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Studies had shown that non-intellectual factors Played in students' learning activities toguide, control, and regulation. Achievement motivation and self-efficacy are importantnon-intellectual factors affecting college students learning process and academic performance.The relationship between them reflected on the deeper meaning of the close link betweenindividual motivation factors and cognitive factors. Achievement motivation has been a hotissue of the psychology motivation. With the deepening of the study, researchers generallyrecognized that achievement motivation is not only the individual need for achievement, butalso expectations of success and the pursuit of goals. Thus, cognitive factors were introduced tothe study of achievement motivation. Achievement goal orientation theory has been proposedand it has become the focus of the study of achievement motivation in recent years. There aremany factors that affect academic performance and learning effects. Among them, self-efficacyis one of the major factors in the impact. Bandura's social learning theory suggests thatself-efficacy affects on behavior performance in a behavioral choice, level of effort andpersistence, coping style and emotional response. The research for the relationship betweenachievement motivation and self-efficacy is fragmented, and the conclusions are inconsistent.Therefore, the study summarized and integrated these results. The study subjects are collegestudents, and the study attempt to propose more reasonable theoretical model to describe theachievement motivation, academic self-efficacy affecting on academic performance.
     Overall, the study is divided into two major parts, theoretical overview and empiricalresearch. Theory and literature review combed the concept, theory development, measurementmethods and related research of the achievement motivation, achievement goal orientation andacademic self-efficacy, which are the research base for proposing the theoretical assumptions.On this basis, the empirical part detailed analyzed of the students’characteristics anddifferences in achievement motivation, achievement goal orientation, academic self-efficacyand academic performance. It further analyzed several models that may exist of individualachievement motivation, achievement goal orientation, academic self-efficacy affecting onacademic performance, and comparative analyzed the rationality and explanatory power of thevarious models. After the theoretical and empirical research, the study drew the following mainconclusions:
     (1) By testing and revision the Achievement goal orientation questionnaire, achievement motivation scale and academic self-efficacy scale, it is found that achievement goal orientationquestionnaire has good reliability. And revised achievement motivation scale and academicself-efficacy scale have good reliability and validity. The three questionnaire or scale can beused as effective measurement tools for empirical research.
     (2) By investigating the characteristics of Students’achievement motivation, achievementgoal orientation, academic self-efficacy and academic performance, the study found in thefollowing conclusions. The differences of Students’gender, source, major, grade inachievement were not significant. There were significant gender, major and grade difference inachievement goal orientation. There were significant gender differences and major differencesin academic self-efficacy. Significant gender differences and source differences were inacademic performance. Students’achievement motivation, academic self-efficacy, academicperformance were different significantly between the types of achievement goal orientation.
     (3) The study investigated relationship of students’achievement motivation, achievementgoal orientation, academic self-efficacy and academic performance and found that there was asignificant positive correlation between Students’achievement motivation and master goalorientation, and it was also between Students’achievement motivation and academicself-efficacy. Students’master goal orientation and academic self-efficacy, performance goalorientation and academic self-efficacy were significantly positively correlated. Master goalorientation and performance goal orientation which were two dimensions of Students’achievement goal orientation were also significantly positively correlated. There was asignificant positive correlation between Students’academic performance and master goalorientation, and it was also between Students’academic performance and academicself-efficacy.
     (4) By regression analysis,the linear relationship model between Student’achievementmotivation, achievement goal orientation, academic self-efficacy and academic performancewas tested. The test results were shown that the achievement motivation, master goalsorientation, performance goal orientation on the role of academic achievement were notsignificant. Academic self-efficacy had a significant positive effect on academic performance.
     (5) By regression analysis,the academic self-efficacy mediating effect model was inspect.It was found that Students’academic self-efficacy fully mediated between the master goalorientation and academic performance.
     (6) By regression analysis,the academic self-efficacy moderating effect model wasinspect. It was found that Students’academic self-efficacy had positive moderating effect on the relationship between achievement motivation and academic performance. And it hadpositive moderating effect on the relationship between master goal orientation and academicperformance.
     (7) After the explanatory power of three theoretical models, it was found that theacademic self-efficacy moderating effect model was to explain stronger and more reasonably,because it can be more comprehensive one which describe the effect of Student’achievementmotivation, achievement goal orientation and academic self-efficacy on academic performance.
     Finally, in summary, the findings of the study were summarized and analyzed, and theinnovation and deficiencies were pointed. On this basis, according to the results of this study, itput forward advice and recommendations for educational practice, and proposed futureresearch directions. In short, I hope to provide a new perspective through theoretical researchon non-intellectual factors such as motivation and cognition, and provide a more practicalreference for university education and psychological counseling.
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