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     本文首先建立了反舰导弹航路规划的数学模型,根据反舰导弹的航路特征建立了其航路规划的空间模型,并给出了航路规划的形式化定义;然后重点研究了基于几何学原理的航路规划方法、基于几何知识引导型智能优化算法的航路规划方法以及基于几何模型的多平台反舰导弹协同航路规划方法等关键技术;最后设计与实现了反舰导弹航路规划仿真原型系统(Anti-ship Missile Path PlanningSimulation System, ASMPPSS),并从应用的需求验证了本文所提出的理论的正确性和方法的可行性。论文的主要贡献体现在以下几个方面:
     三、提出了一类基于知识引导型智能优化算法的航路规划方法。在智能优化算法中引入知识引导进化的策略,采用航路规划特定领域知识对算法进行引导,提出了一种知识引导型智能优化算法的航路规划求解框架,针对不同的引导对象选择对应的引导方式,并给出了求解框架的运行机制;分别以粒子群优化(ParticleSwarm Optimization, PSO)算法和遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)为例对求解框架进行应用和验证,将功能区域簇的概念引入标准PSO算法和GA中,采用相应的编码方式和进化过程将通用求解框架中的分步更新元策略映射为与各自算法相匹配的进化策略,分别提出了一种功能区域簇实时约束(Oprational Area ClusterReai-time Restriction, OACRR)的PSO算法——OACRR-PSO算法和一种约束引导(Constraints Driven, CD)的GA算法——CD-GA算法。
According to the stratege requirements of the west pacific military area, UnitedStates air force and navy jointly developed a new combat concept and future high-techwar mode-“Air-Sea battle”. The theory of “Air-Sea battle”points out that the capabilityof protecting the high-value surface ships is the key to guarantee the marine maneuverfreedom and the force projection ability. The anti-ship missile, a kind of long-distanceaccurate guidance weapon, now has become the major combat weapon for attackingdifferent kinds of surface targets. Therefore, it naturally becomes one of main threats forUS army executing the “Air-Sea battle” combat mode. Missile warfare has become amajor warfare of modern marine war. Modern marine war has transformed from theplatform maneuver warfare to the fire maneuver warfare. As a important requirement,the technique of anti-ship missile path planning is emerging, which has become a keymeasure to improve the combat efficiency of the anti-ship missile and execute thelong-distance accurate attack.
     On the background that the air defense technology is more advanced and the airdefense system is more perfect, anti-ship missile path planning becomes a newtechnological product derived from the maneuver warfare theory of the maritimefirepower under modern information conditions. How to use the path planningtechnology to improve the combat efficiency of anti-ship missile weapons now is anurgent problem to be solved. The center is to investigate the methods of anti-shipmissile path planning. This thesis aims to solve the problem above.
     We firstly construct the mathematical model of the anti-ship missile path planning,build the space model for the path planning in terms of the path features of anti-shipmissile, and provide the formal definition of anti-ship path planning. We mainly studiedthe geometric principle based path planning method, intelligent optimization algorithmsbased path planning method and multi-platform anti-ship missile cooperative pathplanning method. At last we designed and implemented a simulation prototype systemnamed ASMPPSS(Anti-ship Missile Path Planning Simulation System), and wedemonstrated the correctness and feasibility of the proposed methods from theperspective of application requirement. The major contributions are as follows:
     (1)The problem model of anti-ship missile path planning is constructed. The pathmodel of anti-ship missile is constructed, based which the related concept and definitionof anti-ship missile path planning are given. Path performance constraints of anti-shipmissile are analyzed, and the object function and mathematic optimization model ofanti-ship missile path planning are constructed. Planning space model of anti-shipmissile path planning is constructed from the perspective of geometry, the concept ofoperational area is proposed, with which and set theory the path planning is defined formally.
     (2)Geometric principle based path planning method is studied. The concept ofoperational area is integrated into the process of converse path planning, and thegeometric gradual transformation rule of operational area is discovered, with which theconcept of operational area cluster is presented. Combing the operational area cluster,other path performance constraints and the process of converse path planning, a fastgraphic converse reasoning method of path planning is proposed. Furthermore,aforementioned methods are integrated into visibility graph method and, consequently, ageometric visibility based automatic path planning method is proposed.
     (3)A kind of method based on geometric knowledge-conducting intelligentoptimization algorithms for path planning is proposed. The strategy which adoptsknowledge to conduct evolution is introduced into intelligent optimization algorithmsand specific domain knowledge from path planning is employed to conduct thealgorithm. A framework of knowledge-conducting intelligent optimization algorithmsfor solving path planning is proposed. Different conducting manner is selectedaccording to different conducting object, and the operation mechanism of the solvingframework is provided. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm(GA) are taken as examples to apply and verify the framework. The operational areacluster is introduced into PSO and GA, corresponding coding pattern and evolutionprocess are used to map the meta step-by-step update strategy in general solvingframework to the evolution strategy of respective algorithms. An Operational AreaCluster Real-time Restriction (OACRR) based PSO algorithm (OACRR-PSO) andConstraints Driven (CD) based GA algorithm (CD-GA) are put forward.
     (4)The multi-platform anti-ship missile cooperative path planning method basedon geomrtric model is proposed. The overall strategy for cooperative path planning isgiven, and the idea of trinity tactical decision of cooperative path planning is proposed.To solve the path intersection problem, a area division idea is proposed, and the modelof area division is constructed. To meet the developing demand of the maneuver warfaretheory of the maritime firepower, a firepower assignment method under the condition ofpath planning is presented and the firepower assignment model of cooperative pathplanning is formulated. Main characteristics of cooperative path planning are analyzedand the decision process of cooperative path planning is provided.
     At last, an anti-ship missile path planning simulation prototype system (ASMPPSS)is designed and implemented, and the geometric model optimization based anti-shipmissile path planning method and related techniques are validated. The research of thispaper has great theory and practical meaning to improve the penetration ability ofanti-ship missiles and the decision efficiency of path planning.
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