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Food consumption affects urban and rural inhabitants'life and government policy of production, circulation and consumption of agricultural products, it is also the base of the political stabilization.Transition China has seen the per capita income enhancement, the price adjustment, the cancellation of the grain and cooking oil state monopoly for marketing system, the entrance to the World Trade Organization and food endowment enrichment, which lead to a series of changes of the external environment of urban and rural inhabitants food consumption. There is three characteristics of the changes of urban and rural inhabitants' food consumption:the food consumption level enhancement, the food consumption pattern fierce adjustment after the cancellation of state monopoly for marketing system of grain and cooking oil and the entrance to World Trade Organization, obvious disparity between urban and rural inhabitants food consumption and that of differential regions.
     This article studies the influence on urban and rural inhabitants food consumer behavior of the cancelltion of state monopoly for marketing system of the grain and cooking oil,the entrance to the World Trade Organization.The key point is the influence of food marketability on the income elasticity and the price elasticity of food consumption, the influence of the transaction cost on the region difference of food consumption, the relations between the cancellation of the grain and cooking oil state monopoly for marketing system and food consumption sudden changes, the relations between entrance to the World Trade Organization and food consumption sudden changes.
     First we induce three major characteristics of urban and rural inhabitants food consumption:the stages of food consumption change, the difference beween urban and rural inhabitants' food consumption, and the difference between regions. Then we use the neoclassical consumer behavior theory to analyze the influence of the grain and cooking oil state monopoly for marketing system on urban inhabitants'food consumption,to explaine the stages of urban and rural inhabitants food consumpton change and region difference,use house production theory, under the hypothesis of the upper boundary of the house production technology and the agricultural production technology, to deliver the critical price hypothesis, to explain the sudden change of urban and rural inhabitants food consumption.And we have carried on the empirical analysis using time series data, the cross section data, and the panel data of each kind food urban and rural inhabitants'consumed. In the end are the policy proposals.
     The techniques such as induction, logic, empirical examination, contrast analysis are used.Reorganize urban and rural inhabitants' food consumption level and structure datas to induce the characteristics of inhabitants' food consumption. The expansioned neoclassical consumer model is used to analyze inhabitants' food choice behavior, these expansioned models are respectively the non-linear restraint model, the endowmenttalent model under transaction cost,and house production model.The inhabitants'food consumption level and structure conclusions are tested empirically. Urban and rural inhabitants' food consumptions are analyzed separately, conforming to the different environments of urban and rural inhabitants' food consumption.
     The main conclusions are several hypotheses. The cancellation of the grain and cooking oil state monopoly for marketing system strengthened the marketability of urban and rural inhabitants' food consumption, the price elasticity of food consumption become bigger, the inertia smaller, also has accelerated food expenditure level and food consumption structure adjustment;If there are costs in the food transaction, the urban and rural inhabitants face the different relative food price system, this has created the region difference of urban and rural inhabitants food consumption. After food purchase, food procession can be found, the food shadow prices are influenced by the house production technology, the inertia of inhabitants' food consumption is formed by "learn from doing". Under the hypotheses of the upper boundary in the agricultural production and the house production, there is the critical price where the food consumption quantity suddenly rises or drops largely. The two sudden changes of urban and rural inhabitants food consumption are caused by the cancellation of the grain and cooking oil state monopoly for marketing system and the entrance to the World Trade Organization. The innovations are mainly found in three aspects.
     The innovation of view angle, we analyze the influence of the market condition on food consumption under the view of food marketability and food endowment, the influence of the cancellation of the grain and cooking oil state monopoly for marketing system and the enterance to the World Trade Organization are mainly analyzed.
     The innovation of analysis method. We have extended the neoclassical consumer theory to the non-linear restraint model, the endowment model under the transaction cost, the house production model to analyze the influence of income and price on inhabitants' food consumption.These models have the intrinsic unity, and close to the realistic food consumption condition, form an system conforming to the actual consumption condition, synthesize the consumer theory and the producer theory.
     The innovation of theory. Under the hypothesis of the transaction cost and the production technology boundary, the theory of the influence on food consumption of the income, the price, the food endowment have been proposed to explain the discontinuity of food consumption change, the region difference, the elasticity change. The conclusions have very strong policy significance.Along with the marketability enhancement, the reaction of inhabitants' food consumption to the market price and the income becomes allergic. The important reform measure causes the sudden food consumption change, the necessary policy adapting to the change should be put up. The transaction cost causes inhabitants' food consumption subject to the local food endowment, the policy of reducing transaction cost can promote inhabitants' food consumption adjustment.
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