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    应用了一种新的解非线性方程组方法即Brent 方法。应用效果表明,该方法与常用的传统反演方法相比,具有计算效率高、收敛稳定,对初始模型要求不严格等特点,是一种很有前途的反演方法;
    将视电阻率转换、快速近似反演方法、Brent 反演方法、自动赋初值方法等应用于2004 年实测数据的处理上,取得了比较好的应用效果,证明上述方法切实可行;
Airborne electromagnetics (AEM) has been widely applied in geological mapping, mineral exploration, geohydrological investigation, engineering and geological environmental monitoring. AEM can be used in forest, desert, swamp, lake and residential area which is difficult to use ground geophysics based on its low cost, high efficiency and adaptability. AEM is the absolutely necessarily method in geological investigation and mineral exploration, especially in reconnaissance. AEM has been widely used as a conventional geophysical method overseas. The following has been studied for data process and interpretation of the triplex-frequency AEM system:
    1. A few new apparent resistivity transform methods have been systematically studied. The understanding to every apparent resistivity transform methods has been improved after theoretical modeling computation, analysis and discussion. In addition, some of the apparent resistivity transform methods can be used in fast approximate inversion and automatic inversion.
    2. Fast approximate inversion method for the triplex-frequency AEM system is firstly developed. Based on the theory of skin depth, we obtain the empirical formulae that adapt to the triplex-frequency AEM system after modeling. The apparent resistivity parasections derived from the triplex-frequency AEM data of 1-D models have been developed for the first time. The parasections can outline the resistivity changes. It is the basis of starting model for automatic inversion.
    3. A new Brent algorithm has been used to solve nonlinear equations. Compared with conventional methods, this algorithm has high efficiency, stable convergence with wide initial value. It’s a promising inversion method.
    4. The principle of instituting starting model has been found after analyzing the relation of apparent resistivity, apparent thickness and parasections derived from triplex-frequency AEM data based on modeling . Then the automatic inversion is realizable.
    5. The apparent transform, fast approximate inversion, Brent algorithm and automatic
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