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As the human society and civilization continue to make progress, the primary education gradually shows its great importance to the social and economic development. Providing the free, equal and unified primary education to all the citizens so as to guarantee each people's opportunity to take the free and unified primary education no matter what his economic and political condition, will be crucial important not only to better the society's equal condition, but also to improve the whole society's human quality and increase the economic and society development. So the primary education equalization is the inherent requirement of the public and democratic finance, as well as the important duty of modern nations.
     But Chinese primary education has experienced an unfree, unequal and un-unified road before the new Law of Forced Education was brought into effect on September 1st 2006. As the household registration institution separated the society into country and city, and each has a different primary education administration institution, so the urban-rural difference in the primary education has been very large since a long time. Firstly, the nine-year forced education task has already been implemented in the cities, and now many cities even put forward the twelve-year or the fifteen-year education, but the nine-year task is still not fully achieved in the country. Even if some country areas have already got the nine-year goal, the criterion is very low and the outcome is very frangible. Secondly, from the point of finance, the primary education in the cities is fully born by the public finance, while in the country areas the peasants will have to take on some responsibility, which is called the peasants running the rural education. Thirdly, the rural education's conditions are much worse than the city, and some poor schools in the rural areas even don't have the least conditions of running school. Lastly, the children of the shifting population, especially the migrant workers don't have the guaranteed chance to go to school. Since these children can hard go to the nearby public schools, they have to go to the schools for the migrant workers' children with bad conditions, or go home to become the left behind children, or wander with their parents in the city to become the new illiteracy.
     It is these shocking differences that urge the author to investigate Chinese urban and rural primary education development. Through this study, the author hopes to make clear the urban-rural difference condition, the degree, the causes and the effects, and also to find the urban-rural equalization in the primary education under the guideline of public goods equalization theory on the base of these differences. So this study will do good not only to guide Chinese urban-rural equalization in the primary education, but also to enrich and develop the related public goods equalization theory.
     This article combines the normal analysis and empirical analysis. The basic idea is as follows: the author first analyzes the public goods equalization theory, then the Chinese urban-rural primary education difference, and put forward the equalization suggestions in the end.
     Under the above idea, this article has 7 chapters, which are organized as follows.
     Chapter 1 is the "introduction", which mainly introduces this subject's source, the main definitions, the organization and the main innovative points and shortcomings. Chapter 2 is the "literature reviews", which includes the literatures on the public goods difference, public goods equalization, Chinese urban-rural difference and the perfecting suggestions of primary education. Chapter 3-7 is the main body of this article. Chapter 3 "the basic theoretic analysis on public goods equalization" is the basis of this study, which analyzes the definition and means of public equalization on the base of the public goods' equality and difference. Chapter 4 "the empirical analysis of urban-rural differences in primary education" systematically investigates the current difference from the point of finance institution, the availability and the running conditions. Chapter 5 "the institutional source of the urban-rural differences" studies the household registration institution and primary education administration institution, and then introduces a political economy interpretation of these urban bias phenomena. Chapter 6 "the effects of urban-rural differences" mainly analyzes the human capital stock effect, income distribution effect and the social floating effect. Chapter 7 "the institutional innovation of urban-rural equalization" put forwards the basic principles of equalization, designs and computes the new "central government role" primary education administration institution on the base of criticizing the shortcoming of the "county governments role", and suggests the related institutional reforms in the end.
     The main innovative points are as follows.
     1. The equality, difference and equalization of public goods. Equality is one of the basic inherent characters, but the existence of local public goods and the dispersive provision institutions lead to the demand and supply difference of public goods. Equalization is the necessary choice to solve the difference and guarantee the equality. The equalization doesn't mean the equal consumption, but the equal consumption opportunity; also it isn't the average distribution, but permits the regional difference beyond the national's level; and the content and the criterion of the equalization will change as the people's attitude to the equity and the circumstance change.
     2. The ways of public goods equalization. There are three ways. One is the revenue way, which mainly refers to the intergovernmental grants so as to make the fiscal revenue equalized with no change of the provision institution. Another is the expenditure way, which changes the provision institution and put the public goods responsibility to the higher governments or the central government. The third is the political way, which means merging the local governments in order to equalize the public goods in a larger area.
     3. The institutional sources of the urban-rural difference in primary education. The difference stems from the urban bias institutions. The household registration institution separates the city from the country, resulting into the dualistic structure in Chinese society, and the concomitant education welfare policy leads to the unfair jumping-off point between the urban and rural people. The primary education administration institution of local responsibility and hierarchical administration omits the public goods attribute and the large externality, and solidifies the principle of "whoever runs school should finance", so the urban-rural differences of economy development and fiscal revenue will inevitably reflect in the primary education development.
     4. The effects of urban-rural difference in primary education. First is the human capital stock effect. The analysis shows that the urban-rural difference of outlay per student does have significant effect on the enrollment ratios, and also this human capital stock difference has some regional character since the different region has different economic development and fiscal revenue ability. The second is the income distribution effect. The regression analysis shows that the urban-rural difference in primary education does have significant positive effect on the urban-rural income gap, and this gap has negative relation with the urban-rural labor quantity ratio, and positive relation with the tertiary industry's ratio. The third is the social floating effect. The primary education difference makes the formal channel to the primary labor market becoming narrow, and most peasants have to go to the second labor markets.
     5. The principles of urban-rural equalization in primary education. There are three points: the opportunity of getting the free primary education is equal; the basic school conditions are the same all across the country; and the regional differences beyond the national level are permitted.
     6. The "central government role"primary education administration institution. From the view of the equalization, Chinese primary education should reform the institution, using both the central government's advantage in the equalizing ability and abundant fiscal revenue, and the local governments' in information and efficiency. The author designs a new administration institution, that is "separated provision and production; input mainly from central government; macro-administration responsibility in provincial governments, and micro-administration in county governments". Specifically, the author decomposes the basic conditions into the different educational outlays, denoted by the outlay per student. The basic allocating principle is as follows: the personnel outlay is born by the central government, public outlay by provincial governments, and capital construction outlay by county governments. Considering the different fiscal revenue abilities, the responsibility is also shared between two levels in the second region and the third region.
     7. The computation of the new "central government role" institution. The author computes the outlay per student is 1200 Yuan for the elementary school and 1500 Yuan for the junior school on the base of investigation and other scholars' research. Under the "central government role" institution, the different governments' responsibilities in primary education present the converse pyramid structure, that is, the central, provincial and county governments' ratios reduce level by level, and the central government bears the biggest ratio, 73.28%, the provincial is less, 20.2%, and the county government is the least, 5.80%. This trend is corresponding to the fiscal revenue structure between different governments.
① 根据国家审计署2004年公布的对17个省 (区、市) 50个县的基础教育经费审计调查结果显示,50个县2001年底基础教育负债为23.84亿元,2002年底上升为31亿元,增长30%;到2003年6月底,仅半年时间又增长了25.7%,达38.98亿元,负债增长速度大大高于同期教育经费投入增长速度,负债总额相当于这些地方一年财政收入的80%。
    ② 截至到2004年,累计拖欠教师工资己达100多亿元。
    ① 截止到2000年底,除北京、天津、上海、江苏、浙江、广东6省 (直辖市) 及大连等5个计划单列市之外的25个省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团,共有农村中小学各类危、破校舍8400万平方米,占农村中小学校舍总面积的9.6%;其中,D级危房 (指房屋整体出现险情,不能继续使用) 5700万平方米,占全部危房面积的67.86%。
    ② 石岩、肖毅灵、钱芙蓉,中国教育的公平之痒,南方周末,2005年3月10日。
    ① 以庀古的《财政学研究》(A Study in Public Finance)为例,全书285页,其中有200页论及税收,仅有20页论及支出。
    ① 其中,X表示集体消费品的消费量,i表示第i个消费者,n+j 表示第 n+j 种集体消费品。
    ② 马珺,公共物品的含义,《中国财政经济理论前沿 (4)》,2005年版,第291-315页。
    ③ 这一点,可以从其标题中看出,萨缪尔森1954年文章的标题是“公共支出的纯理论(the pure theory of public expenditure)”:而1955年的文章标题则是“公共支出理论图解 (diagrammatic exposition of a theory of public expenditure)”。从字面意义上可以看出,萨缪尔森从分析“公共支出的纯理论”改为“公共支出理论”,隐约地表明作者不仅降低了其分析的限制条件,而且还有想在这两种极端之间进行调和的意图。而且在1955年的文章中,萨缪尔森也对标题中使用定冠词“the”感到遗憾,并改为使用不定冠词“a”,以说明公共支出的影响因素不仅在于其模型所强调的那些 (如公共品的非竞争性),还包括诸如收入再分配、家长主义政府等因素。
    ① 美国建国后对于联邦政府在公共教育财政上的责任一直未予以明确,第一步宪法只字未提教育,致使有的美国学者惊异,“由有头脑和有志向的人撰写的这部庄严的文件真令人不解,因为它竟然对于教育问题沉默不言,既不曾提及教育,也不曾提及学校。”联邦除对西部新建格州予以拨地兴学外,基本上对于公共教育财政没有太多建树。
    ② 高建民,美国基础教育财政发展研究,人民教育出版社,2005年版,第47页。
    ③ 只有夏威夷州采取了州政府直接管理公立学校的办法,其他各州均将大部分的教育事权下放给学区,由学区实行直接管理。
    ④ 一般程序是,先确定本学区需要支出的教育经费,然后以应税财产的评估价值为税基,计算财产税的税率水平。因此,美国不同学区之间、不同地方政府之间的财产税税率是各不相同的。
    ① 高建民,美国基础教育财政发展研究,人民教育出版社,2005 年版,第84页。
    ① Yinger, State and Local Public Finance lecture 13: State Education Aid Formulas, http://faculty.maxwell.syr.edu/jyinger/Classes/PPA735/Lecture_Notes/Lecture_13.ppt
    ① 如1881年费里法第2条规定,“由1850年法第40条和1875年法第7条开征的4生丁特别水的办法在各省市必须实行”,第4条规定,“上述各法中关于每法郎征4生丁特别水的办法在各省必须实行”。
    ② 聚焦外国教师公务员制度,http://news.xinhuanet.com/newmedia/2005-11/30/content_3855556.htm
    ③ 吴文侃、杨汉清,《比较教育学》,人民教育出版社 1999年版,第189-222页。
    ① 高秉雄、陈国申,西方基层政府的合并浪潮及对我国的启示,社会主义研究,2006年第2期,第96-100页。
    ② 同上。
    ③ 同上。
    ① 主要集中在阿拉巴契亚地区、美国南部地区、里约格兰德边界地区、西南部地区、加利福尼亚的中心峡谷、美国平原各州的印地安保留地等6个地区。
    ② 商利浩,审视美国学区教育筹资制度,比较教育研究,2004年第5期,第29-32,90页。
    ① 1990年、2005年,国务院两次对《征收教育费附加的暂行规定》进行了修改,分别将教育费附加率提高到2%、3%。
    ② 根据谢扬 (2002) 在湖北省的调查,1999-2000年期间,湖北省襄阳县教育经费总额为13.7亿元,各级财政预算拨款5.5亿元,占40.58%,其中乡财政4.7亿元,占34.33%,县财政0.9亿元,占6.25%,省级以上专款150.5万元,仅占0.1%。农村教育费附加、教育集资及中小学杂费三者合计占到全部教育经费的40%左右,成为农村义务教育投入的主渠道,对改造农村中小学危房和保障最基本的办学条件等方面发挥了重要的作用。
    ③ 李鹏,《关于〈中华人民共和国义务教育法 (草案)〉的说明》,载国家教育委员会编,《中华人民共和国现行教育法规汇编 1949-1989》,人民教育出版社,1991年。
    ④ 相关报道见《南方周末》2001年11月1日头版新闻。
    ① 宋振远、李舒,是包袱,还是责任?拷问“农民工子女上学难”,长安,2006年第7期,51-52页。
    ② 一家之言:安顿好孩子 再关闭打工子弟学校,http://edu.sina.com.cn/1/2006-07-27/1113134619.html
    ③ 一家之言:安顿好孩子 再关闭打工子弟学校,http://edu.sina.com.cn/1/2006-07-27/1113134619.html
    ④ 农民工生活质量调查之二:生活与教育状况,中国统计信息网,http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjfx/fxbg/t20061011_402358719.htm
    ① 创办第一所打工子弟学校的原由,http://www.people.com.cn/GB/32306/54155/57487/4819096.html
    ② 宋振远、李舒,是包袱,还是责任?拷问“农民工子女上学难”,长安,2006年第7期,51-52页。
    ③ 农民工生活质量调查之二:生活与教育状况,中国统计信息网,http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjfx/fxbg/t20061011_402358719.htm
    ④ 张玉林,分级办学制度下的教育资源分配与城乡教育差距——关于教育机会均等问题的政治经济学探讨,中国农村观察,2003年第1期,第10-22页。
    ① 根据对全国2036个县1999年农村公用经费开支的统计,有1021个县生均小学公用经费支出不足10元(与北京市的757.6元和上海市的747.4元形成鲜明对比),约占调查县的一半;有378个县初中生均公用经费支出不足30元,约占调查县的18%。转引自蒋鸣和,中国农村义务教育投资:基本格局与政策讨论,教育科学研究,2001年第2期,第17-22页。
    ① 1999年曾经占到全部班级数的15%,2002年以后大约在10%左右。
    ① 张玉林,分级办学制度下的教育资源分配与城乡教育差距——关于教育机会均等问题的政治经济学探讨,中国农村观察,2003年第1期,第10-22页。
    ① 根据统计,1999年,小学代课教师占全部教师的比重为10.95%,2002年该比重降为7.56%,到2004年该比例进一步降到6.17%。
    ① 农村教师素质越“拔”越低,中国教育报,2001年4月3日。
    ① 农村教师素质越“拔”越低,中国教育报,2001年4月3日。
    ① 资料来源:王仕军、刘玉红,农村孩子也需要好教师——对农村教师进城热的思考,中小学管理,2003年第8期,第40页。
    ① 枣庄、德州、菏泽、日照等市所属各县农村教师人均月工资大都在600元以下,最低的县只有400元。
    ② 刘士祥、刘振鹏、盖元华,关于山东省农村教师工资管理发放情况的调研报告,载山东省教育厅,山东教育发展论坛——2003-2004年度山东省教育系统优秀调研成果选编,山东省教育出版社,2005年版,第116-124页。
    ③ 一份令人揪心的实地调查报告,http://news.qq.com/a/20060310/001735_1.htm
    ④ 刘士祥、刘振鹏、盖元华,关于山东省农村教师工资管理发放情况的调研报告,载山东省教育厅,山东教育发展论坛——2003-2004年度山东省教育系统优秀调研成果选编,山东省教育出版社,2005年版,第116-124页。
    ① 韩嘉玲,北京市流动儿童义务教育状况调查报告,青年研究,2001年第8期,1-7页。 条件的30余所打工子弟学校进行了关闭,原来39所学校现仅剩下3所。见吴晓晶、毕东平,北京叫停30余打工子弟校,万余学生面临转学困境,新京报,2006年7月27日。
    ① 本案例主要参考了宋春利,打工子弟学校与我国公共管理体制改革:以北京行知打工子弟学校为例,http://www.chinampaonline.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=12&id=2038
    ① 在1949年新中国成立之时,全国工农业总产值只有466元,人均国民收入为66.1元,在工农业总产值中,农业总产值占到70%,工业总产值只占30%,其中重工业产值占到工农业总产值的7.9%。引自《1981年中国年鉴 (简编)》,经济管理出版社1982年版,第Ⅵ-4页。
    ① 尽管政府也给农民负担制定了严格的“高压线”,即农民负担不能超过当年农民人均纯收入的5%,但这种约束仍不是“硬”的,因为地方政府很容易通过其他形式的摊派、集资等手段向农民要钱,从而加重农民的负担,因此,这种“高压线”实际上也是一种软约束。
    ② 郭建如,基础教育财政体制变革与农村义务教育发展研究:制度分析的视角,社会科学战线,2003年第5期,157-163页。
    ③ 1983年10月12日,中共中央、国务院发出《关于实行政社分开建立乡政府的通知》,要求根据1982腻宪法的规定实行政社分离,建立乡政府。至1985年春,建乡工作全部完成,大陆5.6万多个人民公社、镇,改建为9.2万多个乡(包括民族乡)、镇人民政府。
    ① 国家计委宏观经济研究院课题组,农村税费改革问题研究,研究报告,2000年。
    ① 原春琳、谢湘,抽样调查17所农村中学显示初中平均辍学率达43%,中国青年报,2005年06月27日。
    ① 教育部:中国15岁以上人口平均受教育年限8.5年,http://news.sina.com.cn/c/edu/2006-08-17/10329774793s.shtml
    ① 刘豪兴,社会学概论,高等教育出版社,2003年版,第270页。
    ① 在户籍管理制度十分严格的时代,农业人口转变为非农业人口的通道通常只有参军与升学两种。即使是
    ① 中国大学生生源农村孩子的比例为何越来越少? http://www.cqok.com/Article/xy/qg/200511/1259.html
    ① 石岩、实习生、肖毅灵、钱芙蓉,中国教育的公平之痒,南方周末,2005年3月10日。
    ① 实际上,如果算上一些副省级、副地级等等形式,则中国的政府架构就变得更加复杂,并不是单纯几级就能够说得清楚。
    ② 郭鲲,李金华:中央的钱流到村里渠道长“渗水”多,京华时报,2006年6月4日。
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