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From different fields of view, this dissertation reviews the academic research of cosmopolitanism in the west. On this basis, around the topic "the renaissance of cosmopolitanism is changing people's view toward justice, democracy, nation and related questions, and is promoting the development and transition of the traditional theories such as philosophy, politics, sociology and normative theory of international relations and international law", the relationship between cosmopolitanism and global distributive justice, democracy and nation is discussed respectively. This dissertation mainly concludes an introduction and seven chapters. It is divided into three parts.
     The first part concludes Introduction, Chapter One and Chapter Two. In the Introduction, a brief explanation of the thesis and the significance of this research project are summarized firstly. Furthermore, I point out that the renaissance of cosmopolitism has brought about profound impact in the field of theory as well as social practice. It is worth while to discussing the thesis. Besides, I review the research situation of cosmopolitanism study at home and abroad and point out that despite the small scale of cosmopolitanism research in China, research in this field has and will be expanded with the participation of more and more scholars and the translation of more related documents.
     In Chapter One, the realistic circumstance, social background, historical foundations and present situation of modem renaissance of cosmopolitanism are summarized. It is clearly pointed out that the impact and challenges brought about by globalization and the resultant global poverty and global inequality are the two realistic conditions for the renaissance of cosmopolitanism. The historical foundation for this renaissance is the notion of cosmopolitan citizens in the history of philosophy.
     Chapter Two is about the conceptual examination of cosmopolitanism. At first, the connotation and essence of cosmopolitanism is examined from various perspectives. Although there has not been any consensus about "what is cosmopolitanism" in western theoretical field, the three key factors of cosmopolitanism summarized by Thomas Pogge are well acknowledged by most of the scholars and thus become the basic reference for the later scholars to investigate in related questions. Besides, I analyze several types of cosmopolitanism which combine cosmopolitanism with other different standpoints and views such as ethical cosmopolitanism, political cosmopolitanism, cultural cosmopolitanism and economic cosmopolitanism. At last, the theoretical basis of cosmopolitanism including liberalism, individualism and universalism are analyzed and evaluated. It is pointed that we should employ Marxist stand to view cosmopolitanism and its theoretical basis objectively and dialectically. We should realize its theoretical value in academic research, but at the same time we should not ignore completely its ideological bias in social practice.
     The second part is made up of four chapters which are the main body and also the core of this dissertation. Around the main clue, i.e. the basic propositions of cosmopolitanism, this part talks about the application and reflection of cosmopolitanism in the fields such as political philosophy, politics, sociology, international relations and international law. As exhaustive examination of all the views is impossible, only several prominent issues which are empathetically investigated by theorists in various fields are analyzed and studied. The four major issues are: the conception of cosmopolitan justice, the conception of cosmopolitan democracy, the conception of cosmopolitan sociology and the conception of cosmopolitan society. Critical investigation of these four issues is the value of this research, the writing significance of this dissertation and also its creative point. According to the author's investigation in the limited achievement in the study of cosmopolitanism at home, no scholar has specifically adopted this multi-view analytical method to study systematically modern cosmopolitanism theory in the west. This dissertation creatively investigates the complex cosmopolitanism theory from different views, analyzes the profound impact of its application toward theoretical research and social practice and therefore succeeds in understanding and grasping cosmopolitanism comprehensively as a whole.
     In Chapter Three, i.e. The conception of cosmopolitan justice and its critics, I mainly investigate how cosmopolitanism is adopted as a standpoint and view to analyze global justice and related questions in the field of political philosophy. Based on the interpretation of a large amount of documents about the conception of cosmopolitan justice, I review its putting forward, basic content, its standpoint toward global distributive justice, doubts and criticism received and its responses. At last, a brief comment of the conception of cosmopolitan justice is presented.
     In Chapter Four, i.e. The conception of cosmopolitan democracy and its critics, I mainly analyze the application and research of cosmopolitanism in the view of politics and investigate how cosmopolitanism, as a norm or principle, is applied in analyzing the construction of new world order. I begin with a general introduction of the proposal background, process of proposal, core propositions of the conception of cosmopolitan democracy which was put forward by David Held and further promoted by Daniele Archibugi. Then I summarize the doubts and criticism that cosmopolitan democracy received in modern times. At last, a brief comment of the development tendency of this conception is presented.
     In Chapter Five, i.e. The conception of cosmopolitan sociology and its critics, I mainly investigate, in the sociology field, why cosmopolitanism is considered as an analytical perspective and methodology and is applied in the research of social critical theory and the development of social courses. In this field, it is Uhrich Beck who first proposed that sociology theories should divert from the perspective of nationalism to cosmopolitanism. He advocated that methodological nationalism should be replaced by methodological cosmopolitanism and further proposed the theoretical conception of constructing cosmopolitan sociology. Similarly, these new views of Beck received doubts and criticism and Beck gave his responses in time.
     In Chapter Six, i.e. The conception of cosmopolitan society and its critics, I empathetically analyze Habermas' view on international politics and his conception of cosmopolitan society. Habermas' proposition that national state will eventually give way to "cosmopolitan society" propels the historic significance of "cosmopolitan society" toward the top. I agree with this kind of view that based on his research in theories of international politics, Habermas investigated in an ideal social formation with his theory of the extinction of national state and his views on cosmopolitan society. However, even if we don't take its practicality into consideration, his view couldn't be justified with theoretical analysis. With the above analysis and research, I try to illustrate that although cosmopolitanism poses a challenge to national sovereignty, this challenge is still limited. In some aspects, the sovereign state and its boundary are shrinking, while in some other they are being strengthened. Besides, I also analyze the debate about the subject of international society between the two traditions in the normative theory of international relations, i.e. cosmopolitanism and communitarianism.
     The third part concludes Chapter Seven, i.e. An brief comment on western contemporary cosmopolitanism. In this part a forward perspective is adopted to discuss, in the process of globalization and with the complex era characteristics, what are the significance and limitations of cosmopolitanism, whether cosmopolitanism can be realized, to what extent it can be realized and what is the foundation of its realization. The highlight in this part is my comment from the perspective of Marxism on the future tendency of cosmopolitanism and several dilemmas it faced. Just as most people recognize, cosmopolitanism can only be considered as a kind of "Utopia". We just talk about the practicality of cosmopolitanism metaphysically and philosophically and never view it from the perspective of realistic and political practice because there are no objective conditions to promote cosmopolitanism to go to practice. Therefore, I believe that, in the present time, "going toward practice" is still a value-pursuit of cosmopolitanism. At last, it is pointed that, the realization of cosmopolitanism is still a long way off. In the present time, it must play a more active role in promoting the reconstruction of world order and the formation of global governance and in this process constantly overcome its limitations.
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    [2]Charles Beitz,"Cosmopolitanism and Global Justice",The Journal of Ethics,2005,9,pp.11-27.
    [1]Samuel Scheffler,"Conceptions of Cosmopolitanism",Utilitas 113,1999,pp.255-276.
    [2]Seyla Benhabib,Another Cosmopolitanism,Oxford University Press,2006.
    [3]Jeremy Waldron:"Cosmopolitan Norms",in Another Cosmopolitanism,Robert Post,ed.Oxford University Press,2006,p.20.
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    [2]See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmopolitanism.
    [3]Uhrich Beck,What is Globalization? London:Polity Press,2000。转引自张世鹏:《什么是全球化?》,《欧洲》2000年第1期,第28-29页。
    [3]Thomas Nagel:"The Problem of Global Justice",Philosophy & Public Affairs,Volume 33,Issue 2,2005,p.113-147.
    [2]关于世界贫困问题所涉及的更多数据资料请参阅徐向东:《世界主义、国家主义与全球正义》,北京大学“人文与社会”系列跨学科讲座第三讲,2009年4月18日。http://web.cenet.org.cn /upfile/111143.pdf.
    [3]Carol Bellamy:The state of the world's children 2005,Childhood under Threat,New York,UNICEF,2004.See http://www.unicef.org/publications/files/SOWC_2005_%28English%29.pdf.
    [2]Thomas Pogge,"Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty",in Crist Brown ed.,Political Restructuring in Europe:Ethical Perspective,London:Routledge,1994,p.89.
    [1]See Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy,Cosmopolitanism,http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/cosmopolitanism/.
    [3]Martha Nussbaum,"Kant and Cosmopolitanism",in J.Bohman and M.Lutz-Bachn(eds),Perpetual Peace:Essays on Kant's Cosmopolitan Ideal,Cambridge,Mass.:MIT Press,1997,p4.
    [1]Onera O'Neill,"Enlightments as autonomy:Kant's vindication of reason",in L.Jordan and P.Hulme eds.,The Enlightment and its shadows,London:Routeledge,1990,p.194.
    [1]Brighouse,H.and Brock,G.The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism,Cambridge:ambridge University Press,2005;Cheah,P.and Robbins,B.(eds),Cosmopolitics.Thinking and Feeling Beyond the Nation,Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1998;Cohen,R.and Vertovic,S.(eds),Conceiving Cosmopolitanism.Theory,Context,and Practice,Oxford:Oxford University Press,2002;Charles Jones.Global Justice:Defending Cosmopolitanism.Oxford University Press,1999;Darrel Moellendorf,Cosmopolitan Justice,Westview Press,2002.
    [1]赛拉·本哈比(Seyla Benhabib),美国艺术与科学学院院士,芝加哥大学哲学教授。研究领域涉及哲学、政治学、法学等,代表作为《另一种世界主义》。
    [2]Seyla Benhabib,et al.,Another Cosmpolitanism,Robert Post,ed.Oxford University Press,2006,p.2.
    [3]Robert Fine and Vivienne Boon:"Introduction:Cosmopolitanism:Between Past and Future",European Journal of Social Theory,10(1),2007,pp.5-16.
    [1]参见 http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=世界主义variant=zh-cn.
    [2]戴维·赫尔德(David Held):《世界主义:观念、现实与不足》,收于戴维·赫尔德和安东尼·麦克格鲁主编:《治理全球化:权力、权威与全球治理》(曹荣湘,龙虎等译),社会科学文献出版社,2004年版。
    [1]Martha Nussbaum,"Kant and Cosmopolitanism",in J.Bohman and M.Lutz-Bachn(eds),Perpetual Peace:Essays on Kant's Cosmopolitan Ideal,Cambridge,Mass.:MIT Press,1997,p.4.
    [2]Brian Barry:"Statism and Nationalism:a Cosmopolitan Critique",in I.Shapiro and L.Brilmayer(eds),Global Justice,New York:New York University Press,1999,p35.
    [3]See Immanuel Kant,Political Writings,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1991.
    [5]See Thomas Pogge:"Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty";Charles Beitz:"Cosmopolitan Liberalism and the State System",in Christ Brown(ed.),Political Restructuring in Europe:Ethical Perspective,London:Routledge,1994.
    [6]See Onora O'Neill,"Transnational Justice",in David Held(ed.),Political Theory Today:Cambridge Polity,1991.
    [1][英]戴维·赫尔德(David Held):《世界主义:观念、现实与不足》,载戴维·赫尔德、安东尼·麦克格鲁主编,曹荣湘、龙虎等译:《治理全球化:权力、权威与全球治理》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2004年版,第465页。
    [1]Samuel Scheffler,"Cosmopolitanism,Justice and Institution",Dadalus,Journal of American Academy of Arts and Sciences,Summer 2008,pp.68-77.
    [2]Samuel "cosmopolitanism,justice and institution" Dadalus,the Journal of American Academy of Arts and Sciences,Summer 2008.p.68.
    [3]Jeremy Waldron:'Cosmopolitan Norms',in Another Cosmopolitanism,Robert Post,ed.Oxford University Press,2006,p.20
    [4]Gillian Brock and Darrel Moellendore:"Introduction",the Journal of Ethics,9,2005,p.1-9.
    [5]Jeremy Waldron,"Minority Cultures and the Cosmopolitan Alternative",in Will Kymlicka(ed.),The Rights of Minority Cultures,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1995,p.93.
    [6]Seyla Benhabib,et al.,Another Cosmopolitanism,Oxford University Press,2006,p.20.
    [1]Aleiandro Colas:"Putting Cosmopolitanism into Practice:the Case of Socialist Internationalism",Millennium:Journal of International Studies.Vol.23,No.3,1994,pp.513-534.
    [3]Gillian Brock and Darrel Moellendorf:'Introduction',the Journal of Ethics 9,2005,p.1-9.
    [1]Thomas Pogge,"Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty",Ethics 103,1992,p.48-75.
    [2]See Charles Beitz,Political Theory and International Relations,Princeton University Press,1999.
    [1]Alessandro Ferrara,"'Political'Cosmopolitanism and Judgment",European Journal of Social Theory,10(1),2007,pp.53-66.
    [1]Samuel Scheffler,"'Conceptions of Cosmopolitanism",Utilitas,11(3),1999,pp.255-276.
    [1]Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/cosmopolitanism/.
    [4]John Gray,Post liberalism,London:Rouledge,1993,p.284;p.286.
    [1]See Charles Beitz,"Dose Global Inequality Matter?" Metaphilosophy,Vol.32,2001,pp.95-112.
    [2]JohnRawls:A Theory of Justice,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1971,p.3.
    [3]例如,诺奇克(Robert Nozick)于1974年出版《无政府、国家与乌托邦》(Anarchy,State,and Utopia)进一步提升了各界对社会正义的关注。随后政治哲学家们如阿克曼(Bruce Ackerman)、沃尔泽(Michael Walzer)、奥姬(Susan Okin)、德沃金(Ronald Dworkin)及杨格(Iris Young)等相继提出有关社会正义的论说,不过他们更关注的是国内正义问题。
    [1]See John Rawls:The Law of Peoples,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1999.
    [2]Charles Beitz,"Cosmoplitanism and global justice",the Journal of Ethics,vol.9,2005,p.26.
    [3]Thomas Nagel,"The Problem of Global Justiee",Philosophy & Public Affairs,33,2005,pp.113-147.
    [4]G(o|¨)ran Collste,Globalisation and global justice,Studia Theologica,59,2005 p.64.
    [5]Joshua Cohen,Charles Sabel,'Extra Rempublicam Nulla Justitia?' Philosophy & Public Affairs,Vol.34,No.2,2006,p.149.
    [6]Kukathas C,The mirage of global justice,Social Philosophy & Policy Foundation,Vol.23,No.1,2006,p.1.
    [2]彼得·辛格(Peter Singer),美国普林斯顿大学伦理学教授,是一位颇有争议的伦理学家。他的主要研究领域是动物伦理、应用伦理学。他的许多关于世界贫困问题的立场与观点在西方学术界引起广泛的质疑与批评。他的著作包括:《一个世界:全球化的伦理学》(One World:the Ethics of Globalization,Yale University Press,2002.);《实践伦理学(第2版)》(Practical Ethics,second edition,Cambridge University Press,1993)等。
    [3]Peter Singer,“Famine,Affluence.and Morality”,Philosophy and Public Affairs.Vol.1.1972.在这篇论文中,辛格从功利主义出发,提出所谓正义必然要将所有人的福利考虑在内并使之最大化。但他遭到了许多哲学家的质疑与批评。他们指出,功利主义可能会以“功利最大化”的名义而容忍分配不正义的存在。这篇论文成为后来众多的研究全球正义或全球伦理问题的学者们常常引用的经典性文献;成为许多大学开设的有关全球正义或全球伦理的研究生研讨课的指定阅读文献;也成为众多理论家,尤其是伦理学家、哲学家们批驳的论文。
    [4]Michael Walzer:Just and Uniust Wars:A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations.Basic Book Company,1977.(《正义与非正义战争--通过历史实例的道德论证》,任辉献译,江苏人民出版社,2008年版):
    [1]Thomas Nagel:"the Problem of Global Justice",Philosophy and Public Affairs,vol.33,No.2,2005,p.124.
    [2]John Rawls,A Theory of Justice,Cambridge,Massachusetts:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,1996,p.6.在《正义论》中,罗尔斯将社会基本结构阐释为“社会主要制度分配基本权利和义务,决定由社会合作所产生的利益之划分的方式”。在晚近出版的《政治自由主义》中,罗尔斯对社会基本结构给予了更明确的解释:“所谓基本结构,我是指社会的主要政治制度、社会制度和经济制度,以及它们是如何融合成为一个世代相传的社会合作之统一体系的。”
    [3]在《作为公平的正义》(John Rawls,Justice As Fairness,Cambridge,Massachusetts:The Belknao Press of Harvard University Press,2001,p.42.)一书中,罗尔斯将两个正义原则概括为:“(a)每一个人对于一种平等的基本自由之恰当体制都拥有相同的不可剥夺的权利,而这种体制同所有人的同样的自由体制是相容的,以及;(b)社会和经济的不平等应该满足两个条件:第一,它们所从属的官职和职位应该在公平的机会平等条件下向所有的人开放;第二,它们应该有利于社会之最不利成员的最大利益(差别原则)。”参见姚大志:《罗尔斯正义理论的道德基础》,《江海学刊》,2002年第2期。
    [4]Samuel Sheffler,"Cosmopolitanism,Justice and Institution",Daedalus,the Journal of American Academy of Arts and Sciences,Summer 2008,p.68-77.
    [1]Martha Nussbaum:"Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism",Boston Review,1994,p.4.
    [2]Charles Jones,Global Justice:Defending Cosmopolitanism,NewYork:Oxford University Press,1999,p.15.
    [3]For some good examples of this view see Richard Miller,"Cosmopolitan Respect and Patriotic Concern," Philosophy and Public Affairs 27(1998),pp.202-224;
    and Michael Blake,"Distributive Justice,State Coercion,and Autonomy," Philosophy and Public Affairs,30(2001),pp.257-296.
    [1]Samuel Scheffler,'Conceptions of Cosmopolitanism',in his collection Boundaries and Allegiances:Problem of Justice and Responsibility in Liberal Thought,Oxford University Press,2001,p.130.
    [2]Kok-chor Tan:Justice Without Borders:Cosmopolitanism,Nationalism and Patriotism,Cambridge University Press,2004,p.1.
    [1]Kok-chor Tan:Justice Without Borders:Cosmopolitanism,Nationalism and Patriotism,Cambridge University Press,2004,p.12,
    [1]Martha Nussbaum,For Love of Country:Debaiting the limits of Patriotism,Beacon Press,1996,pp.2-17.
    [1]See Thomas Nagel,"the Problem of Global Justice",Philosophy and Public Affairs,Vol.33,No.2,2005,pp.124-126.
    [2]See Onora O'Neill,"Agents of Justice",Metaphilosophy Vol.32,2001,pp.180-195.
    [3]Tony Coates,ed.,International Justice,Ashgate Publishing Limited,England,2000,p.39.
    [1]Charles Jones,Global Justice:Defending Cosmopolitanism,Oxford University Press,1999,p.16.
    [2]Joshua Cohen,"Charles Sabel,Extra Rempublicam Nulla Justitia?",Philosophy & Public Affairs,vol.34,No.2,2006,p.155;p.162.
    [1]Amitai Etzioni,"Are Particularistic Obligations Justified? A Communitarian Examination",The Review of Politics,Vol.64,No.4,2002,pp.583-584.
    [2]Jeff McMahan,"The Limits of National Partiality",in R.McKim and J.McMahan,eds.,The Morality of Nationalism,New York:Oxford University Press,1997,pp.107-138.
    [1]Brian Barry,"Statism and Nationalism:A Cosmopolitan Critique",in I.Shapiro and L.Brilmayer eds.,Global Justice:Noraos XLI,New York U.niversity Press,1999,pp.12-67.
    [3]Charles Beitz:"Cosmopolitanism and Global Justice",The Journal of Ethics,9(1-2),2005,pp.11-27.
    [1]See Daniele Archibugi:Cosmopolitan Democracy and its Critics:A Review,European Journal of International Relations10,2004,pp.437-473.
    [1]David Held,Democracy and Global Order:From Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance,Back Cover,Cambridge:Polity Press,1995.
    [1]See Daniele Archibugi,"Cosmopolitan Democracy and its Critics:A Review",European Journal of International Relations10,2004,p.438.
    [2]Jeremy Waldron,"What is Cosmopolitan?",Journal of Political Philosophy,2000(8),pp.236-239.
    [1]更多相关内容请参阅Daniele Archibugi:"Cosmopolitan Democracy and its Critics:A Review",European Journal of International Relations,10,2004,pp.439-444.
    [1]See Gillian Brock,"Cosmopolitan Democracy and Justice:Held versus Kymlicka",Studies in East European Thought 54,2002,p.328.
    [1]See Daniele Archibugi:"Cosmopolitan Democracy and its Critics:A Review",European Journal of International Relations,10,2004,p.446.
    [2]Daniele Archibugi:"Cosmopolitan Democracy and its Critics:A Review",European Journal of International Relations,10,2004,p.452.
    [2]Daniele Archibugi:"Cosmopolitan Democracy and its Critics:A Review",European Journal of International Relations,2004(10),p.454.
    [1]Will Kymlicka,'Citizenship in an Era of Globalization:Commentary on Held',in Ian Shapiro and Casiano Hacker-Cord' on(eds) Democracy's Edges.New York:Cambridge University Press.1999.
    转引自Daniele Archibugi:"Cosmopolitan Democracy and its Critics:A Review",European Journal of International Relations,2004(10),p.460.
    [1]Daniele Archibugi:Cosmopolitan Democracy and its Critics:A Review.European Journal of International Relations,10,2004,p.466.
    [1]Ulrich Beck,The Cosmopolitanism Vision,Back Cov.er,Cambridge:Polity Press,2006.
    [3]See Urich Beck,"The cosmopolitanism perspective:sociology of the second age of modernity",British Journal of Sociology,Vol.No.51,Issue 1,2000,pp79-105.
    [1]Ulrich Beck,"The Cosmopolitanism Perspective:Sociology of the Second Age of Modernity",British Journal of Sociology,Vol.51,Issue 1,2000.
    [2][德]乌尔里希·贝克著,章国锋译:《什么是世界主义?》 马克思主义与现实(双月刊)2008年第2期。本文译自乌尔里希·贝克《世界主义的欧洲:第二次现代性的社会与政治》的第一章,此书将由华东师范大学出版社出版。
    [3]Ulrich Beck,"The Cosmopolitan Society and its Enemies",Theory Culture and Society,Vol.19(1-2),2002,pp.17-44.
    [4]Ulrich Beck,"Cosmopolitical Realism:on the Distinction Between Cosmopolitanism in Philosophy and the Social Sciences",Global Networks 4,2,2004,pp.131-156.
    [5]Ulrich Beck,"Unpacking Cosmopolitanism for the Social Sciences:a Research Agenda",The British Journal of Sociology,Vol.57,Issue,1.2006,pp1-23.
    [2]See Ulrich Beck,"Unpacking cosmopolitanism for the social sciences:a research agenda",The British Journal of Sociology,Vol.57,Issue 1,2006,pp1-23.
    [1]See Ulrich Beck,"Cosmopolitical realism:on the distinction between cosmopolitanism in philosophy and the social sciences",Global Networks 4,(2),2004,pp.131-156.
    [1]Ulrich Beck:"Unpacking Cosmopolitanism for the Social Sciences:a Research Agenda",The British Journal of Sociology,Vol.57,Issue.1.2006,pp1-23.
    [1]Daniel Chernilo:"Social Theory's Methodological Nationalism:Myth and Reality",European Journal of Social Theory 9(1),2006,pp.5-22.
    [1]Ulrich Beck,"Cosmopolitical realism:on the distinction between cosmopolitanism in philosophy and the social sciences",Global Networks 4,2(2004),pp.131-156.
    [2]Robert Fine:Cosmopolitanism,London and New York:Routledge,2007,p.2.
    [1]更多内容请参阅:Jens Bartelson,The Critique of the State,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,2001;Chris Brown,'Kantian Cosmopolitan Law and the Idea of a cosmopolitan Constitution',History of Political Thought,27(4),2006,pp.661-684;Linklater Andrew,The Transformation of Political Community:ethical foundations of the post-Westphalian era,Polity,Oxford,1998.
    [3]主权是民族国家的主要标志,是国家身份最重要的组成要素和法律基础。主权概念于16世纪后半叶由法国人让·博丹首次提出。此后,以国家主权为研究对象的主权学说得以产生。按照布尔的观点,有三种基本的的主权学说,分别是以霍布斯为代表的“现实主义”、以格老秀斯为代表的“国际主义”和以康德为代表的“普世主义”主权学说。参见Hedley Bull,The A narchical Society:A Study of Order in World Politics London:Macmillan,1977,pp.24-27.
    [4]Hans J.Morgenthau,"Another 'Great Debate':The National Interest of the United States",American Political Science Review,Vol.46,No.4,1952,p.972.
    [1]Hedley Bull,The A narchical Society:A Study of Order in World Politics,London:Macmillan,1977,pp.65-74.
    [3]Chris Brown,International Relations Theory:New Normative Approaches,[M],Hemel Hempstead:Harvester Wheat sheaf,1992,p12.
    [1]Alessandro Ferrara,'Political Cosmopolitanism and Judgment',European Journal of Social Theory,10(1),2007,pp.53-66.
    [2]在国内法与国际法之外,康德提出了第三个公法概念--“世界公民法”(Cosmopolitan Law)。国家法主要是规范国内政治行为,国际法主要是调整国家间的关系,世界公民法则强调是将“个人”看作是“世界公民”而非某个特定国家的公民而享有各种权利。
    [2]David Harvey,Cosmopolitanism and the Banality of Geographical Evils,Public Culture12,2000,pp.529-564.
    [3]Douwe W.Fokkema,Towards a New Cosmopolitanism,The CUHK Journal of Humanities,3,1999,pp.1-17.
    [4]Samuel Scheffler,"Cosmopolitanism,Justice and Institution",Dadalus,Journal of American Academy of Arts and Sciences,Summer 2008,pp.68.
    14.[法]雷蒙·阿隆,[美]丹尼尔·贝尔,陆象淦,金烨译:《托克维尔与 民主精神》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2008年版。
    30.《哈贝马斯在华讲演集》,中国社会科学院哲学研究所编,北京:人 民出版社,2002年。
    65.文长春:《逻辑在先的个人权利--诺奇克的政治哲学》,北京:中央 编译出版社,2006年版。
    82.张旺:《超越国界的分配正义--世界主义分配正义论的哲学基础与现 实可能性》,《世界经济与政治》,2007年第11期。
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    2.A.D.Smith,"Nationalism and classical social theory",British Journal of Sociology 34(1),1983.
    3.Alan Gewirth,"Ethical Universalism and Particularism",Journal of Philosophy 85,1988.
    4.Aleiandro Colas,"Putting Cosmopolitanism into Practice:the Case of Socialist Internationalism",Millennium:Journal of International Studies,Vol.23,No.3,1994.
    5.Alessandro Ferrara,"Political Cosmopolitanism and Judgment",European Journal of Social Theory,10(1),2007.
    6.Amitai Etzioni,"Are Particularistic Obligations Justified? A Communitarian Examination",The Review of Politics,Vol.64,No.4,2002.
    7.Andrew Mason,"Special Obligations to Compatriots",Ethics 107,1997.
    8.Avishai Margalit and Joseph Raz,"National Self-Determination",Journal of Philosophy 87,1990.
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    13. Catherine Lu, "The One and Many Faces of Cosmopolitanism", The Journal of Political Philosophy, 8(2), 2000.
    14. Charles Beitz, "Cosmopolitan Ideals and National Sentiment", Journal of Philosophy 80, 1983.
    15. Charles Beitz, Political Theory and International Relations, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1979.
    16. Charles Beitz, "Cosmoplitanism and global justice", the Journal of Ethics,Vol.9, 2005.
    17. Charles Beitz, "Dose Global Inequality Matter ? ", in Thomas Pogge(ed.), Global Justice , Oxford: Blackwell, 2001.
    18. Charles Jones, Global Justice: Defending Cosmopolitanism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
    19. Chris Brown, International Relations Theory: New Normative Approaches, Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheat sheaf, 1992.
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    21. Criag Calhoun, "'Belonging' in the Cosmopolitan Imaginary", Ethnicities 3(4), 2003.
    22. Daniel Chernilo, "Social Theory: Methodological Nationalism and Critique", in G. Delanty and K. Kumar (ed.), Handbook of Nations and Nationalism, London: Sage. 2006.
    23. Daniel Chernilo, "Social Theory's Methodological Nationalism: Myth and Reality", European Journal of Social Theory, 9(1). 2006.
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    25. Daniele Archibugi, "Cosmopolitan Democracy and its Critics: A Review", European Journal of International Relations10, 2004.
    26. Daniele Archibugi, Cosmopolitan Democracy: An Agenda for a New World Order, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995.
    27. Darrel Moellendorf, Cosmopolitan Justice, Boulder: Westview Press, 2002.
    28. David Harvey, "Cosmopolitanism and the Banality of Geographical Evils", Public Culture 12,2000.
    29. David Held and Anthony McGrew, Globalization/Anti-Globalization, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2002.
    30. David Held, Cosmopolitanism: A Defence, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2003.
    31. David Held, Democracy and Global Order: From Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995.
    32. David Held, et al., Global Transformations, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.
    33. David Miller, "The Ethical Significance of Nationality", Ethics,Vol. 98, No. 4, 1988.
    34. David Miller, On Nationality, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
    35. Friedrich Meinecke, Cosmopolitanism and the National State, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970.
    36. Gillian Brock and Darrel Moellendore: "Introduction", the Journal of Ethics9, 2005.
    37. Gillian Brock and Harry Brighouse, The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
    38. Gillian Brock, "Cosmopolitan Democracy and Justice: Held versus Kymlicka", Studies in East European Thought 54, 2002.
    39. H.-H. Kogler, "Constructing a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere: Hermeneutic Capabilities and Universal Values", European Journal of Social Theory 8(4), 2005.
    40. Immanuel Kant, Political Writings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
    41. J. Bohman and M. Lutz-Bachmann, (eds), Perpetual Peace: Essays on Kant's Cosmopolitan Ideal, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997.
    42. Jacques Derrida, On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness, London: Routledge, 2001.
    43. John Tomlinson, Globalization and Culture, Cambridge: Polity Press. 1999.
    44. Jeremy Waldron, "Cosmopolitan Norms", in Another Cosmopolitanism, Robert Post, ed. Oxford University Press, 2006.
    45. Jeremy Waldron, "Minority Cultures and the Cosmopolitan Alternative", in Will Kymlicka(ed.), The Rights of Minority Cultures, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
    46. Jeremy Waldron, "What is Cosmopolitan?" The Journal of Political Philosophy8, 1992.
    47. John Rawls, Justice As Fairness, Cambridge , Massachusetts : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2001.
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    50. Joshua Cohen and Charles Sabe , ''Extra Rempublicam Nulla Justitia?", Philosophy & Public Affairs, vol.34, No. 2, 2006.
    51. Joshua Cohen, (ed.), For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.
    52. Kok-Chor Tan, Justice Without Borders: Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, and Patriotism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
    53. Kwame Appiah, Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers, New York: W.W. Norton, 2006.
    54. Luis Cabrera, Political Theory of Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Case for the World State, London: Routledge, 2004.
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    84. Thomas Pogge, World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reforms, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2002.
    85. Tony Coates, ed., International Justice, Ashgate Publishing Limited, England, 2000.
    86. Uhrich Beck and Natan Sznaider, "Unpacking Cosmopolitanism for the Social Sciences: A Research Agenda", The British Journal of Sociology 57(1), 2006.
    87. Uhrich Beck, "Introduction: The Cosmopolitan Manifesto", in World Risk Society, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1999.
    88. Uhrich Beck, "The Cosmopolitan Society and its Enemies", Theory, Culture and Society 191(2), 2002.
    89. Uhrich Beck, "The Truth of Others: A Cosmopolitan Approach", Common Knowledge 10, 2004.
    90. Uhrich Beck, The Cosmopolitan Outlook. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2006.
    91. Uhrich Beck, The Cosmopolitan Vision, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2006.
    92. Ulrich Beck and Natan Sznaider, "A literature on cosmopolitanism: an overview", The British Journal of Sociology, Volume 57 Issue 1. 2006.
    93. Ulrich Beck, "Cosmopolitical Realism: on the Distinction Between Cosmopolitanism in Philosophy and the Social Sciences", Global Networks4(2), 2004.
    94. Ulrich Beck, "The Cosmopolitanism Perspective: Sociology of the Second Age of Modernity", British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 51, Issue 1, 2000.
    95. John Urry, Sociology Beyond Societies: Mobilities for the Twenty-First Century, London: Routledge, 2000.
    96. Will Kymlicka, "Citizenship in an Era of Globalization: Commentary on Held", in Ian Shapiro, (eds) Democracy's Edges, New York: Cambridge University Press. 1999.
    97. Will Kymlicka, Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.

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