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With the deepening of globalization nowadays, The ability to effectively participate in theinternational division of labor, and to expand economic and technological exchange with other countrieshas become one of the most important factors that determine the quality of a country's economicdevelopment. China and America are both big agricultural countries with important influence in theworld, the Sino-US agricultural science and technology cooperation plays an important role on bothsides of agricultural development, and actually, one of the largest and most successful areas in modernSino-US scientific and technical communication is agriculture. At present, China is faced with thearduous task of building a modern agriculture, it is necessary to learn from the successful experience ofdeveloped countries in agricultural science and technology, and to strengthen agricultural science andtechnology cooperation with advanced agricultural countries, especially the United States. On the basisof a comprehensive exposition of the theoretical basis and practical background of the Sino-USagricultural science and technology cooperation, this thesis gives an accurate analysis of the historicaltrack and stage feature of the development of Sino-US agricultural science and technology cooperation,and provides depth analysis of the main obstacles to Sino-US agricultural science and technologycooperation, and makes quantitative study of the inherent mechanism that affects Sino-US agriculturalscience and technology cooperative relations, and proposes modes of Sino-US science and technologycooperation as well as countermeasures to further promote and deepen the cooperation, the researchconclusions will provide strong theoretical support and practical reference to promote the Sino-USagricultural science and technology cooperation and exchanges.
     (1) Analyzing present strength status and complementarity of Sino-US agricultural scientific andtechnical cooperation. The paper finds that China’s agricultural science and technology resources andstrengths lie in four aspects: its rich flora and fauna of new varieties and germplasm resources, thehigher level of disease prevention and disaster reduction techniques in agriculture, good growthmomentum of small type agricultural machinery, and advanced cultivation management and feedingtechniques; while America’s agricultural science and technology resources and strengths lie in other fouraspects: the perfect varieties breeding system, the fine pests and veterinary diseases control system, theefficient mechanized equipment level, and the smooth running of the agricultural research system.Furthermore, the complementarity of Sino-US agricultural science and technology cooperation can beconducive to the resource complementary of the two countries, and can contribute to the educationalexchange between the two countries, and can optimize the demand structure of agricultural trade aswell.
     (2) Depth analysis on the changing track and the basic characteristics of the Sino-US agriculturalscience and technology cooperation indicates that from the1840s to the late1940s, the main modes ofSino-US agricultural science and technology cooperation contained the following ways: carrying outcooperation by the communication of church and missionary; by the aliens, government officials andindustrialists; by the Chinese overseas students and American agricultural teacher; and the mode that by the government, research institutions and school. China’s introduction of agricultural science andtechnology from America was the main mode of cooperation, and two of the three main introductivefeatures were basic research and applicative technology. While since the late1970s, the main modes ofSino-US agricultural science and technology cooperation evolved into the following four ways: by thegroup exchange; by the promoting of joint working groups’ meetings; by the exchange of resource; andthe mode that by the cooperation of universities and research institutes. The trend of the cooperativeevolution direction showed in four aspects: the area of cooperation between China and America wasbeing broad; the stage of cooperation was promoting continuously; the level of cooperation wasincreasing; and the way of cooperation increasing was growing.
     (3) Sino-US agricultural science and technology cooperation has significantly promoted thedevelopment of agricultural economy both in China and the America. On the Chinese side, theagricultural GDP grew fast, the labor productivity rose significantly, the farmer income grewconsiderably, and the degree of agricultural mechanization enhanced as well; on the American side, theimport and export trade of agricultural products with China has increased, and the degree of agriculturalmechanization further improved. Cointegration test finds that Sino-US agricultural trade and China’ percapita grain yield are single whole sequence of same order, but there is no linear relationship betweenthe two; Sino-US agricultural trade and China's per capita pork, beef and lamb production are not singlewhole sequence of same order, and there is no co-integration relationship between the two. The Sino-USagricultural trade has linear relationship with China’ gross agricultural output value, China's per capitanet income of family management, and China’s total power of agricultural machinery per unit area,concretely, when Sino-US agricultural trade increases by1%, China’s gross agricultural output valueincreases by0.81%, per capita net income of family management grows by1.41%, and China’s totalpower of agricultural machinery per unit area increases by0.09%, respectively.
     (4) Based on the theoretical analysis of influence of resources, politics, tariff system, intellectualproperty protection, investment in science and technology, the level of agricultural technology on theSino-US agricultural science and technology cooperation, and further description of the statisticalanalysis of each factor’s realistic characterization, the paper finds that China and America have strongcomplementarity in cultivated land and labor resources; in some conditions, both ideological factorsgive way to pragmatic and flexible options working for economic interests; compared with2006, theblocked batch of China’s agricultural products exported to the U.S. increased by48.95%in2010;during the1992-2006, the average rate of China’s farm tariff has greatly declined by81.70%; from2002to2010, the average annual growth rate of China’s agricultural research and experimental expenditureincreases by21.31%; China’s agricultural intellectual property protection markets is graduallydeveloping, and the demand for technological innovation in China of foreign countries is enhancing aswell; China’s contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress in “the first fiveyears” to “the eleventh five-year” were20%,2.30%,15%,27%,35%,28%,34%,45%,46%,52%,respectively, showing a significant upward trend. The further econometric test finds that, the level ofChina's agricultural technology, China’s farm tariff, agricultural research expenditure, and the ratio of farmland areas per person between China and America have a significant effect on Sino-US agriculturalscience and technology cooperation, while the politic relationship between China and America, andforeign invention patent applications in agriculture in China have no significant effect.
     (5) Though comparative analysis, and as far as the stage of agricultural science and technologycooperation modes is concerned, we find that with the development of economic society and moderntechnology, the modes of agricultural science and technology cooperation innovate gradually: as to thespace organizing form and structure of cooperation modes, there is a certain gap between China’seconomic and social development level and America’s, and a cooperation mode that is led by one partywill often appear in the process of cooperation; as to the cost of agricultural scientific and technicalcooperation, with the increasing of the complex degree, the costs of organizing, coordinating andmanaging are rising constantly, and at the same time, the more the manpower, material resources andfinancial resources are required in the implementation process, the higher the costs will be. On this basis,the paper proposes a four-dimensional strategic vision of the China-US agricultural science andtechnology cooperation, which contains the breadth, depth, persistence and effect, as well as thecooperation fields and space selections, such as the cooperation of agricultural biological resources, thekey technical cooperation in industrial restructuring, the forward-looking high-tech cooperation, thetechnology dealing with global challenge, the communication of the new ideas and new methods inagricultural research and the enhance of integrated science and technology.
     This research may put forward following innovation points:
     (1) In the past, the research about international science and technology cooperation primarilyfocused on the perspective of qualitative description, while based on the qualitative analysis, this paperutilizes the econometric analysis model to operate quantitative analysis on the influence of Sino-USagricultural scientific and technical cooperation, scientifically and accurately grasping the quantityregularity of Sino-US agricultural scientific and technical cooperation. Above all, the research showsnovelty of the research methods.
     (2) This study comprehensively and systematically combs the historical track of Sino-USagricultural scientific and technical cooperation, briefly summarizes the basic modes of Sino-USagricultural science and technology cooperation, quantitatively analyzes the influence of Sino-USagricultural scientific and technical cooperation, and systematically proposes the mode selections andcountermeasures of Sino-US agricultural scientific and technical cooperation. All of these reflect thenovelty of research content.
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