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     钙/钙调素依赖性蛋白激酶Ⅱ(Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase Ⅱ, CaMK Ⅱ) CaMK Ⅱ是海马内含量最高的一种蛋白质,是钙离子的主要结合蛋白,且与突触长时程增强密切相关,有“学习记忆分子开关”之称。环磷酸腺苷反应单元结合蛋白(cAMP-responsive element binding protein,CREB) CREB是一种真核生物细胞核内转录转导因子,具有调节基因转录的功能,是细胞内多种信号转导通路的关键成分之一。研究发现CREB在长期记忆的维持中起关键作用。在以往对可卡因急性或反复应用研究中发现,可卡因通过影响CREB磷酸化,对学习记忆产生影响。Ca2+-CaMK Ⅱ-CREB通路是中枢神经系统突触可塑性和学习记忆能力形成与维持的主要信号通路之一。以往研究发现,利多卡因、可卡因、普鲁卡因抑制海马长时程增强,与影响钙调素有关。局麻药中枢神经毒性惊厥时引发钙超载,严重钙超载与CaMK Ⅱ、CREB之间影响如何?是否会对突触可塑性和学习记忆产生影响目前尚不明了
     本课题通过测定0.5%罗哌卡因致幼鼠(P21日龄)中枢神经毒性惊厥ED95值,分别制备幼鼠单次惊厥和反复惊厥实验模型。应用Morris水迷宫测定实验鼠惊厥后近期及成年后学习i记忆能力变化;采用透射电镜观察中枢神经毒性惊厥后实验鼠在不同时间海马突触超微结构变化;以免疫组织化学染色和Western Blot免疫印迹技术观察海马CA1区突触素蛋白的表达;应用Western Blot和荧光实时定量PCR技术测定CaMK Ⅱ和p-CREB蛋白和基因表达水平变化。本研究从行为学、形态学、蛋白和基因水平检测局麻药致发育鼠中枢神经毒性惊厥对其突触可塑性及学习记忆的影响,并探讨和研究其可能涉及的机制。
     采用序贯法(up-down method)结合单位概率回归法(probit法)测定SD幼鼠(P21日龄)清醒状态下,0.5%罗哌卡因腹腔注射致其惊厥ED50及ED95。
     选用健康Sprague Dawley(SD)P21日龄幼鼠40只。用生理盐水配置浓度为0.5%盐酸罗哌卡因备用。罗哌卡因腹腔注射剂量分为5组,起始剂量为24mg/kg,相邻剂量间隔等比系数为0.8。其余剂量组依次为15.4mg/kg、19.2mg/kg、30mg/kg、37.5mg/kg。
     采用SPSS13.0软件进行数据统计分析,计量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)表示。大鼠寻找平台逃避潜伏期采用重复测量的方差分析进行统计;同一时点不同组间,组内不同时间点间均采用One-Way ANOVA方差分析。穿越平台次数、在平台所在象限游泳时均采用One-Way ANOVA方差分析;两两分析采用LSD法,P<0.05差异有统计学意义。
     第5-7d定位航行实验寻找平台潜伏期:经重复测量方差分析,3组间不同时点寻找平台潜伏期有显著差异(F=19.361,P<0.001);对照组和单次惊厥组均随训练时间增加潜伏期逐渐缩短(F=14.75,P<0.001;F=17.194,P<0.001)反复惊厥组随训练时间延长寻找平台潜伏期无明显变化(F=2.777,P>0.05)第5、6、7天,3组间寻找平台潜伏期有显著差异(F=169.044,P<0.001:F=235.824,P<0.001; F=285.290,P<0.001),进一步用LSD两两比较分析各组间的差异:第5、6、7天寻找平台潜伏期,对照组、单次惊厥组与反复惊厥组比较,组间均有显著差异(P<0.05),反复组潜伏期时间明显长于对照组;而对照组和单次惊厥组间无统计学差异(P>0.05)
     采用SPSS13.0软件进行数据统计分析,计量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)表示。突触后致密物厚度、突触间隙宽度、突触数目均采用One-Way ANOVA方差分析;两两分析采用LSD法,P<0.05有统计学意义。
     本章节内容采用免疫组化及Western Blot方法检测惊厥大鼠海马不同时点突触素表达,观测局麻药致大鼠惊厥是否影响其表达,以及与突触发育及学习记忆的联系。
     各亚组取6只大鼠制备免疫组织化标本,灌注后迅速取脑切成薄片置入多聚甲醛固定。进入脑片包埋、切片、染色过程。在光学显微镜下观察切片并拍片,每只动物取6张切片,用IPP图像处理软件,测量海马CA1区免疫反应产物的光密度值。另外每组各时间点再各取3只,给予3%水合氯醛腹腔注射麻醉。迅速断头于冰上取脑,分离出双侧海马组织,用Western Blot免疫印迹法测定大鼠海马突触素蛋白含量。扫描X胶片,采用Quantity one图像分析软件分析目标条带的吸光度值,以β-actin条带吸光度值为参照,两者比值为突触素蛋白的表达水平。
     采用SPSS13.0软件进行数据统计分析,计量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)表示。不同时间点间各组突触素表达采用One-Way ANOVA方差分析;两两分析采用LSD法,P<0.05为有统计学意义。
     Western Blot检测大鼠海马突触素表达
     本章通过制备罗哌卡因惊厥模型,运用Western Blot和QT-PCR技术对海马CaMK Ⅱ和p-CREB蛋白和基因表达水平进行检测,观察CaMK Ⅱ和p-CREB在局麻药毒性惊厥对突触发育及学习记忆的影响。
     合成CaMKⅡ和CREB上下游引物。每亚组取5只大鼠提取总RNA、逆转录、PCR扩增,反应条件为:93。C3min,然后93℃45s,55℃1min,共循环40次,对整个升温过程进行全程荧光信号收集,绘制融解曲线并分析。定量的方法以2-AA Ct(Ct代表循环闽值)来表达基因的表达量,计算公式为A△Ct=[Ct(待测组目标基因)—Ct(内参)]—[Ct(对照组目标基因)-Ct(内参)]。
     另外每组各时间点再各取5只,给予3%水合氯醛腹腔注射麻醉。迅速断头于冰上取脑,分离出双侧海马组织,用Western Blot免疫印迹法测定大鼠海马CaMKⅡ和p-CREB含量。扫描X胶片,采用Quantity one图像分析软件分析目标条带的吸光度值,以β-actin条带吸光度值为参照,两者比值为蛋白的表达水平。
     采用SPSS13.0软件进行数据统计分析,计量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)表示。各时间点不同组间CaMKⅡ和p-CREB蛋白和基因表达水平比较采用One-Way ANOVA;两两比较采用LSD法,P<0.05为有统计学意义。
Seizure induced by Ropivacaine central nervous system toxicity is common toxicant adverse reaction. Infants and children may be at increased risk form local anesthetics compared with adults because of their special anatomy and development feature. The previous study confirm that immature rats undergoing long term or recurrent seizure, it can effect the synaptic plasticity, learning and memory.
     It is the key time for development of synapses, nerve cell differentiationin migration, and fast formation of dendritic synapse in infants. Many investigations describe that other factors induced recurrent or long time seizures induced defect of learing and memory, its mechanism including ion channel, excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptor, neurotransmitter,development of synapse,the p protein synthesis, gene expression, and signal transduction. It is still uncertain if seizure induced by LAs can damage the development of nervous system, learning, and memory.
     It has been repoted about LAs toxicity seizure in the early1920century. Much has been done about the mechanism and prevention and cure by anesthetists. The mechanism of LAs toxicity seizure including the unbalance of EAA-IAA, NMDA-Ca2+-NOS, dopamine, acetylcholine, M-potassium channels et al. All above receptors, neurotransmitter, ion channels participant the development and maintenance of CNS, synapses, leaning, and memory.Hippocampus is the most important place of learning, and memory, and also the place which LAs toxicity seizure take place.
     Learning and memory is an higher nervous activity of brain. The two nervous activity intercommunication and influence about learning and memory. Learning means human or biology can change its performance in response to its environment, and memory means the imformation storage and output by learning activity. The nerves base of learning and memory is high plasticity of CNS, its including neural network connection, the plastic relative neurotransmitter, protein, ion channels, and receptors.
     Synapses is the junction point of shape structure and functional about neuron, it's the key site of maintenance about information transport. The synapse plastic means when changing of external environment, the synapse take a adaptive change to keep the relative stable condition, the changing including form structure and function changing. The studay consider after recurrent or long time seizures, the synapses form structure was destruction in hippocampal area, the changing impact function of nervous, and its destroy level are positively correlate with learning and memory performance. The studay about LAs CNS toxicity describe that LAs inhibit synapses axon growth, induce nerve impulse attenuated, and impairment the physiologic function.
     Synaptophysin is a calcium binding glucoprotein which located in presynaptic membrane of axon peripheral. Synaptophysin participate in the release procedure of ACH, glutamic acid,et al, it has a close relation with synaptic plastics. Synaptophysin is a specificity protein of synaptic vesicle, its density and distribution reflect synapsis amount, and distribution. Synaptophysin has a close relation with synaptic restitution and recognition. Synaptophysin can regulate the formation, development, and mature of neurons, and also effect differentiation of neurons by regulate the cytoskeletal protein pack. Synaptophysin has a considerable meaning to axon lengthen, synaptic linkage, and synaptic maturation. The opposite research describe that it is not necessary of synaptophysin to synaptic development, learning, and memory, and it is still uncertain of its mechanism.
     Ca2+-CaMK Ⅱ-CREB path is one of the main signal of formation synaptic plasticity and learning memory of CNS. CaMK Ⅱ is a protein has a the highest content in the hippocamp, it's a binding protein of Ca2+ion, has a close correlation of LTP, it can also be called"molecular switch of learning, and memory". Lidocaine. cocaine, and procaine can inhibit LTP in hippocampal by effect of calmodulince. LAs induced CNS toxicity seizure cause calcium overload, if it can effect CaMK Ⅱ, synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory.
     cAMP-responsive element binding protein (CREB) is a intracellular transcicription factor, which mediates the genetic transcription and the proteinous synthesis, plays a important role in the long term memory. It effect CREB phosphorylation induced learning,memory impairment in with acute or repeat treatment of cocaine.
     We determine ED95of0.5%Ropivacaine which the dose induced CNS toxicity seizure with postnatal21days(P21) mice, and preparation single and repeated seizure mice model. The learning,memory ability test by Morris water maze (MWM) at time after seizure. Synaptic ultrastructure in hippocamp after seizure transmission electron microscope Immunohistochemical staining and western blotting methods were used in the assays of the expressive levels of synaptophysin in CA1area of hippocamp. Fluorescent quantitation polymerase chain reaction(Q-t PCR) technique was used in the assays of the exprwssive levels of CaMK Ⅱ and p-CREB gene. We detect if LAs CNS toxicity seizure will effect the synaptic plasticity, learning and memory of immature mice, through test ethology; morphology,protein, and gene level, and discuss the possible mechanism about it.
     We determine the ED50, ED95of ropivacaine induced seizure through up-down and unit probability regression method.
     Forty healthy P21Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Using sodium chloride configuration0.5%Ropivacaine. Experiment dose divide to5groups, the geometric proportion coefficient is0.8, and the initial dose is24mg/kg. A rat accept intraperitoneal injection only one time. The seizure standard according to Racine V degree (righting reflex loss, generalized tonic-clonic seizures).
     grade0, normal behavior,1, facial twitches; wet dog shakes, arres t;2, head nodding, chewing;3, forelimb clonus;4, rearing, falling on forelimbs;5, falling on the side or back, hindlimb clonus. The rats seizure degree achieve V bring into experiment.
     Termination of seizure by means of twitch disappear and recover of self-action(righting reflex recover). Performance according to the up-down method: The first rat treatment with0.5%Ropivacaine intraperitoneal injection dose is24mg/kg, if it appearance seizure,and the next rat will accept the down regulation dose of Ropivacaine, but if the first rat did not appearance seizure, and the next rat will accept the upper regulation dose. Record positive, negative, and all cases in per dose group. Record the latency and duration of rat that undergone seizure.
     statistics analysis
     All the data were analyzed by the software SPSS13.0statistically, measurement data were measured by (x±s). The unit probability regression method (probit) was used toanalyze ED50and ED95of seizure induced by ropivacaine toxicity.
     The seizure rats were characterized by free-running decreased, restlessness, run in a hurry aimless, loss of right reflex and generalized tonic-clonic convulsions. From inject time to occurrence of seizure(latency) is4.7±0.94min, and from occurrence to terminal of seizure(duration) is26.4±6.0min. According probit method calculated, equation y=-17.89±12.78(1g dose), the ED50dose is25.12mg/kg(95%confidence interval is22.38-27.54mg/kg). and the ED95dose is33.79mg/kg (95%confidence interval is29.99-48.38mg/kg).
     According probit method calculated, the ED50dose is25.12mg/kg(95%confidence interval is22.38-27.54mg/kg), and the ED95dose is33.79mg/kg (95%confidence interval is29.99-48.38mg/kg).
     Using the ED95dose of Ropivacaine induced-seizure, preparation the single and repeated seizure rats model. The learning,memory ability test by Morris water maze (MWM) at time after seizure.
     Thirty healthy P21Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, using the ED95dose of Ropivacaine induced-seizure IP, which achieve the seizure standard were chosen in the experiment, died or without seizure rats knock-out experiment.
     The thirty rats were randomized into three groups (n=10):control group(Cgroup), single seizure group (R group), and recurrent seizure group (FR group). N group:the rats accept aequales Sodium Chloride; R:the rats accept single ED95Ropivacaine dose; FR group:the rats accept five days,1/day, ip ED95Ropivacaine dose; The learning,memory ability test by Morris water maze (MWM) at time (1h~3d;5d~7d; P60~P62) after seizure in each group.
     Test content①Place navigation, it used to test the learning and memory ability of the rats. The rats swim2min in the pool before the starting formal experiment. The formal test experience three days,and test1time at am and pm per day. Putting the rats into water with face toward barrel wall at different point, the software recorded the swimming image of the rats(the residence time is5s), and analyzing the swimming path, velocity, and latency. If the rats could not find the platform in120s, the operater guide the rats to the platform ang stady for5s, and recording the latency was120s.②Spatial probe:It used to test the space memory ability, spatial probe carried out at the time after thelast place navigationtest, removing the platform, putting the rats at different point into water recording the times of accrosing and the swimming time in the quadrantic which the platform was located.(4d,8d, and P62),
     statistics analysis
     All the data were analyzed by the software SPSS13.0statistically, measurement data were measured by (x±s). Repeat measurement F test was ued to analyze escape latency. One-Way ANOVA was used to analyze the latency at different time in different groups or in different groups at the same time. One-Way ANOVA was used to analyze the times of accrosing and the swimming time in the quadrantic which the platform was located. After the equal check of variance the two-two comparisons among the means were done by LSD method.
     D1-3Search platform latency in place navigation test:Ropivacaine induced CNS toxicity seizure effect the Search platform latency. The latency time was to shorten gradually in C, R and FR groups by train time increased (F=225.09, P<0.001; F=152.614, P<0.001; F=46.603, P<0.001). There were significant deviation of latency time in C, R and FR groups on day1-3(F=7.371, P<0.001; F=111.73, P<0.001; F=172.096, P<0.001). The two-two comparisons among the means were done by LSD method, there was significant deviation of latency time between C vs R, C vs FR groups at day1-2(P<0.05); and there was significant deviation of latency time between C vs FR, R vs FR groups at day3(P<0.05);Day4spatial probe:①Times of accrosing in the quadrantic which the platform was located. There was significant deviation of times of accrosing in three groups on day4(F=43.246, P<0.001), and there was significant deviation of time accrosing in C vs R, and R vs FR groups (P<0.05).②There was significant deviation of swimming time in the quadrantic which the platform was located in the three groups (F=129.646, P<0.001), and there was significant deviation of time accrosing in C vs FR, but not C vs R groups (P<0.05)
     D5~7Search platfonn latency in place navigation test:Ropivacaine induced CNS toxicity seizure effect the Search platform latency. The latency time was to shorten gradually in C and R groups by train time increased (F=14.75, P<0.001:F=17.194, P<0.001),but not in FR group(F=2.777, P>0.05). There were significant deviation of latency time in C, R and FR groups on day5~7(F=169.044, P<0.001; F=235.824, P<0.001; F=285.290, P<0.001). The two-two comparisons among the means were done by LSD method, there was significant deviation of latency time between C, R vs FR, but not C vs R groups at day5-7(P<0.05). Day8spatial probe:①Times of accrosing in the quadrantic which the platform was located. There was significant deviation of times of accrosing in three groups on day8(F=57.474, P<0.001), and there was significant deviation of time accrosing in C and R vs FR, but not C vs R groups (P<0.05).②There was significant deviation of swimming time in the quadrantic which the platform was located in the three groups (F=124.692, P<0.001), and there was significant deviation of time accrosing in C vs FR, but not C vs R groups (P<0.05)
     P60~P62Search platform latency in place navigation test:Ropivacaine induced CNS toxicity seizure effect the Search platform latency. The latency time was to shorten gradually in C, R and FR groups by train time increased(F=16.718, P<0.001; F=20.580, P<0.001; F=14.214, P<0.001)There were significant deviation of latency time in C, R and FR groups on day P60-P62((F=177.218, P<0.005; F=353.348, P<0.001; F=269.125, P<0.001) The two-two comparisons among the means were done by LSD method, there was significant deviation of latency time between C, R vs FR, but not C vs R groups at day P60-P62(P<0.05). Day P62spatial probe:①Times of accrosing in the quadrantic which the platform was located. There was significant deviation of times of accrosing in three groups on day8(F=25.327, P<0.001), and there was significant deviation of time accrosing in C and R vs FR, but not C vs R groups (P<0.05).②There was significant deviation of swimming time in the quadrantic which the platform was located in the three groups (F=120.061, P<0.001), and there was significant deviation of time accrosing in C vs FR, but not N vs R groups (P<0.05)
     It can effect the learning and memory ability transiently with single seizures induced by Ropivacaine, but the long-term effect by repeated seizures.
     Using the ED95dose of Ropivacaine induced-seizure, preparation the single and repeated seizure rats model. Tset the synaptic morphology in the hippocampal CA1area by transmission electron microscope.
     Thirty healthy P21Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, using the ED95dose of Ropivacaine induced-seizure IP. which achieve the seizure standard were chosen in the experiment, died or without seizure rats knock-out experiment.
     The thirty rats were randomized into three groups (n=12):control group(C group), single seizure group (R group), and recurrent seizure group (FR group). C group:the rats accept aequales Sodium Chloride; R:the rats accept single ED95Ropivacaine dose; FR group:the rats accept five days, I/day, ip ED95Ropivacaine dose; The three groups subdivided into4subgroups(n=3) according to the24h,3d,7d, and P60after covulsion or injection respective.
     According the time, perfusing the rats with paraformaldehyde and glutaric dialdehyde mixed liquor. After that taking out the hippocampus quickly and putting the glutaric dialdehyde. Using the transmission electron microscope to observe the synaptic cleft, synaptic number, and PSD.
     statistics analysis
     All the data were analyzed by the software SPSS13.0statistically, measurement data were measured by (x±s). One-Way ANOVA was used to analyze the synaptic cleft, synaptic number, and PSD at defferent time. After the equal check of variance the two-two comparisons among the means were done by LSD method.
     The synaptic number in R group at time24and3d, was less than C group at the same time. And the synaptic number in FR group at time24h,3d and7d, was less than C group at the same time (P<0.05). The synaptic cleft in R and FR groups were reduced than it in the C group at time24and3d (P<0.05).The PSD in R and FR groups were reduced than it in the C group at time24(P<0.05). The synaptic number, synaptic cleft and PSDin Both R and FR groups were the same as in the C at time P60.
     Ropivacaine-induced seizures effect the synaptic morphology in the hippocampal CAI area. The synaptic number reduced, synaptic clef widen and PSD thinningz atearlier period (24h,3d, and7d)
     Using the ED95dose of Ropivacaine induced-seizure, preparation the single and repeated seizure rats model. Tset the synaptophysin in the hippocampal by Immunohistochemical stain and western blotting method.
     Thirty healthy P21Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, using the ED95dose of Ropivacaine induced-seizure IP, which achieve the seizure standard were chosen in the experiment, died or without seizure rats knock-out experiment.
     The thirty rats were randomized into three groups (n=24):control group(C group), single seizure group (R group), and recurrent seizure group (FR group). C group:the rats accept aequales Sodium Chloride; R:the rats accept single ED95Ropivacaine dose; FR group:the rats accept five days,1/day, ip ED95Ropivacaine dose; The three groups subdivided into4subgroups(n=6) according to the24h,3d,7d, and P60after covulsion or injection respective.
     According the time, perfusing the rats with paraformaldehyde liquor. Another rats without perfusing to obtain western blotting sample.After that taking out the hippocampus Using t Immunohistochemical stain and western blotting method to observe the synaptophysin content at different time.
     statistics analysis
     All the data were analyzed by the software SPSS13.0statistically, measurement data were measured by (x±s). One-Way ANOVA was used to analyze the synaptophysin content at defferent time. After the equal check of variance the two-two comparisons among the means were done by LSD method.
     Synaptophysin content expression by Immunohistochemical stain
     The synaptophysin content expression in R group was less than it in C group at time24h (P<0.05), and it expression in FR group was less than it in C group at time24h,3d, and7d (P<0.05). Both it in R and FR were same as C group at P60. Synaptophysin content expression by western blotting
     The synaptophysin content expression in R group was less than it in C group at time24h (P<0.05), and it expression in FR group was less than it in N group at time24h,3d, and7d (P<0.05). Both it in R and FR were same as N group at P60.
     The synaptophysin content expression was reduced transiently at time3d after single seizure induced bu Ropivacaine, and it continue reduced until7d after repeat seizures.The synaptophysin content were same as normal in both single and repeat seizures at P60.
     Using the ED95dose of Ropivacaine induced-seizure, preparation the single and repeated seizure rats model. Tset the CaMKⅡand p-CREB in the hippocampal by Fluorescent quantitation polymerase chain reaction technique and Western Blot..
     One hundred and twenty rats healthy P21Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, using the ED95dose of Ropivacaine induced-seizure IP, which achieve the seizure standard were chosen in the experiment, died or without seizure rats knock-out experiment.
     The one hundred and twenty rats were randomized into three groups (n=40): control group(C group), single seizure group (R group), and recurrent seizure group (FR group). C group:the rats accept aequales Sodium Chloride; R:the rats accept single ED95Ropivacaine dose; FR group:the rats accept five days,1/day, ip ED95Ropivacaine dose; The three groups subdivided into4subgroups(n=10) according to the24h,3d,7d, and P60after covulsion or injection respective.
     CaMK Ⅱ and p-CREB up, down-stream primer were synthesis. According the time, to obtain hippocampus sample. extracting the sumRNA, reverse transcription, PCR amplification. Using the quantitive method analysis gene expression.
     statistics analysis
     All the data were analyzed by the software SPSS13.0statistically, measurement data were measured by (x±s). One-Way AN OVA was used to analyze the CaMK Ⅱ and p-CREB at defferent time. After the equal check of variance the two-two comparisons among the means were done by LSD method.
     CaMK Ⅱ gene expression
     The CaMK Ⅱ gene content expression in R group was less than it in C group at time24h and3d (P<0.05), and it expression in FR group was less than it in C group at time24h,3d,7d, and P60.(P<0.05) p-CREB gene expression
     The p-CREB gene content expression in R group was same as it in C group at time24h,3d,7d, and P60; and it expression in FR group was less than it in C group at time24h,3d,7d, and P60.(P<0.05)
     The CaMK Ⅱ gene expression content expression was reduced transiently at time3d after single seizure induced by Ropivacaine, and it continue reduced until P6o after repeated seizures.The p-CREB gene content expression were same as normal in single group at all the time, but the expression were all reduced significantly in repeated group at all the time.
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