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The plants and animals have excellent ability to adapta to their natural environment. People gain enlightenment from living things, so bionics learning from nature has been developed.
     The typical salientian amphibian's species (Pelophylax nigromaculata and Bufo gargarizans) were taken as the research objects.Starting from the surface morphology and structure, combined with their life habit and their own characteristics, their skin surface structure and characteristics were analyzed. The excellent biological characteristics of the typical salientian amphibian's species and their potential application in engineering was analised.
     Surface morphology and structural features of the typical salientian amphibian's species (Pelophylax nigromaculata and Bufo gargarizans) was examined using analysis equipment such as stereoscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Contrast and analysis on the differences and similarities of the surface morphology and the microstructure in different parts between Pelophylax nigromaculata and Bufo gargarizans. The contact angle of water on the body surfaces of Pelophylax nigromaculata in vivo and in vitro with a contact angle measurement apparatus (OCA20) respectively. It was found that Pelophylax nigromaculata body surfaces possess hydrophilic.
     The configuration of the body surfaces of two animals was examined using reverse engineering technology. The point clouds of the body surface of Pelophylax nigromaculata were obtained by a 3D scanner. The data of the point clouds were precessed using the Imageware software, the curved surfaces of the Pelophylax nigromaculata body surface were reconstructed. The characteristic curve of Pelophylax nigromaculata was performed using Imageware software and data of the Pelophylax nigromaculata body surface were fitted with Matlab software. The corresponding curve equations were established and the second derivative and curvature were calculated.
     The nanomechanics properties of the surface skin of Pelophylax nigromaculata and Bufo gargarizans were examined with a nanomechanics testing system (Triboindenter, Hisitron) and the nano-hardness and elastic modulus were measured, which was compared with the other animal and insect cuticle materials and mechanical properties.
     A three-dimensional motion force tester for animal was used to measure the reaction force of Bufo gargarizans's feet against a solid surface when it crawled on a horizontal plane. The results indicated that the difference of kinematics and the material characteristic of the contact skin of Bufo gargarizans. The results could be useful to the structural design and gait optimization of some robots.
     Tribological tests of GCrl5 steel ball against the dehydration in vitro surfaces skin of Pelophylax nigromaculata and Bufo gargarizans were run on a universal micro-tribometer.
     The theoretical basis and technical issues of ABAQUS finite element software were presented. The 3D models of the representative microscopic structure were simulated in ABAQUS finite element software. The equivalent stress distribution was analyzed. The rule of the equivalent stress was figured out finally.
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