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Objective: To study the influence of moxibustion therapy on diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) rats sciatic nerve growth factor (NGF) and provide experimental evidence for neuroprotect mechanism on DPN treated by moxibustion. Methods: The DPN rats induced by i.p. Streptozotocin were treated by moxibustion on " Yishu ( EX-B3)" and "Zusanli ( ST36 ) " acupoints according to "Yi Qi Tong Luo Jie Du" principle. The treatment was once daily and lasted for 56 days. We detected the changes of blood sugar, urine sugar, quantity of drinking and eating. We used nerve electrophysiological method to test the nerve conduction velocity (NCV) changes. We observed the morphological changes of sciatic nerve by optic microscope after HE stained and analyzed quantititily the positive expression of NGF on DPN rats sciatic nerve after immunohistochemistry stained. In addition, we measured the concentration of NGF by enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA) . Results: 1.Comparing with model group,the blood sugar level of moxibustion group are obviously low (P<0.01), the NCV are obviously quick (P<0.01), and the morphological changes of sciatic nerve get obviously improved. 2. Comparing with model group,the expression level of NGF in the sciatic nerve of moxibustion-treated group are significantly high (P<0.01), and the concentration of NGF in sciatic nerve of moxibustion-treated group are obviously more (P<0.01) . Conclusion: Moxibustion therapy can improve symptoms and sign of DPN. The mechanism may be related to enhance the expression and increase the concentration of NGF to protect DPN nerve.
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