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家蝇(Musca domestica)属昆虫纲,双翅目,环裂亚目、蝇科,是我国大部分地区最常见、数量最多的一种蝇类。家蝇中存在大量抗菌活性物质,对抗菌药物的开发具有重要的意义。但家蝇中抗菌肽的种类较多,成分复杂,很难分离纯化出一个单一抗菌肽,目前国内外对其研究较少。本研究从家蝇干蝇蛆中分离纯化出了一个新抗菌肽Muscatoxin并测得其氨基酸序列,也深入开展了生理功能的研究。完成的工作主要包括以下几个方面:
     2、结合反相高效液相色谱层析、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和电洗脱回收等方法,首次在蛋白质水平上,从蝇蛆抗菌肽中分离纯化出一个高纯度的新抗菌肽Muscatoxin,分子量7095 D,等电点8.88,肽质量指纹谱(PMF)分析表明其为一新肽,Edman降解测得其N端40个氨基酸序列为SQLGDLGSGA GKGGGGGGSI REAGGAFGKLEAAREEEYFY,N端有六联体的Gly、二联体的Gly和三联体的Glu结构域,可归类于富含Gly的抗菌肽。Muscatoxin可能存在蛋白质翻译后修饰。
     3、经GeneBank数据库查询,Muscatoxin是一个未曾报道过的新肽,其基因在原核生物和真核生物中都有。此序列与基因库中由果蝇Drosophila melanogaster的NM_166597和AY071315基因推导拟蛋白的24~63aa同源性达97.5%,序列高度一致,仅第三位Val变成了Leu(这两种氨基酸的疏水性质很相似):果蝇中该拟蛋白的序列是从基因序列推导而来的,我们首次从蛋白质水平上分离纯化出了该多肽。
     6、蝇蛆抗菌肽Muscatoxin有一定的哺乳动物细胞毒性。在高浓度(2 mg/ml)情况下能破坏小鼠全部血细胞的细胞膜,而在低浓度(0.08 mg/ml)情况下仅杀死白细胞,对小鼠的红细胞影响不大,但红细胞的形态变得更圆;
Musca domestica, which belongs to insecta, diptera, cyclorrhapha, muscidae, is the most common muscae and the richest resource. It is very significant and valuable to isolate antibacterial peptides from Musca domestica and to develop these peptides into antibacterial medicine. Due to purify a pure peptide from the natural materials (animal, plant and microorganism tissue) is very difficult and complex, few research is going on. For the first time, we have purified a novel antibacterial peptide and designed as Muscatoxin based on its bioactivity and resource from larvae of Musca domestica. We have also chemically and biologically characterized the peptide Muscatoxin.
     1、A group of antibacterial peptides had been isolated from larvae of Musca domestica by a number of batch-wise biochemistry separation followed by several chromatography steps. The antibacterial peptides had characters of broad antibacterial spectrum、low minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC)、high thermostable and freeze-thaw stable. The bactericidal ability order was Bacillus subtilis> Bacillus thuringiensis> Staphylococcus aureus> Pseudomonas aeruginosa> Escherichia coli. and the MBC is 0.039、0.078、1.25、5.0 and 20μg/μl respectively. It is significant to develop antibacterial medicine for that the peptides are not agglutinin and have stronger activity to G~+ than G~-. Furthermore, a plenty of weakly acid protein in the peptides also had bactericidal activity.
     2、Using reverse-phase HPLC、polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electroelution, the novel antibacterial peptide Muscatoxin had been purified in high degree of purity. It was determined pI 8.88 with IEF-PAGE, Mr 7095 D with MALDI-TOF-MS spectrometer. PMF showed Muscatoxin was a novel peptide and the N-terminal amino acid sequence was SQLGD LGSGA GKGGG GGGSI REAGG AFGKL EAARE EEYFY. Muscatoxin was belong to glysine-rich peptides with (Gly)_6、(Gly)_2 and (Glu)_3 domains and maybe had been post-translation modified.
     3、Searching in Genebank database, Muscatoxin was a novel peptide which had not been reported. Muscatoxin was 97.5% homologenous with pseudoprotein of Drosophila melanogaster (NM_166597 and AY071315, 24~63aa) from fruit fly gene bank except the third residue Leu vs. Val.
     4、Obseved by scanning electric mirror (SEM), antibacterial peptide Muscatoxin could destroy the cell membrane of G~+ (Bacillus subtilis、Bacillus thuringiensis、Staphylococcus aureus) and G~- (Pseudomonas aeruginosa、Escherichia coli. ) bacterium. The mechanism was to perforate the cell membrane and lead to bacterium lysis and die;
     5、Muscatoxin could kill mononuclear leukaemia cancer cells (THP-1). After treated by Muscatoxin ( 2mg/ml ) , most leukaemia cells suspended for the destroyed anchorage-dependent characterization and died. Obseved by SEM, the intercellular substance decreased obviously and cell morphology had changed. The mechanism was also to perforate the cell membrane and lead to cancer cells lysis and die;
     6、Muscatoxin showed certain cytotoxicity to mammalian cells. In high concentration (2mg/ml), it could totally lysis all blood cells membrane; but in low concentration (0.08 mg/ml), it just killed leucocyte and had few effect on rat akaryocyte except more round morphology;
     7、Using patch clamp technique, it was found that Muscatoxin in mM could form cationic channels in pancreas 3-cells but not in human embryo-kidney cells (HEK293) which had few innate receptors and ion channels. It was suggested that Muscatoxin could interact with certain receptors inβ-cells and then perforated the cells membrane to form ion channels. The perforating effect did not depend on extracellular Ca~(2+);
     8、Using intracellular Ca~(2+) fluorimetry technique, it was found that Muscatoxin in mM could perforateβ-cells and make the extracellular Ca~(2+) flow inwardly to increase the intracellular Ca~(2+) concentration. The effect is cumulative and not related to Muscatoxin dose. It was also apparently effective even the Muscatoxin concentration decreased to fM.
     9、Another novel antibacterial peptide named SK84 was purified from larvae of
     Drosophila virilis and characterized total protein sequence. SK84 had no haemolytic activity from 1 to 100μM. SK84 could inhibite THP-1、HepG2 and MCF-7 cancer cells, but not affect HEK293 and CHO cells.
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