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The thesis studies on the change of agricultural development ways by farmers’combining and cooperation.The thesis uses the results of domestic and abroad agribusiness organization in theory and practice, and makes clear the relations between agribusiness organization and evolution on agricultural development ways in logic, and uses co-operative theory and industry organizations principle from agricultural industrialization and agribusiness operation to build an effective organization to encourage farmers’combining and cooperation business,and explore the mechanism and model of farmers’combining and cooperation business, and design and optimize the agricultural science and technology application and the path of agricultural industrialization for farmers’combining and cooperation business . The main content , study results and the policy recommendations of the thesis as followed:
     The main content of the thesis as followed:①The thesis has studied the logic between agribusiness organization and evolution on agricultural development ways. The thesis has discoved the logic between agribusiness organization and evolution on agricultural development ways by the perspectives of theory theoretical analysis and history changes, which is a kind of theoretical and testament support to strengthen farmers’combining and cooperation business and to speed up the change of agricultural development ways.②The thesis has built the mechanism and model of farmers’combining and cooperation business. On the basis of pros and cons analysis of the present agribusiness organization, the thesis inplant the ideas of the business process outsourcing into farmers’combining and cooperation business to stdudy the the model of farmers’combining and cooperation, the professional labor division, the management structure, the interests’association and so on, in order to lead farmers’combining and cooperation business on a science road.③The thesis has studied the agricultural science and technology application in the condition of farmers’combining and cooperation business. On the platform of farmers’combining and cooperation business, the study inplant the agricultural science and technology application into farmers’combining and cooperation business, in order to improve agriculture efficiency in scale and the modernization level.④The thesis has studied the farmers’combining and cooperation business path of agricultural industrialization. On the basic principles of industrialized agricultural business and the constraints conditions of agricultural resources, the ecological environment, the farmers’income and employmen, the thesis built a multi-objective, nonlinear, dynamic optimization model to establish an agricultural industrialization platform for farmers’combining and cooperation business.
     The indication of the study results as followed:①Farmers can do agricultural business in a large scale by horizontal jointing each other, and can do specialized production and industrialized business by vertical cooperating, which can reflect the inherence request and the unique advantages of farms, agricultural business and can overcome the defects of the farms, scatter business in a small scale,and can unity the farms, business , specialized production , socialized service and business in a large scale.②Under the constraints of agricultural development, rural stability and the farmers’revenues stability ,it is a reality choics for the development of farmers in the union to contribute to run a small farmers and agricultural development. Although our country agriculture is always increasing in pay remuneration scale since the fouding of the people's republic of China, agriculture business is not purely an economic problem and it must be linked with farmers’income and employmen and the country prosperous .When the rural surplus labor force have not yet transferred large-scale, China must avoid that the major capital keep the small farmers out of agricultural business.③Inplanting the ideas of the business process outsourcing into the farmers’combining and cooperation business can promote farms, business and cooperation business integrated effectively, and increase the level of intensive agriculture business and the degree of organization,which can speed up the agriculture business, specialized production, industrialized business, socialized service and the business scale to fasten the change of agricultural development ways.④Inplanting the experience broadcasting into the agricultural science and technology application in the condition of farmers’combining and cooperation business can improve agriculture efficiency in scale and the modernization level. Compared with traditional beuarocracy broadcasting, the networking and interactive means of experience broadcasting is more suitable for china's agricultural science and technology application,which can make farmers’combining and cooperation business perform effectivly.⑤Building the multi-objective, nonlinear, dynamic optimization model under the constraints conditions of agricultural resources, the ecological environment, the farmers’income and employmen can improve the rate of resource utilization,the labours, outpout , the investment return, the ecological circulation and so on, which can assemble more fun and technology onto agricultural business and guarantee the farmers’combining and cooperation business going on the modern agriculture direction and scientific development road.
     The policy recommendations for farmers’combining and cooperation business as followed:①Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmers, and security farmers, rights of contracting land, independent business, equal education, fair employment, social security and so on to eliminate farmers’worries in the farmers’combining and cooperation business.②Investing in the human capital investment by education and health investment for farmers, popular the knowledge of market economic, agricultural science and technology and modern management to strengthen farmers’sense of responsibility to market and the consciousness of risk in order to increase farmers’ability and skill on combining and cooperation business.③Strengthen the resources integration of the agricultural socialized service and improve our country agriculture socialized service system in order to supply complete related service for farmers’combining and cooperation business.④Specification the governance structure and interests association in the farmers’combining and cooperation business and make the benefit distribution in links of production, processing and Saling reasonable to ensure farmers can share profits of agricultural industrialization fairly.⑤Play the government policy advantage fully and make good use the state policy of industrial and municipal breastfeeding to "tam nong" to help the farmers’combining and cooperation business going on the modern agriculture direction and scientific development road effectively.
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