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     我们在Ⅱ型超弦理论中发现了一类超引力解,该解描述相交的非超对称Dp-膜系统。该解由一些参数来刻画,当这些参数由一组特值连续变化到另一组特值时,它所描述的构型也由黑Dp-膜平滑地变成与之对应的静态Kaluza-Klein "bubble of nothing" (KK BON)。我们称该解为interpolation族解。我们的研究表明,在一定的条件下,该interpolation族解暗示着黑Dp-膜到稳定的静态bubble的一种可能的转变,而转变的机制则可解释为闭弦快子凝聚。
We study two aspects of sring/M theory:brane interactions and the related dy-namics. These have been investigated from both the stringy and the effective theory approaches.
     ·Brane Interactions
     We re-study the interacting D0-D8 system, pointing out that the divergent piece of the interaction potential energy density in either NS-NS sector or R-R sector is not something which can be ignored but reflects the D8-brane nature of non-existence as an independent object. Along with this, we have also addressed a few subtle issues regarding the existing two interpretations for the non-vanishing counter-intuitive R-R potential and improved them each by considering the divergence piece of the potential. Further studies show that the persistence of divergence for the potential in either sector in the presence of a flux on the D8-branes indicates that adding a flux/fluxes on the D8-branes doesn't help to improve its nature of existence as an independent object. Furthermore, we resolve a subtle issue regarding the regularization of fermionic zero-modes in the R-R sector when the D8-branes carry an electric flux so that a meaningful result for the potential can be calculated.
     We also calculate the long-range interaction between two p-branes placed parallel at a separation in diverse dimensions via an effective field theory approach. In particu-lar, we considered cases when the p-branes are 10-dimensional Dp-branes carrying with them a special world-volume non-abelian flux. The interaction so computed for each of such systems gives not only the known facts about the underlying system but also some new evidences which may help us to understand the system better. For example, in the case of (Do, D8) system, in contrast to the previous study, our computations indicated that the so constructed (D0, D8) system may well be a marginal bound state.
     ·Brane Dynamics
     We find a family of supergravity solutions, characterized by a few parameters, in typeⅡstring theories, which represents the intersecting non-supersymmetric Dp-branes and nicely interpolates between the corresponding black Dp-branes and the Kaluza-Klein "bubble of nothing" (KK BON) by continuously changing some of these param-eters from one set of values to another. We proposed that this interpolation implies a possible transition from black Dp-branes to stable static bubbles (under certain condi-tions) via the closed string tachyon condensation.
     We also find other families of supergravity interpolation solutions, i.e., the inter-secting non-supersymmetric D1/D5 configuration or the intersecting non-supersymmetric F/NS5 configuration. Similar consideration are applied to them.
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