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In early21st century, global economic disequilibrium, typically the global foreign exchange reserve disequilibrium, global savings-investment disequilibrium and global debt disequilibrium, became one of the major characteristics of the world economy. The rise and evolution of sovereign wealth funds is closely relevant to the disequilibrium and adjustment of the world economy.
     The earliest sovereign wealth funds can be traced back to Kuwait Investment Board in1953and Kiribati Revenue Balance Reserve Fund in1956. In its development over the past dozens of years, sovereign wealth funds did not draw much attention, mainly due to its small scale and the limited influence of the countries with sovereign wealth funds in international affairs. During2007and2008, China and Russia, two major developing countries, successively set up sovereign wealth funds, catching the eye of the international community. So far, the total scale of sovereign wealth funds in the world has reached USD3.87trillion, and it will further expand. As the fast-growing sovereign investment institutions with influence in the international financial system, sovereign wealth funds have drawn strong attention from the international community.
     The economic crisis triggered by the global economic disequilibrium has posed potential threat to the smooth and rapid economic development of each country. Following the financial crisis in2008, each country has been aware that, under the current unreasonable international monetary system, the financial rights that originally belong to the sovereign rights of a country will be undermined with the continuous raising of the hegemony of US dollar. In the face of such an unbalanced international economic pattern, most of the trade surplus countries, mainly the developing countries in Middle East and Asia, chose to establish sovereign wealth funds to invest abroad, in response to the risks from foreign exchange reserve depreciation and international revenue and expenditure disequilibrium. In the process, some developing countries with rapid economic and foreign trade development utilized foreign exchange reserve surplus as a major fund source for their sovereign wealth funds. The rise and evolution of the sovereign wealth funds in developing countries has posed challenges to the international monetary system mainly composed of developed countries and to the international competition pattern, and the investment activities of developing countries will greatly affect the adjustment of global economic disequilibrium.
     Therefore, studying the determinants of formation, influence and operating mode of sovereign wealth funds is of great theoretic and practical significance to the adjustment of global economic disequilibrium, development of international financial system and the management of foreign exchange reserves by developing countries, typically China.
     This dissertation focuses on the in-depth analysis of the cause of formation of sovereign wealth funds, its influence on the world economy and its operating mode, with major contents as follows:
     Firstly, in the part of introduction, this dissertation introduces the topic selection background, studying significance, structural arrangement, research methods, as well as innovation and deficiencies, and gives an overview and comment of related sovereign wealth funds research papers from the perspectives of basic concepts of sovereign wealth funds, reasons for rise, influential factors of scale, influence on the world economy, and operating mode.
     Secondly, this dissertation reviews the development course of sovereign wealth funds, and fully analyzes its asset allocation characteristics. The analysis of the development status and asset allocation of sovereign wealth funds shows that the funds are highly concentrated in terms of incorporation time, fund source, asset scale and regional distribution.
     Thirdly, this dissertation deeply analyzes the reasons for rise of sovereign wealth funds in a country and the influential factors for the scale of such fund, based on the analysis of the global foreign exchange reserve disequilibrium and the savings-investment disequilibrium. The empirical study of the macro-economic influence factors of establishment of sovereign wealth funds in a country reveals that the country's total reserves, energy exports and total savings have significant influence on its sovereign wealth funds. The rise of sovereign wealth funds should be attributed to the internal and external disequilibrium of a country's economy. The high foreign exchange reserves and domestic savings of a country are an expression of the two disequilibrium states. As long as the two states remain, more countries will joint those setting up sovereign wealth funds.
     According to the empirical study of the influential factors for the scale of sovereign wealth funds of a country from three aspects, i.e. macro-economic development, political and democratic governance environment and internal governance structure of fund, what the fund establishment embodies more is the government conduct of a country, and the funds established by the economies with better macro-economic fundamental will have larger scale. Moreover, the internal governance structure of fund, particularly accountability and transparency, has an important influence on the fund scale. Analysis of the influential factors for the scale of sovereign wealth funds can not only predict the development trend of such fund, and conduct in-depth study of the issues such as the influence of fund investment on the international financial market on that basis.
     Fourthly, this dissertation analyzes the influence of establishment and investment of sovereign wealth funds on global political and economic pattern and international financial system. The analysis of the influence on global political and economic pattern reveals that investment of the fund will reinforce the international position of developing countries, improve international system in force, weaken the hegemony of US dollar, change the global direct investment pattern, improve the financing environment of developing countries and help ease the global economic disequilibrium.
     The analysis of the influence on international financial system reveals that investment of sovereign wealth funds has a dual influence on the stability of the system. Based on the forecast of the scale of sovereign wealth funds, this dissertation analyzes the risk aversion of global investors of sovereign wealth funds and the international capital market prices, suggesting that global investors'risk aversion will increase with the expansion of sovereign wealth funds scale, and its influence on the prices and yields of such assets as stocks and treasury bonds will not cause the drastic fluctuation of international capital market. Accordingly, international community should not set special restrictions on the investment of sovereign wealth funds.
     Fifthly, taking the sovereign wealth funds of Norway, Russia, Singapore and South Korea for example, this dissertation analyzes the operating modes of sovereign wealth funds of commodity exporting countries and non-commodity exporting countries, and compares such development modes as the governance structures, investment strategies and risk management strategies of sovereign wealth funds.
     Finally, based on the analysis of the incorporation background of China's sovereign wealth funds, this dissertation puts forward suggestions on the policies regarding its asset allocation strategy, risk management strategy and the distinction of and cooperation with state-owned enterprises.
     This dissertation aims to make an innovative exploration in the following three areas:
     Firstly, the existing studies mainly examine the reasons for rise of sovereign wealth funds from the angle of external economic disequilibrium of a country, and argue that the unreasonable international monetary system in force results in the disequilibrium of global foreign exchange reserves and is the main reason for the rise of sovereign wealth funds. This dissertation makes more in-depth study of the reasons for the rise of sovereign wealth funds from the angle of the disequilibrium of internal economic structure of a country. The analysis reveals that the country's savings-investment structure disequilibrium is an important cause for the establishment of sovereign wealth funds. The ultimate reason for the rise of sovereign wealth funds should be the external and internal disequilibrium of the country's economy, which is manifested by high foreign exchange reserves and high saving ratio. As long as the disequilibrium continues, new sovereign wealth funds will be established constantly, thus gradually expanding the scale of global sovereign wealth funds.
     Secondly, at present, there are few studies of the scale of sovereign wealth funds. The existing studies mainly focus on the statistics of the scale of sovereign wealth funds, and analyze the influential factors of the scale from the perspective of macro-economy. This dissertation uses standardized analysis and empirical analysis study methods to systematically analyze the influential factors of the scale of sovereign wealth funds from three aspects, i.e. macro-economic factors, macro-political factors and the factors of fund governance structure. From the macro and micro levels, combined with quantitative analysis method to analyze the issue of fund size, it provides a new way to study the development trend of the scale of sovereign wealth funds and the influence on world economy.
     Thirdly, according to the analysis of impact factors of fund size, this dissertation predicts the growth trend of the size of sovereign wealth funds. On this basis, using the asset pricing model which allows a small probability of disaster, this dissertation analyzes the impact of sovereign wealth funds investment on the rate of return on risky assets and risk-free assets, as well as the impact of the risk premium. The results show that the growth of the scale of sovereign wealth funds investment has a certain impact on international asset prices, but does not cause the volatility of the international asset markets. Therefore, it should not set up specifical limitations on the investment activities of sovereign wealth funds.
     However, there are still two deficiencies in the study of this dissertation:
     Firstly, due to the limitation of data available, the author can only roughly forecast the future scale of sovereign wealth funds based on the prediction of the balance of current accounts. Although the current account balance has reflected the most influential factors of fund scale, improvement of other factors and data may help further improve the accuracy of the forecast of future fund scale. Hence, this issue should be further studied in the future based on the more complete data.
     Secondly, there are deficiencies in the study of the micro-economic influence of the sovereign wealth funds investment. Analysis of the micro-economic influence of sovereign wealth funds includes the influence of the funds on the market value of target enterprises to be invested, i.e. the market response to the shareholding of sovereign wealth funds. However, due to the limitation of data available, this dissertation lacks the data of extensive empirical analysis of market response to the shareholding of sovereign wealth funds. As a result, the analysis of the micro-economic influence of sovereign wealth funds investment is less comprehensive.
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