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摘 要
    本论文通过对影响图像检索性能的多个关键技术的研究,基于 VB6.0 和数
    据库 SQL Server 2000 开发了一套压缩域基于内容的图像检索系统。主要工作包
With the booming of digitized information and network, the patterns of
    production and life of human beings have been changed dramatically due to the rapid
    development of information network and multimedia applications. The increasing
    need for multimedia information has made the development of new network-based
    multimedia applications become one of the hottest subjects in the field of
    information technology. Due to the enormous and unstructured multimedia data,
    solutions must be provided for their effective compression and efficient indexing in
    order to realize all kinds of multimedia applications. Recently, effective compression
    technique has substantially developed and images exist widely in compressed format.
    To make fast retrieval, indexing techniques of image/video data in
    compressed-domain have witnessed a booming interest. And people attach
    importance to the research and development of content-based image retrieval system
    in compressed-domain extensively.
     This paper discusses several key techniques which influence image retrieval
    performance and develops a new content-based image retrieval system in compressed-
    domain based on VB6.0 and database SQL Server 2000.The major contents are:
     1. Some current typical contented-based image retrieval systems are reviewed.
    Based on the structure analysis of these systems, this paper presents a flexible and
    safe system with a friendly user interface and which can provide efficient image
    database management.
     2. A novel relevance feedback algorithm using the optimal feature components
    adaptive extraction is put forward. Retrieval results can be changed with different
     3. A new compound high-dimension indexing method is constructed by taking
    advantage of some other high-dimension techniques. Simulation results show the
    efficiency of the method.
     4. A model method according to the complexity of uploading and downloading
    images and features is proposed whose feasibility and efficiency are verified.
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