①RIIA,Europe’s Future in Space, p.72. as cited in Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,p.82.
    ②Roger M. Bonnet and Vittorio Manno, International Cooparetion in Space: The Example of the European Space Agency, U.S.A: Harvard University Press, 1994,p.14.
    ③European Yearbook,Vol.XVI(1968),pp.815-19.cited in Robeertson,p.49. as cited in Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,p.82.
    ①Michael Sheehan,p.82.
    ③Joan Johnson-Freese, p.62.
    ①Eligar Sadeh,‘International Space Cooperation’, Eligar Sadeh(Ed.), Space Politics and Policy: An Evolutionary Perspecrive, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.p.285.
    ②Eligar Sadeh,‘International Space Cooperation’, Eligar Sadeh(Ed.), Space Politics and Policy: An Evolutionary Perspecrive, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.p.285.
    ③See Eligar Sadeh,‘International Space Cooperation’, Eligar Sadeh(Ed.), Space Politics and Policy: An Evolutionary Perspecrive, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.p.289.
    ①See M. J. Peterson, International Regimes For The Final Frontier, New York: State University of New York Press, 2004.pp..174-199.
    ②Hubert George,“Remote sensing of Earth resources: emerging opportunities for developing countries”, Space Policy, Vol. 14, 1998,p.27.
    ②Eligar Sadeh,‘International Space Cooperation’, Eligar Sadeh(Ed.), Space Politics and Policy: An Evolutionary Perspecrive, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.p.285. z联大文件,《关于各国探索及利用外空包括月球与其他天体之活动所应遵守原则之条约》,A/RES/2222(XXI), 1967-1-25, http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/RESOLUTION/GEN/NR0/783/24/IMG/NR078324.pdf?OpenElement, pdf, 2009-10-12.
    ①Michael Sheehan,p.128.
    ②Masatoshi Kitamura, Instrumental Aid by Japanese Official Development Assistance for Astronomy in Developing Country, UNOOSA, 03st_space_20E.pdf, 2003, pp..21-22.
    ①联大文件,《关于各国在月球和其他天体上活动的协定》,A/RES/34/68, 1979-12-5,http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/RESOLUTION/GEN/NR0/374/61/IMG/NR037461.pdf?OpenElement, pdf, 2009-10-12.
    ②Everett C. Dolman ,Astropolitik Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age, London: Frank cass .2001.pp..135-137.
    ①Michael Sheehan, p.133.
    ②联大文件,《外空和平使用的国际合作》,A/RES/1721(XVI),1961-12-20, http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/RESOLUTION/GEN/NR0/166/51/IMG/NR016651.pdf?OpenElement, 2009-10-12.
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    ①(俄) A·H·基谢列夫,A·A·梅德韦杰夫,B·A·梅尼希科夫:《跨越千年》,李建红、聂本智译,西北工业大学出版社2007年版,第2页。
    ②数据来源:(俄) A·H·基谢列夫,A·A·梅德韦杰夫,B·A·梅尼希科夫:《跨越千年》,李建红、聂本智译,西北工业大学出版社2007年版,第3-4页。
    ③Paul M.Sweezy,“More (or less) On Globalization”, Monthly Review, Sep. 1997.转引自,高德步:《世界经济通史下卷:现代经济的发展》,高等教育出版社2005年版,第377页。
    ②James A. Vedda,“Space Commerce”, Eligar Sadeh(ed.), Space Politics and Policy, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002.p.201.
    ①James A. Vedda,“Space Commerce”, Eligar Sadeh(ed.), Space Politics and Policy, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002.p.203.
    ②Public Law 85-568,“National Aeronautics and Space Act”, as amended. Cited in James A. Vedda,“Space Commerce”, Eligar Sadeh(ed.), Space Politics and Policy, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002.p.202.
    ①Kazuuto Suzuki, Policy Logics and Institutions of European Space Collaboration, England: Ashgate, 2003.p.130.
    ②Stephen B.Johnson,“Space Business”, Eligar Sadeh(ed.), Space Politics and Policy, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002.p.241.
    ①OECD, The Space Economy at a Glance, 2007, p.13.
    ②OECD, The Space Economy at a Glance, 2007, p.25.
    ③OECD, The Space Economy at a Glance, 2007, p.27.
    ④中国航天工程咨询中心:“太空经济:未来航天发展的主战场”,载《中国航天报》2008年9月26日,http://news.ifeng.com/special/meisuhangtian/200809/0926_4732_807246.shtml, 2009-11-2.
    ⑤OECD, The Space Economy at a Glance, 2007, p.55.
    ②Matthew J. Von Bencke, p.98.
    ①Matthew J. Von Bencke, p.99.
    ①Matthew J. Von Bencke, pp..100-102.
    ③Matthew J. Von Bencke, p.107..
    ②Matthew J. Von Bencke, the Politics of Space: A History of US-Soviet/Russian Competition and Cooperation in Space, U.S.A: Westview Press, 1997, p.106..
    ①Yuri Y.Karash, The Superpower Odyssey: A Russian Perspective on Space Cooperation, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1999.p.229.
    ②资料来源于:Financial Times, Space News. As cited in Kazuuto Suzuki, Policy Logics and Institutions of European Space Collaboration, England: Ashgate, 2003.p.136.
    ①Kazuuto Suzuki, Policy Logics and Institutions of European Space Collaboration, England: Ashgate, 2003.p.187.
    ②Kazuuto Suzuki, p.197.
    ①Joan Johnson-freese, Space as a Strategic Asset, New York: Columbia University Press, 2007, p13.
    ①Matthew J. Von Bencke, p.143.
    ①W.T. de Bary, ed, Sources of Indian Tradition, 4th ed, Vol 1, New York: Columbia Uniwersity Press, 1964, pp.350-352.转引自:[美]罗兹·墨菲:《亚洲史》,黄磷译,海南出版社2004年版,第656页。
    ②Eligar Sadeh,‘International Space Cooperation’, Eligar Sadeh(ed) Space Politics and Policy: An Evolutionary Perspective, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, p.293.
    ①See Joan Johnson-freese, Space as a Strategic Asset, New York: Columbia University Press, 2007, pp.177-178.
    ②Roger Handberg and Zhen Li, Chinese Space Policy: A Study in Domestic and International Politics, New York: Routledge, 2006.p.57.
    ②Roger Handberg and Zhen Li, Chinese Space Policy: A Study in Domestic and International Politics, Routlede, New York, 2006, p.60.
    ①Roger Handberg and Zhen Li, p.93.
    ②(俄) A·H·基谢列夫,A·A·梅德韦杰夫,B·A·梅尼希科夫:《跨越千年——世界航天回顾与展望》,李建红,聂本智译,西北工业大学出版社2007年版,第52页。
    ④(俄) A·H·基谢列夫,A·A·梅德韦杰夫,B·A·梅尼希科夫:《跨越千年——世界航天回顾与展望》,李建红,聂本智译,西北工业大学出版社2007年版,第108页。
    ①Roger Handberg and Zhen Li, p155.
    ②Joan Johnson-Freese,p.193.
    ④Joan Johnson-Freese,p.193.
    ⑤See Eligar Sadeh,‘International Space Cooperation’, Eligar Sadeh(Ed.), Space Politics and Policy: An Evolutionary Perspecrive, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.pp..285-289.
    ③陈宁:《国家航天局副局长孙来燕会见法国客人》, 2004-04-30 ,国家航天局网讯,http://www.cnsa.gov.cn/n615708/n620174/n620670/n761635/65127.html。
    ④李迁:《第四届中法航天合作联委会会议在京举行》,国家航天局, 2004-10-19 ,http://www.cnsa.gov.cn/n615708/n620174/n620670/n761635/65130.html。2009-10-23。
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    ②陈宁:《孙来燕会见意大利航天局长一行》,国家航天局, 2004-11-11 ,http://www.cnsa.gov.cn/n615708/n620174/n620670/n761635/65132.html。2009-10-23。
    ③李迁:《孙来燕会见英贸工部科学与创新部部长圣博理》, 2005-01-21 ,国家航天局,http://www.cnsa.gov.cn/n615708/n620174/n620670/n761635/65146.html。2009-10-23。
    ②Joan Johnson-freese, p194.
    ③Joan Johnson-freese, p192.
    ①李迁:《中俄就国家空间立法问题开展交流,》国家航天局,2002-10-16 ,http://www.cnsa.gov.cn/n615708/n620174/n620670/n761635/65118.html,2009-10-24。
    ②Joan Johnson-Freese , p.227.
    ①赵文波:《国家航天局副局长郭金柱会见美国国家航天局副局长阿萨瓦》,国家航天局,2002-11-04 ,http://www.cnsa.gov.cn/n615708/n620174/n620670/n761635/65117.html,2009-10-24。
    ②曲俊雅:《中美航天机构领导会面两国空间合作迈出第一步》,国家航天局,转引新华网,2004-12-03 ,http://www.cnsa.gov.cn/n615708/n620174/n620670/n761635/65136.html,2009-10-24。
    ②Joan Johnson-Freese, Space as a Strategic Asset, New York: Columbia University Press, 2007,p.232.
    ①李静:“日想建美国版宇航局,与中国加强太空合作”,2008-09-26,环球网,http://world.huanqiu.com/roll/2008-09/237910.html, 2009-10-24。
    ①中国新闻网:《中国加入国际减灾合作机制扩国际空间合作领域》, 2007-05-25 ,http://news.163.com/07/0525/13/3FBELSLB000120GU.html。2009-4-9。
    ②资料参考:《空间与重大灾害国际宪章》, http://baike.baidu.com/view/1602560.htm,2009-4-9。
    ①环球网:《中国太空领域进步不意味美国落后》, http://china.huanqiu.com/eyes on _china/politics/2008-09/237672.html,2008-9-24.
    ①David Baldwin, Neorealism and Neoliberalism: the Contemporary Debate, Columbia University Press, 1993,pp.269-300.
    ④Stephen D. Krasner,“Structural Causes and Regime Consequences: Regime as Intervening Variables”, Stephen D. Krasner(ed.), International Regimes , Peking: Peking University Press, p.1.
    ③有学者将国际太空法律机制分为三个阶段:初期(1957-1979);转型期(1980-1991);现代期(1991-现在)。参见:Nathan C. Goldman,“Space Law”, Eligar Sadeh(ed.), Space Politics and Policy, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002.p.164.
     ①Nathan C. Goldman,“Space Law”, Eligar Sadeh(ed.), Space Politics and Policy, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002.p.170.
    ②(俄) A·H·基谢列夫,A·A·梅德韦杰夫,B·A·梅尼希科夫:《跨越千年》,李建红,聂本智译,西北工业大学出版社2007年版,第457页。
    ③(俄) A·H·基谢列夫,A·A·梅德韦杰夫,B·A·梅尼希科夫:《跨越千年》,李建红,聂本智译,西北工业大学出版社2007年版,第457页。
    ①Prof.Dr.I.H.Ph.Diederiks-Verschoor & Prof.Dr.V.Kopal, An Introduction To Space Law, The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer, 2008.pp..24-25.
    ③欧虹,青木:“美俄卫星相撞引“星球大战”惊呼”,环球网, 2009-2-16 ,http://www.gmw.cn/content/2009-02/16/content_888087.htm。
    ①See“Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space”of 1975, Article II,1.
    ②See“Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space”of 1975, Article I, Article II.
    ③Prof.Dr.I.H.Ph.Diederiks-Verschoor & Prof.Dr.V.Kopal, An Introduction To Space Law, The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer, 2008.p.90.
    ①联大文件,《关于各国探索及利用外空包括月球与其他天体之活动所应遵守原则之条约》,A/RES/2222(XXI), 1967-1-25, http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/RESOLUTION/GEN/NR0/783/24/IMG/NR078324.pdf?OpenElement, pdf, 2009-10-12.
    ②M.J.Peterson, International Regimes for The Final Frontier, New York: State University of New York Press, 2005.p.153.
    ①See“Treaty on Principles Governing the Activties of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies(1967)”, Article I,II.
    ②参见联大文件,《关于各国在月球和其他天体上活动的协定》,A/RES/34/68, 1979-12-5,http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/RESOLUTION/GEN/NR0/374/61/IMG/NR037461.pdf?OpenElement, pdf, 2009-10-12.
    ③M.J.Peterson, p.155.
    ④See“Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies(1979), Article 11.
    ⑤Everett C. Dolman ,Astropolitik Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age,London: Portland.2001 pp.136-141..
    ①Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,pp..136-137.
    ①Department of Defense,“National Defense Strategy of the United States of America,”March 2005,12. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/pollicy/dod/nds-usa_mar2005.htm. 2006,6,21.
    ③John J.Klein, Space Warfare: Strategy, principles and policy, London and New York: Routledge, 2006, pp..160-.163.
    ⑤Joan Johnson-Freese, p.235.
    ①See“Treaty on Principles Governing the Activties of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies(1967)”, Article III, IV.
    ②See M. Menter,“Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and National Security”, Proceedings 25th Colloquium, (Paris, 1983),pp.135-143 at p.137. as cited in Prof.Dr.I.H.Ph.Diederiks-Verschoor & Prof.Dr.V.Kopal, An Introduction To Space Law, The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer, 2008.p.136.
    ①Nathan C. Goldman,“Space Law”, Eligar Sadeh(ed.), Space Politics and Policy, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002.p.166.
    ③李静:《日想建美国版宇航局,与中国加强太空合作》,2008-09-26,环球网,http://world.huanqiu.com/roll/2008-09/237910.html, 2009-10-24。
    ①Eligar Sadeh,‘International Space Cooperation’, Eligar Sadeh(Ed.), Space Politics and Policy: An Evolutionary Perspecrive, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.p.285.
    ①OTA, International Cooperation, p.41. as cited in Michael Sheehan, The International Politics of Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2007,p.69.
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