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How to utilize the available financial and non-financial information to appraise the earnings quality is a lasting task in theory and practice. After 1994, corporate income tax rules and accounting rules have taken the moderately separating ways in China. Corporate income tax rules and corporate accounting rules are essentially two systems with differences that regulate the same transactions and events of the corporations according to their respective information needs of corporate income, which make appraising the earnings quality with tax information possible. Earnings persistence is one of the basic characteristics of earnings quality and also has great importance in securities pricing and investment analysis. According to searched papers, research that utilizes tax information to evaluate the earnings quality is only beginning, and so is the related empirical research.
     This paper investigates the persistence of earnings and its components for one-period-ahead earnings based on book-tax differences, and find that: first, in the whole, Chinese listed companies’book-tax differences are negative from 1999 to 2004, that is to say, the accounting incomes are larger than the taxable incomes; second, firm-years with large book-tax differences have earnings and its components that are less persistence than firm-years with small book-tax differences; third, firm-years with large positive asset impairment book-tax differences have earnings and its components that are less persistence than firm-years with small book-tax differences, but firm-years with large negative asset impairment book-tax differences have earnings and before-tax accrual above the line that are not less persistence than firm-years with small book-tax differences, and firm-years with large negative asset impairment book-tax differences have before-tax accrual under the line that are less persistence than firm-years with small book-tax differences; finally, on the average, the investors under-price the persistence of earnings and its components contained in the information of corporate book-tax differences.
     The main contributions of this paper include: (1) this paper firstly analyzes the primary factors influencing book-tax differences of Chinese listed companies and investigates the underlying theory that book-tax differences are indicating of earnings persistence; (2) this paper firstly reviews the literature of measuring book-tax differences, summarizes the measuring methods, and selects appropriate method to calculate the Chinese listed companies’book-tax differences from 1999 to 2004; (3) this paper firstly investigates the persistence of earnings and its components for one-period-ahead earnings based on book-tax differences in China; (4) this paper firstly studies the market pricing of the persistence of earnings and its components of Chinese listed companies contained in the book-tax differences.
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    ③参见董树奎等:《税收制度于企业会计制度差异分析及协调》,中国财政出版社,2003 年 6 月第 1 版,第5-8 页。
    ①参见《企业所得税税前扣除办法》(国税发[2000]084 号),该文件规定了税前扣除的基本原则。我国税法没有对收入确认制定统一的原则和标准,各税种收入的确认由各税种的税收法规单独规定,但基本与会计上确认收入的原则和标准一致。
    ②《企业所得税税前扣除办法》(国税发[2000]084 号)。
    ③《企业所得税税前扣除办法》(国税发[2000]084 号)。
    ①参见《财政部 国家税务总局关于企业补贴收入征税等问题的通知》(财税字[1995]81 号)、《财政部、国家税务总局关于减免及返还的流转税并入企业利润征收所得税的通知》(财税字[94]074 号)。
    ②参见《国家税务总局关于企业股权投资业务若干所得税问题的通知》(国税发[2000]118 号)。
    ①参见《国家税务总局关于企业股权投资业务若干所得税问题的通知》(国税发[2000]118 号)。
    ③参见《企业所得税税前扣除办法》(国税发[2000]084 号)、关于工效挂钩企业工资税前扣除口径问题的通知(国税发(1998)86 号)、《关于调整计税工资扣除限额等有关问题的通知》(财税字(1999)258 号)。该政策在 2006 年 7 月 1 日后发生变化,工资扣除标准由每人每月 960 元提高至每人每月 16000 元。
    ②参见《企业所得税税前扣除办法》(国税发[2000]084 号)。
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    ①参见《企业所得税弥补亏损审核管理办法》(国税发(1997)189 号)、《企业所得税暂行条例》第十一条。
    ②参见《关于印发技术改造国产设备投资抵免企业所得税暂行办法的通知》(财税字[1999]290 号)、《关于印发技术改造国产设备投资抵免企业所得税审核管理办法的通知》(国税发[2000]013 号)。
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    ①IRC § 6662 Imposition of accuracy-related penalty (d).
    ②IRC § 6112 organizers and sellers of potentially abusive tax shelters must keep lists of investors.
    ③参见:Department of the Treasury, the Problem of Corporate Tax Shelters: Discussion, Analysis and Legistive Proposals, July 1999; Assistant Treasury Secretary Donald Pubic Testimony before the Senate Finance Committee, April 27,1999, RR-3108; Treasury Acting Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Jonathan Talisman Testimony Before House Committee on Ways and Means, November 10, 1999, LS-233.
     ①New York State Bar Association (Tax Section), Report on Corporate Tax Shelters of New York Bar Association Tax Section, 83 Tax Notes 879 (May 10, 1999).
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