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Aristophanes was one of the most preeminence comic playwrighter of ancient Greece, whose plays were survived alone at that time. Besides the high qulity of literature, his comedies also related to a lot of serious and important social problems, thus they are valubable to the social intellcatul history. This essay chose three themes, the Peloponnesian War, the political institution of polis, and the change of social thought.
     In Chapter One, the author focuses on the Aristophanes' opinion on the origin of the Peloponnesian War. The comic poet regard Pericles as the initiator of the war, and Cleon as the bellicose war party, the ongoing war was the method to control the demos. Then, the author discusses the influence of the long-standing war, and how comedy peoclaimed to peace. Last, the author analyses the outlook on war and polis of the comic poet.
     In Chapter Two, the author examines the relationship between demos and demagogs, and the origin of and the function of demagogs in the democratic politics. Base on the case study of Cleon, the author surey the fuction of middle class in the democracy. Then the author's study moves to the relationship between demos and aristocrat. Base on the case study of Alcibiades, the author analyse how aristocratic elites take part in the democracy, and the competetion btween the demagoge and aristocratic elites. Later, the author examines the twice Oligarch coup of Athens and the self-adjust of polis. At Last, the author surveys the changed style of comedy and the control of the public voice.
     In Chapter Three, the author review the strike by new thoughts which caused by the sophist movement, and the crisis of traditional value during the period of the the Peloponnesian War when Athens from mythos to logos. Then, the author discusses the competition of public voice and the comic poet's critic to the 'New Thought' which represented by'unjust logos'. Finally the author analyse the relationship between polis' education and ideal polis.
     By investigating three chapters, the comedy was put into a special context, the author examines the advice of Aristophanes on the the Peloponnesian War, the political institution of polis, and the change of social thought. In the conclusion, the author argues that the ultimate aim of the comic poet was justice.
1 Suda, s.v. Aristophanes.
    2 Quintilian, Institutes of Oratory, X,1,65.
    3 Plutarch, Moralia, X.463-473(853A-854D).
    4 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Die Vogel, epilogue.
    5 Christian Johann Heinrich Heine, Deutschland:Ein Wintermaerchen, epilogue.
    9 Cedric H. Whitman, Aristophanes and the Comic Hero, Cambridge, MA.:Harvard University Press,1964, p.57.
    10 Kenneth McLeish, The Theater of Aristophanes. New York:Thames & Hudson,1980, p.12.
    11 A. Meineke, Fragmenta Comicorum Graecorum, vol. Ⅰ:Historia Critica Poetarum Comicorum Graecorum Berlin,1839.参见Gregory W. Dobrov (ed.), Brill's Companion to the Study of Greek Comedy, Leiden:Brill, 2010, p.30.
    12 E. Segal (ed.), Oxford Readings in Aristophanes, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1996, p. xi.
    14 F. M. Cornford, The Origin of Attic Comedy, Second edition, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1934对康福德的评价参见T. B. L. Webster, Dithyramb, Tragedy and Comedy, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1962, pp.192f.; Jeffrey Henderson, "The Demos and the Comic Competition", in J. J. Winkler,& F. I. Zeitlin. (eds.), Nothing to do with Dionysos?:Athenian Drama in Its Social Context, Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1990, pp.271-313.
    15 Arthur Pickard-Cambridge, The Dramatic Festivals of Athens,2nd editon, revised by John Gould and D. M. Lewis, London:Oxford University Press,1968.
    6 M. Croiset, Aristophanes and the political parties at Athens, New York:MacMillan,1909.
    17 G Murray, Aristophanes:A Study, New York:Oxford University Press,1933. 以及 G. Murray, Ancient Greek Literature, New York:Frederick Ungar Publishing Co,1966中译本参见默雷:《古希腊文学史》,孙席珍、蒋炳贤、郭智石译,上海译文出版社,2007年6月第1版,第221-222页。
    18 A. W. Gomme, "Aristophanes and Politics", CR, Vol.52, No.3,1938, pp.97-109.
    19在1994年出版的《牛津古典研究文集:阿里斯托芬》一书中仍将戈姆这篇写于1938年的文章收录其中,就可见其时至今日的持续影响。参见A. W. Gomme, "Aristophanes and Politics", The Classical Review, Vol.52,No.3,1938,pp.97-109.中译文参考刘小枫主编:《雅典民主的谐剧》,华夏出版社,2008年2月第1版,第2-24页。
    20 V. Ehrenberg, The People of Aristophanes:A Sociology of Old Attic Comedy, New York:Schocken Books, 1962.
    21 C. H. Whitman, Aristophanes and the Comic Hero, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1964.
    22 C. F. Russo, Aristophanes:An Author for the Stage, London; New York:Routledge,1994.
    23 W. Jaeger, Paideia:The Ideals of Greek Culture, Vol.1. New York:Oxford University Press,1974.
    24 Hans-Joachim Newiger, Aristophanes und die alte Komodie, Darmstadt:Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1975.
    25 K. J. Dover, Aristophanic Comedy, London:Batsford,1972.
    26 G E. M. de Ste. Croix, The Origins of the Peloponnesian War, Ithca:Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd,1972.
    D. M. Lewis, J. Boardman, J. K. Davies & M. Ostwald (eds.), CAH, Second edition, Vol.5, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1992.
    30 L. K. Taaffe, Aristophanes and Women, London:Routledge,1993.
    31 Leo Strauss, Socrates and Aristophanes, Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1966.
    32 J. F. Pontuso, "Aristophanes as the Founder of Postmodernism Rightly Understood", Perspectives on Political Science, Vol.36, No.4,2007, pp.215-221.
    33 Simon Goldhill, The Poet's Voice:Essays on Poetics and Greek Literature, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1991.
    34 Malcolm Heath, Political comedy in Aristophanes, Gottingen:Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,1987; David Konstan, Greek Comedy and Ideology, New York:Oxford University Press,1995.
    35 J. J. Winkler, & F. I. Zeitlin. (eds.), Nothing to do with Dionysos?:Athenian Drama in Its Social Context, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1990.
    36 E. Segal (ed.), Oxford Readings in Aristophanes, Oxford University Press,1996, pp.1-8.; Gregory W. Dobrov, Figures of Play:Greek Drama and Metafictional Poetics, Oxford/New York:Oxford University Press,2001.
    37 P. J. Rhodes, "Nothing to Do with Democracy:Athenian Drama and the Polis", The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol.123,2003, pp.104-119.
    38 Keith Sidwell, Aristophanes the Democrat:The Politics of Satirical Comedy during the Peloponnesian War Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009.
    39 Nikoletta Kanavou, Aristophanes'Comedy of Names:A Study of Speaking Names in Aristophanes, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter,2011.
    40 A. M. Bowie, Aristophanes:Myth, Ritual and Comedy, New edition, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1996; Ismene Lada-Richards, Initiating Dionysus:Ritual and Theatre in Aristophanes'Frogs, Clarendon Press; New York:Oxford University Press,1999.
    41 Goldhill, S. & Osbome, R. (eds.), Performance culture and Athenian democracy, New York:Cambridge University Press,1999, pp.167-200.
    42 Zachary P. Biles, Aristophanes and the Poetics of Competition, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2011.
    43 Charles Platter, Aristophanes and the Carnival of Genres, Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007.
    44 H. Foley, "The Comic Body in Greek Art and Drama", in Beth Cohen (ed.), Not the Classical Ideal:Athens and the Construction of the Other in Greek Art, Leiden:Brill,2000, pp.275-311.
    45 E. Stehle, "The Body and Its Representations in Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazousai:Where Does the Costume End?", The American Journal of Philology, Vol.123, No.3,2002, pp.369-406.
    60 Victor Ehrenberg, The People of Aristophanes:A Sociology of Old Attic Comedy, New York:Schocken Books, 1962, p.8.
    61 G. E. M. de Ste. Croix, The Origins of the Peloponnesian War, Ithca:Gerald Duckworth,1972, p.369.
    64 Cratinus, Deliades; Dedaskaliai; Cheirons, (PCG,37-48; 240,241);关于《狄奥尼萨历山德罗斯》残篇的注疏、概述参见PCG 9-51;汉德利(E. W.Handley)指出POxy 2806和POxy663都在影射伯里克利。参见E. W. Handley, "POxy 2806:A Fragment of Cratinus?", Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies,29,1982, pp.109-117.
    65 Cratinus, Cheirons (PCG,246-268).
    66 Cratinus, Cheirons (PCG,258).
    67 Cratinus, Cheirons (PCG,259).
    68关于(?)作为一种性别观念的讨论参见Nicole Loraux, "La cite, l'historien, les femmes," Pallas 32 (1985): 7-39.
    70“牛眼睛的”形容赫拉参见荷马《伊利亚特》1.551;形容阿尔忒弥斯参见Bacchylides, Epinicians, B.10.99.
    73参见赫西奥德《工作与时日》67;相关讨论参见Madeleine M. Henry, Prisoner of History:Aspasia of Miletus and Her Biographical Tradition, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1995, p.21.
    74荷马:《伊利亚特》18.396;赫西奥德:《工作与时日》67;相关讨论参见Madeleine M. Henry, Prisoner of History:Aspasia of Miletus and Her Biographical Tradition, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1995, pp.21-28.
    75 Cratinus, Nemesis (PCG,115,118).
    76关于欧波利斯的残篇参见PCG第五卷,欧波利斯首部作品大约于公元前429年上演,他于公元前411年去世。《苏达辞典》中记在他名下的喜剧有17部,其中13部确认为他的作品,分别是《山羊》(Aiges)、《免除兵役者》(Astrateutoi)或《阴阳人》(Androgynoi)、《奥托吕库斯》(Autolykos)、《浸染工》(Baptai)、《德谟斯》(Demoi)、《奉承者》(Kolakes)、《色急儿》(Marikas)、《新月节》(Noumeniai)、《城邦》(Poleis)、《普洛斯帕尔塔人》(Prospaltioi)、《百人队长》(Taxiarchoi)、《朋友》(Philoi)以及《黄金种族》(Chrysoun Genos);此外,还有3部疑似他创作的喜剧,分别是《希洛人》(Heilotes)、《拉哥尼亚人》(Lakones)和《滥用正义者》(Hybristodikai)。参见Ian C. Storey, "Dating and Re-Dating Eupolis", Phoenix, Vol.44, No. 1,1990, pp.1-30.
    77 Eupolis, Prospaltioi,(PCG,267)关于战争主题参见PCG,260;阿斯帕西亚被称作海伦则在PCG,267.
    78 Eupolis, Marikas,166-169 (PCG,413).
    79赫尔弥普斯是吕西斯(Lysis)之子,喜剧诗人米尔提洛斯(Myrtilus)的兄弟,据说他是一位独眼诗人。他活跃于伯罗奔尼撒战争期间,主要作品多在忒勒克莱德斯(Telecleides)之后,欧波利斯和阿里斯托芬之前。根据苏达辞典他创作了四十部喜剧,而他喜剧中的主要演员是斯梅隆(Simeron)。赫尔弥普斯的九部作品题名保存至今,分别是《雅典娜的诞生》(Athenas gonai)、《女面包贩》(Artopolides)、《公民》(Demotai)、《欧罗巴》(Europa)、《克尔科佩斯》(Kerkopes)《众神》(Theoi)、《命运女神》(Moirai)、《士兵》(Stratiotai)以及《运席子的人》(Phormophoroi)。
    81 Hermippus, Moirai, (PCG,46).
    82 Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae,13.569f-570a.
    85 Archilochus, fr.58; 184.
    86 Simonides. fr.7.
    87 Hipponax, fr.68.
    88 Albin Lesky, A History of Greek Literature, James Willis & Cornelis de Heer (trs.), London:G Duckworth, 1996, p.114.
    95 Christopher Pelling, Literary Texts and the Greek Historian, London:Routledge,2000, pp.189-245.
    96 Demosthenes, Against Neaera,59.122.
    98 A. M. Bowie, Aristophanes:Myth, Ritual and Comedy, New edition, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1996, p.147.
    99关于希罗多德《历史》发表的具体时间,我们至今也无法完全确定,这部历史著作也有可能是在《阿卡奈人》之后才出现。不过,有些学者认为《阿卡奈人》(523-529)是对希罗多德《历史》(1.1-4)的影射。参见Douglas M. MacDowell, "The Nature of Aristophanes' Akharnians," Greece & Rome 30 (October 1983): 143-162; D. Sansone, "The date of Herodotus'publication", Illinois Classical Studies,10 (1985), pp.1-9; C. W. Fornara, JHS,91 (1971), pp.25-34.
    102 Walter Ameling, "Komodie und Politik zwischen Kratinos und Aristophanes:Das Beispiel Perikles", Quaderni Catanesi 3,1981, pp.383-424; Donald Kagan, The Outbreak of the Peloponnesian War, Ithaca N.Y.:Cornell University Press,1969, pp.255-256.
    103 D. M. MacDowell, Aristophanes and Athens:An Introduction to the Plays, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1995, pp.46-79.
    104 Madeleine M. Henry, Prisoner of History:Aspasia of Miletus and Her Biographical Tradition, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1995, p.26.
    105关于希罗多德的喜剧戏仿参见B. Welsh, "The Chorus of Aristophanes' Babylonians," Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 24 (1983):137-150.
    106 Madeleine M. Henry, Prisoner of History:Aspasia of Miletus and Her Biographical Tradition, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1995, p.28.
    107根据埃伦伯格的观点,雅典和斯巴达之间的冲突早在公元前460年早已开始,这场冲突从公元前460年一直持续到公元前446年,被后人称为是“第一次伯罗奔尼撒战争”,一般也被看作是伯罗奔尼撒战争的前奏。公元前445年,雅典与斯巴达订立“三十年和约”,雅典放弃陆上霸权,斯巴达则承认雅典之海上霸权。麦加拉等邦重归伯罗奔尼撒联盟,“第一次伯罗奔尼撒战争”结束。战争与和平大致可以分为两个时期,公元前460至公元前432年以及公元前431至公元前380年。这两个时期又可以各自两个阶段:公元前460至公元前446年是双方处于危机和紧张状态,并且伴有一些冲突,公元前450至公元前432年则是处于真正的和平时期;公元前431至公元前404年,处于战争状态,而公元前403至公元前380年则是一个非常不稳定的和平时期。参见Victor Ehrenberg, The People of Aristophanes:A Sociology of Old Attic Comedy, New York:Schocken Books,1962, p.297.
    111普鲁塔克所记载的菲狄阿斯融合了四世纪各种版本的传言菲罗库鲁斯(Philochorus)和厄弗鲁斯(Ephorus)形成了不同的传统。参见Christopher Pelling, Literary Texts and the Greek Historian, London: Routledge,2000, p.128.
    114参见G. E. M. de Ste.Croix, The Origins of the Peloponnesian War, Ithca:Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd,1972; Ronald Philip Legon, Megara:The Political History of a Greek City-State to 336 B. C.,1981.
    122关于麦加拉法令的目的是转移视线的观点参见G. E. M. de Ste. Croix, Origins of the Peloponnesian War, pp. 241-245.
    138 Ronald Philip Legon, Megara:The Political History of a Greek City-State to 336 B.C.,1981, pp.219-222.
    139 G. E. M. de Ste. Croix, The Origins of the Peloponnesian War, Ithca:Gerald Duckworth,1972, p.367.
    142根据莫里斯的估算,希腊从公元前800年至300年的人均消费,每年以0.14%递增。参见Ian Morris, "Economic growth in ancient Greece", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol.160, Issue 4, 2004, pp.709-742.
    143此处借用了布罗代尔在《腓力二世的地中海世界》序言中提出的“准静止的历史”(une historie quasi immobile)概念。
    144 Aristophanes, Fragments, Jeffrey Henderson (ed.), Cambridge M.A.:Harvard University Press,2007, p.311.
    145 Hermippus, fr.63.
    146 J.K.Davies, Wealth and the Power of Wealth in Classical Athens, Arno Press,1981,p.55.
    147 Robin Osborne, "Pride and prejudice, sense and subsistence:Exchange and society in the Greek city", in John Rich and Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, eds, City and Country in the Ancient World, Routledge, pp.119-45.
    148 Demosthenes, Against Phainippos,42.
    149 Edward E. Cohen, Athenian Economy and Society:A Banking Perspective, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1992, p.6.
    151雅典当时已经涌现出许多著名的银行家,如安提斯塞尼斯(Antisthenes)阿波罗多鲁斯(Apollodorus)、阿吉斯特拉图斯(Archestratus)、阿里斯托洛库斯(Aristolochos)、德谟忒勒斯(Demoteles)、弗密昂(Phormion)、皮拉德斯(Py lades)、索斯诺摩斯(Sosinomos)、提墨德谟斯(Timodemos)、叙索斯(Xouthos)等人,帕西翁(Pasion)则是当中最著名者。参见Demosthenes,36.5,45.6,45.31,49.6,52.3-4.
    153亚里士多德关于泰米斯托克利建造战舰数量的记录存疑,希罗多德的记载为200艘。埃斯库罗斯在《波斯人》也曾提及,这对萨拉米斯海战产生了决定性的影响。公元前378至362年前后,卡利斯特拉图斯(Kallistratus of Aphidnae)对公共资源进行了重要的改革。首先,富有的公民预先(proeisphora)交税给城邦;其次,矿井从城邦管控下放到个人手中;个人可以获得矿井为期三年的经营权(ergasima),已经开掘的隧道租期则为十年。公元前355年,色诺芬就表达了他对开采劳利翁的兴趣,他强调了矿井此时的贫瘠,并认为应该增加奴隶来挖掘。参见亚里士多德:《雅典政制》22.7;希罗多德:《历史》7.144;埃斯库罗斯在《波斯人》238;色诺芬:《论雅典的收入》4.1,4.4,4.23-25.
    154 Pollux,3.55.
    159卡根则指出,阿基达玛战争战争的影响也许没有想象中的那样严重,因为斯巴达及其盟军分别在公元前431年、430年、428年和427年入侵阿提卡,他们没有一次驻扎的时间超过40天。而公元前429年和426年,他们甚至连阿提卡也没有进入。参见Donald Kagan, The Peace ofNicias and the Sicilian Expedition, Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1981, pp.290-291.
    60 Aristophanes, Farmer, (PCG 294).
    169斯特劳德认为“初次收获”是某种形式的赋税,可以算作厄琉西斯神庙的主要收入来源,到了伯里克利时期甚至演变成为展现城邦实力的方式,雅典的盟邦也被要求缴纳丰收献祭。参见Russell Meiggs & David Lewis (eds.), A Selection of Greek historical inscriptions to the end of the fifth century B.C., revised edition, Oxford:Clarendon,1989, p.217-223.
    171根据甘绥的估算,公元前480年雅典人口数约为50人/平方方公里,到了公元前431年雅典人口接近104人/平方公里,进入公元前4世纪雅典人口处于50人/平方公里至83.33人/平方公里之间。谷物每年的人均消耗量约为230/千克。参见Peter Garnsey, Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World: Responses to Risk and Crisis, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1989, p.90,104.
    184本文的中译文参考了罗念生、张竹明先生的译本,出于行文方便,文中引用古典文献均按国际惯例在括号中注明卷数、行数或残篇编号,如非特别标注,不再一一注名。Aristophanes, Fragments, Jeffrey Henderson (ed.), Cambridge M.A.:Harvard University Press,2007, pp.204-229.
    188 Aristophanes, Farmer,(PCG,111).
    189 Stobaeus4.14.7转引自Aristophanes, Fragments, Jeffrey Henderson (ed.), Cambridge M.A.:Harvard University Press,2007, p.305.
    199 A. W. Pickard-Cambridge, The Dramatic Festivals of Athens,2nd edtion. Rev. by John Gould and D.M. Lewis, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1968, pp.264-265.
    202阿里斯托芬关于女性和战争的讨论参见Paul D. Epstein, "The Marriage of Peisthetairos to Basileia in the Birds of Aristophanes," Dionysius 5,1981, pp.5-28; S. C. Humphreys, The Family, Women, and Death: Comparative Studies, London:Routledge,1983; Anthropology and the Greeks, London:Routledge,1978; Helene P. Foley, "The'Female Intruder' Reconsidered:Women in Aristophanes' Lysistrata and Ecclesiazusae," Classical Philology 77,1982, pp.1-21.
    203古代到现代都有学者采用隐晦的译法来处理这些粗言秽语,大多数人甚至不将这些词语翻译出来。汉德森在20世纪70年代对这些词语的研究开创了先河,随后,多弗尔(K.J.Dover)那破天荒的《云》注疏本问世,直到这时阿里斯托芬的翻译者才开始将喜剧中的粗俗话语直白地译出。参见Jeffrey Henderson, The Maculate Muse:Obscene Language in Attic Comedy,2nd edition, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1991, pp. ⅶ-ⅷ.
    204 Christopher Pelling, Literary Texts and the Greek Historian, London and New York:Routledge,2000, pp. 189-245.
    207海伦·弗丽对迈克尔·肖的进行了修正,她指出肖的“女性侵入者”和的解释模式并不适用于分析《吕西斯特拉忒》和《公民大会妇女》这样的喜剧,她认为应该辩证地解读两性关系。参见Helene P. Foley, "The 'Female Intruder' Reconsidered:Women in Aristophanes' Lysistrata and Ecclesiazusae", Classical Philology, Vol.77, No.1, (Jan.,1982), pp.1-21.
    210 John J. Winkler & Froma I. Zeitlin, Nothing to do with Dionysos?:Athenian Drama in Its Social Context, Princeton, N.J.:Princeton University Press,1992, pp.63-96.
    211 Lauren Taaffe, Aristophanes and Women, London and New York:Routledge,1993, pp.103-130.
    213 H. W. Parke, Festivals of the Athenians, Ithaca N.Y.:Cornell University Press,1977, p.17.
    214当雅典观众看着舞台上吕西斯特拉忒的时候,他们见到的不仅一个与现实中相对应的虚构人物,同时也是一位重要仪式的组织者,因为组织一次性罢工只不过是比组织一次雅典娜庆典稍微复杂一点而已。参见Jeffrey Henderson, Aristophanes:Lysistrata, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1987, p. ⅹⅹⅹⅷ-ⅹⅹⅹⅸ.
    218迈克尔·肖通过对《美狄亚》的分析首先提出男人与女人之间的冲突可以看作是公共生活与私人生活之间的矛盾,或者说城邦与家庭之间的冲突。参见Michael Shaw, "The Female Intruder:Women in Fifth-Century Drama", Classical Philology, Vol.70, No.4 (Oct.,1975), pp.256-267.
    220 Jeffrey Henderson, The Maculate Muse:Obscene Language in Attic Comedy,2"d edition, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1991, p.94.
    221 Nicole. Loraux, The Divided City:On Memory and Forgetting in Ancient Athens, New York:Zone Books, 2002, pp.16-21.
    222 Cedric H. Whitman, Aristophanes and the Comic Hero, Cambridge, MA.:Harvard University Press,1964, p. 24.
    226 Heraclitus, fr.91a; 53; 24; 80.
    229正如公元2世纪的文论家琉善曾经总结说:“一场战争便可以使人人开始写作历史,他们似乎个个是修昔底德、希罗多德和色诺芬,从产生如此之众的历史学家这一现象看来,‘战争是万物之父’似乎千真万确。”参见Lucianus, "Pos dei Historian Syngraphein," 2 & 37, in Karl Jacobite, (ed.), Luciani Samosatensis Opera, vol. Ⅱ, Leipzig:Tuebner,1913中译文可见琉善:《论撰史》,缪灵珠译,章安琪编订:《缪灵珠美学译文集》第1卷,北京:中国人民大学出版社,1998年,第188、202页。
    231 Archilochus, fr.113.
    233 Cratinus, Cheirons (PCG,246-268).
    236 Victor Ehrenberg, The People of Aristophanes:A Sociology of Old Attic Comedy, New York:Schocken Books, 1962, p.299.
    238 Cedric H. Whitman, Aristophanes and the Comic Hero, Cambridge, MA.:Harvard University Press,1964, p. 67.
    239 Cedric H. Whitman, Aristophanes and the Comic Hero, Cambridge, MA.:Harvard University Press,1964, p. 70.
    241 MacDowell, D. M., Aristophanes and Athens:An Introduction to the Plays, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1995, pp.77-79.
    243 D. M. MacDowell, Aristophanes and Athens:An Introduction to the Plays, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1995, p.75.
    244 Cedric H. Whitman, Aristophanes and the Comic Hero, Cambridge, MA.:Harvard University Press,1964, p. 26.
    245 Cedric H. Whitman, Aristophanes and the Comic Hero, Cambridge, MA.:Harvard University Press,1964, p. 25.
    247 A. M. Bowie, "The Parabasis in Aristophanes:Prolegomena, Acharnians." Classical Quarterly,32 (1982), pp. 27-40.
    248 Cedric H. Whitman, Aristophanes and the Comic Hero, Cambridge, MA.:Harvard University Press,1964, p. 27.
    250 Jeffrey Henderson, "Comic Hero versus Political Elite", in Tragedy, Comedy, and the Polis, ed. by A. Sommerstein (Bari, Italy:Levante Editori,1993), pp.307-319.
    251 John Zumbrunnen, Elite Domination and the Clever Citizen:Aristophanes'"Archarnians" and "Knights", Political Theory, Vol.32, No.5, (Oct.,2004), p.667.
    253 Aristophanes Life,42-45参见Andreas Willi, The languages of Aristophanes:Aspects of Linguistic Variation in Classical Attic Greek, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2003, p.1.
    263据统计,阿提卡地区在古典时期约有139个村社。位于雅典城城墙范围以内的村社只有5个,毗邻城区的村社则有9个,可以将之理解为今天的近郊。城区周边的村社合共14个,还不到总数的十分之一参见Robin Osborne, Demos:The Discovery of Classical Attika, New York:Cambridge University Press,1985, pp.197-198.
    278 M. I. Finley, "Athenian Demagogues", Past and Present, No.21,1962, p.5.
    279 M. I. Finley, "Athenian Demagogues", Past and Present, No.21,1962, p.4.
    282 M. I. Finley, "Athenian Demagogues", Past and Present, No.21,1962, p.13.
    283 M. I. Finley, "Athenian Demagogues", Past and Present,No.21,1962, p.19.
    300现存的第二版《云》中,阿里斯托芬指责欧波利斯《色急儿》中的部分情节抄袭了他的《骑士》。参见阿里斯托芬:《云》553-555.欧波利斯《色急儿》的残篇参见Eupolis, Marikas (PCG 192-217)关于许珀玻洛斯的讽刺参见残篇192第149-150行,相关讨论参见Albio Cassio, "Old Persian Marika-, Eupolis Marikas and Aristophanes Knights," CQ,35,1985, pp.38以及J. D. Morgan, "MAPIKA2," CQ, n.s.,2,1986, pp.529-531.
    301 Hermippus, Artopolides, (PCG,9).
    302 W. Robert Connor, The New Politicians of Fifth-Century Athens, Indianapolis:Hackett Publishing Company, 1992, pp.108-109.
    304 M. I. Finley, "Athenian Demagogues", Past and Present, No.21,1962, pp.10-12.
    308 Victor Ehrenberg, The People of Aristophanes:A Sociology of Old Attic Comedy, New York:Schocken Books, 1962, pp.355-356.
    312雅典最初的骑士只有96人,是以48个称作“船区”(naukraiai)的征税单位为基础,同时它也为海军提供战舰和船员。尽管这支军队在公元前6世纪被废除,但是它很可能继续存在直至公元前477年一支300人的骑兵队建立之时。我们并不清楚它是怎样征募,然而很有可能三十人是在每个“部落”(phyle)或部落征集。它可能分为分为三个相等的骑兵队,每支队伍都有一名骑兵指挥官。大约在公元前445至438年间,骑兵发展成为一支近一千人的队伍。这支军队按照10个部落划分,每个部落出100人组成骑兵队(这一组织形式也被称为phyle),并由部落选举出的“部落骑兵队长”(phylarch)指挥。总的说来,骑士是由两位选举出来的、地位平等的骑兵指挥官统领。每一位骑士都会收到来自城邦的贷款(katastasis)用于帮助他在军中,此外还会收到额外的津贴(sitos)供其每日喂养马匹所需的草料。这种体制一直维持到公元前320年左右。参见I.G. Spence, The Cavalry of Classical Greece:A Social and Military History with Particular Reference to Athens, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1993, pp.9-10.
    313“场域”是法国社会学家布迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)所提出的概念,场域由附着于某种权力(或资本)形式的各种位置间的一系列客观历史关系所构成,它包含各种隐而未发的力量和正在活动的力量的空间及其相互争夺的行为。参见布迪厄、华康得:《实践与反思:反思社会学导引》,李猛、李康译,中央编译出版社,1998年版,第131-156页。
    322 Aristophanes, Daitales, (PCG 244).
    323阿里斯托芬:《马蜂》44-48.相关讨论参见Michael Vickers, "Alcibiades on Stage:Aristophanes' 'Birds'", Historia:Zeitschriftfur Alte Geschichte, Vol.38, No.3,1989, p.267.
    325维克斯认为斐狄庇德斯的原型就是阿尔基比阿德斯。参见Michael Vickers, Pericles on Stage:Political Comedy in Aristophanes' Early Plays, Austin, TX:University of Texas Press,1997.
    326 Michael Vickers, "Alcibiades on Stage:Aristophanes' 'Birds'", Historia:Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte, Vol. 38, No.3,1989, p.277.
    329 Diogenes Laertius,4.49.
    339弗纳拉(Charles W. Fornara)对此提出了质疑,他认为“攻击其制度”可能是一种误解,因为katastasis一词既可以制度又可以骑兵的装备贷款。参见FGrH 115 fr.93; Charles W. Fomara, "Gleon's Attack Against The Cavalry", CQ 23,1973, p.24.
    342 M. I. Finley, "Athenian Demagogues", Past and Present, No.21,1962, p.15.
    343 M.I. Finley, Democracy Ancient and Modern, revised edition. London:Hogarth Press,1985, p.33.
    350 Xenophon, Hellenica,1.7.3-12.
    357色诺芬完整地记录了“三十人”的名单,这些人分别是波吕卡瑞斯(Polychares)、克里提阿斯、米洛比乌斯(Melobius)、希波洛库斯(Hippolochus)、欧克莱德斯(Eucleides)、希尔隆(Hieron)、涅希洛库斯(Mnesilochus)、卡瑞蒙(Chremon)、忒拉墨涅斯、阿瑞西阿斯(Aresias)、狄奥克勒斯(Diocles)、淮德里阿斯(Phaedrias)、卡瑞莱奥斯(Chaereleos)安奈提乌斯(Anaetius)、裴松(Peison)、索福克勒斯、厄拉托斯塞尼斯(Eratosthenes)、卡里克勒斯(Charicles)、昂诺马克勒斯(Onomacles)、忒奥格尼斯(Theognis)、埃斯基尼斯(Aeschines)、忒奥格涅斯(Theogenes)、克里奥米德斯(Cleomedes)、厄拉西斯特拉图斯(Erasistratus)、费敦(Pheidon)、德拉孔提德斯(Dracontides)欧马忒斯(Eumathes)、阿里斯托特勒斯(Aristoteles)、希波马库斯(Hippomachus)以及涅斯泰德斯(Mnesitheides)。参见Xenophon, Hellenica,2.3.2.
    358琉善曾说:“有本书名叫《三头怪》(T(?)(?)(?)(?)pαvo(?)),那没什么,还有本叫《三阴茎》(Triphales)呢。”阿里斯托芬在其中称呼阴茎为希拉昂斯(Hilaons),含有非常巨大之意,该词源自希拉昂(Hilaon),他是一位英雄,波塞冬之子,正如他说“提忒乌希斯”(Tityuses)一样:其他人则说这是一位阴茎之神。参见Lucian, Fugitives 32; Suda, τ871, Scholium on Frogs 541; Hesychius, (?)533转引自Aristophanes, Fragments, Jeffrey Henderson (ed.), Cambridge M.A.:Harvard University Press,2007, pp.368-371.
    361 Martin Ostwald, From Popular Sovereignty to the Sovereignty of Law:Law, Society, and Politics in Fifth-Century Athens, Berkeley:University of California Press,1986, pp.337-445.
    371 Philip Whaley Harsh, "The Position of the Parabasis in the Plays of Aristophanes", TAPA, Vol.65 (1934), pp. 178-197.
    375 Pseudo-Xenophon, Constitution of the Athenians,2.18.
    377科贝特(C.G.Cobet)甚至认为伯里克利可能就是这条禁令的倡议者。参见C. G Cobet, Observations criticae in Platonis comici reliquias, Amsterdam 1840. 转引自 Jeffery Henderson, "The Demos and the Comic Competition", in J. J. Winkler, & F. I. Zeitlin. (eds.), Nothing to do with Dionysos?:Athenian Drama in Its Social Context, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1990, pp.272-273.
    378 Oliver Taplin, "Fifth-Century Tragedy and Comedy", JHS,1986, pp.163-174.
    381 Platonius, On the Differences of Comedy,13ff.
    382 Ian C. Storey, "The Dates of Aristophanes' Clouds Ⅱ and Eupolis' Baptai:A Reply to E. C. Kopff", The American Journal of Philology, Vol.114, No.1,1993, pp.71-84.
    383 Nikoletta Kanavou, Aristophanes'Comedy of Names:A Study of Speaking Names in Aristophanes, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter,2011, p.191.
    384 Erich Segal, The Death of Comedy, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,2001.
    385 Simon Goldhill, The Poet's Voice:Essays on Poetics and Greek Literature, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1991, p.200.
    386 W. Jaeger, Paideia:The Ideals of Greek Culture, Vol.1. New York:Oxford University Press,1974, p.381.
    387柏拉图:《普罗塔戈拉篇》316 d-e.
    392 V. Ehrenberg, The People of Aristophanes:A Sociology of Old Attic Comedy, New York:Schocken Books, 1962, p.274.
    393 Aischines,1.173.
    395 Xenophanes, frs.11-24.
    396 Heraclitus,fr,41.
    397 Heraclitus,ft.44.
    398 Martin Ostwald, "Nomos and Physis in Antiphon's (?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?), in Language and History in Ancient Greek Culture, Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press,2009, pp.158-172.
    401 Sophocles, Philoctetes, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1994, pp.253-408.
    406 Erich Segal, "Greek Tragedy and Society:A Structuralist Perspective", in Greek Tragedy and Political Theory, J. Peter Euben (ed.), Berkeley:University of California Press,1986.p.55.
    408 Hippocrates, Hippocrates, vol. Ⅱ, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1923, p.195.
    410当时有两种主流的医学思想,即神庙医学和自然科学医学。神庙医学思想逐渐演化成为医学神秘主义,并有三种倾向,即俄耳甫斯式(Orphic)、狄奥尼索斯式(Dionysiac)和毕达哥拉斯式。而自然科学医学思想又分为两派,即具有经验主义倾向的科尼多斯学派(School of Cnidos)和具有理性主义倾向的科斯学派(School of Cos)。
    411 K. J. Dover, Greek Popular Morality in the Time of Plato and Aristotle, Oxford:Basil Blackwell,1974.
    418 Heraclitus, fr.57.
    419参见Simon Goldhill, The Poet's Voice. Essays on Poetics and Greek Literature, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1991, pp.167-;翁嘉声:“希腊旧喜剧之嘉年华理论并试论亚里士多芬尼斯之《雅典女人在妇女节》”,《西洋史集刊》,第九期,第16-28页。
    420 Simon Goldhill, "The language of tragedy:rhetoric and communication", in The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy, P. E. Easterling (ed.),1997, pp.127-150.
    421 Jeffery Henderson, "The Demos and Comic Competition", in J. J. Winkler & F. I. Zeitlin (eds.), Nothing to do with Dionysos?:Athenian Drama in Its Social Context, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1990, pp.271-313.
    427 Eupolis, fr. (PCG 116).
    430 Aristophanes, Daitales, (PCG 225).
    434索伦·奥碧·克尔凯郭尔:《论反讽概念:以苏格拉底为主线》,汤晨溪译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2005年版,第103页。罗彻的观点参见Heinrich Theodor Rotscher, Aristophanes und sein Zeitalter:eine philologisch-philosophische Abhandlung zur Alterthumsforschung, Berlin,1827.
    441 Cedric H. Whitman, Aristophanes and the Comic Hero, Cambridge, MA.:Harvard University Press,1964, pp. 64-65.
    443 C. Segal, "Gorgias and the Psychology of the Logos", Harvard Studies in Classical Philology,66 (1962): 99-155.
    445 DK.80B6b.
    446 DK.82B8.
    447 Jon Hesk, Deception and Democracy in Classical Athens, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000, pp. 248-258.
    449 R. G A. Buxton, Persuasion in Greek Tragedy, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1982, p.62.
    452 Cratinus, fr. (PCG 307).
    453 Suda,a1842.
    457埃斯库罗斯曾经创作了《忒勒福斯》,剧中讲述忒勒福斯抢走阿伽门农尚在襁褓之中的儿子俄瑞斯忒斯。欧里庇得斯的《忒勒福斯》于公元前438年的城市狄奥尼索斯节上演,连同《克里特妇女》、《阿尔克蒙在普斯菲斯》(Alkmeon in Psophis)以及《阿尔刻提斯》。索福克勒斯得头奖、欧里庇得斯得次奖。欧里庇得斯的《忒勒福斯》现存33段残篇,其中10段保存在《阿卡奈人》的注疏当中。Olson, Ac. p. Iv.
    458 J. T. Hooker, "The Composition of the Frogs", Hermes,108. Bd., H.2,1980, pp.169-182;
    459普鲁托(Pluto)乃是戏仿阿里斯托芬的《财神》(Plutus)参见Aristophanes, Fragments, Jeffrey Henderson (ed.), Cambridge M.A.:Harvard University Press,2007, p.349.
    460 Eupolis, Testimonia, frs. (PCG,99-146).
    462 Diogenes Laertius,2.18.
    476 W. Arrowsmith, "Aristophanes' Birds:The Fantasy Politics of Eros." Arion n.s.1,1973/4, pp.119-67.
    481 Aristophanes, Farmer (PCG,112).
    482关于史诗语言风格参见Cratinus, Cheirons, (PCG,255,256,258,259,264).
    488 Eupolis, Testimonia, frs. (PCG,99-146).
    490 Pindar, Olympian 13.5-10.
    491 Heraclitus, fr.23.
    499 Thomas K. Hubbard, The Mask of Comedy:Aristophanes and the Intertextual Parabasis, Ithaca N.Y.:Cornell University Press,1991, p.225.
    500亚历山大里亚图书馆收藏了《和平》,而与之竞争的帕加马图书馆的克拉提斯(Crates of Mallus)知道并引用了《和平》两个不同的版本。亚历山大里亚注疏家厄拉托斯塞尼斯(Eratosthenes)则认为他无法分辨两个版本中的先后,他甚至怀疑这是两部同名但内容大不相同的作品。
    519 弗提乌斯(Photius)在一则注释中提到《诗》、《沉船》、《岛》和《尼俄波斯》是阿基珀斯所做。参见Photius,451.13.
    520 喜剧诗人柏拉图(Platon)和厄庇卡姆斯(Epicharmus)曾经写过同名作品。
    521 该剧可能是发生在冥界。尼俄波斯(羊毛搬运工)为他的儿子们带去阿帕图里亚节的羊。欧里庇得斯是剧中的角色之一,该剧还可能影射了是克里昂。
    522 #12
    1. Aristophanes, Acharnians, Olson, S. D. (ed.), Oxford:Oxford University Press,2004.
    2. Aristophanes, Aristophanes. (1. Acharnians. Knights -- 2. Clouds. Wasps. Peace -- 3. Birds. Lysistrata. Women at the Thesmophoria -- 4. Women in Assembly, Frogs, Plutus.-- 5. Fragments), Henderson, J. (ed.), Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1998-2008.
    3. Aristophanes, Aristophanis Comoediae:Volume Ⅱ:Lysistratam, Thesmophoriazusas, Ranas, Ecclesiazusas, Plutum, Fragmenta, Indicem Nominum continens, Hall, F. W. & Geldart, W. M. (eds.), New York:Oxford University Press, Second edition,1993.
    4. Aristophanes, Aristophanes Ecclesiazusae, Ussher, R.G. (ed.), Oxford:Clarendon Press,1973.
    5. Aristophanes, Aristophanes'Frogs, Dover, K. J. (ed.), Oxford:Clarendon Press,1997.
    6. Aristophanes, Aristophanic Comedy, Dover, K. J. (ed.), London:Batsford,1972.
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    8. Aristophanes, Birds, Dunbar, N. (ed.), Oxford:Clarendon Press,1994.
    9. Aristophanes, Clouds, Dover, K.J. (ed.), Oxford University Press,1970.
    10. Aristophanes, Lysistrata, Henderson, J. (ed.), Oxford:Clarendon Press,1987.
    11. Aristophanes, Peace, Olson, S. D. (ed.), Oxford:Oxford University Press,2003.
    12. Aristophanes, Peace, Sommerstein, A. H. (ed.), Chicago:Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers; Warminster:Aris & Phillips,1985.
    13. Aristophanes, Thesmophorizusae, Austin, C. & Olson, S. D. (eds.), Oxford:Oxford University Press,2004.
    14. Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae, Sommerstein, A. H. (ed.), Warminster:Aris & Phillips, 1994.
    15. Aristotle, The Athenian Constitution, Rhodes P. J. (tr.), New York:Penguin,1984.
    16. Aristotle, Politics:Book Ⅰ and Ⅱ, Saunders, T. J. (ed.), Oxford:Clarendon Press,2000.
    17. Aristotle, Politics:Books Ⅲ and Ⅳ, Robinson, R. & Keyt, D. (eds.), Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1995.
    18. Aristotle, Politics:Books Ⅴ and Ⅵ, Keyt, D. (ed.), Oxford:Clarendon Press,1999.
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    20. Aristotle, Poetics, Lucas, D.W. (ed.), Oxford:Oxford University Press,1968.
    21. Herodotus, Histories, Waterfield, R. (tr.), New York:Oxford University Press,1998.
    22. Homer, The Iliad, Lattimore, R. (tr.), Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1951.
    23. Homer, The Odyssey, Lattimore, R. (tr.), New York:Harper Perennial,1965.
    24. Plutarch, Greek Lives:A Selection of Nine Greek Lives, Waterfield, R. (tr.), Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998.
    25. Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War, Lattimore, S. (ed.), Indianapolis:Hackett Publishing Company,1998.
    1. Arrowsmith, W., "Aristophanes' Birds:The Fantasy Politics of Eros." Arion n.s.1(1973-74), pp.119-67.
    2. Bowie, A. M., Aristophanes:Myth, Ritual and Comedy, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press; New edition,1996.
    3. Buxton, R. G A., Persuasion in Greek Tragedy, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1982.
    4. Cartledge, P. (ed.), Aristophanes and His Theatre of the Absurd, London:Duckworth Publishers,1990.
    5. Cartledge, P., Millett, P. & von Reden, S. (Editors), Kosmos:Essays in Order, Conflict, and Community in Classical Athens, New York:Cambridge University Press,1998.
    6. Colvin, S., Dialect in Aristophanes:The Politics of Language in Ancient Greek Literature, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1999.
    7. Connor, W. R., The New Politicians of Fifth-Century Athens, Indianapolis:Hackett Publishing Company,1992.
    8. Cornford, F. M., The Origin of Attic Comedy, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1934.
    9. Cornford, F. M., Thucydides Mythistoricus, London:Edward Arnold,1907.
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