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The Successful launching of Chang’E-1 and Chang’E-2 lunar probe satellites marks the coming of new era of China aerospace industry. Many scholars had done a lot research to the data colleted by Chang’Es. The research to the model of image processing and data process of Chang’E-1’s three-line-array ccd image is a very fundamental work which is a necessary way to get the three dimensional (3-D) image and structure of lunar surface.
     This article proposed to combine the laser height data and CCD image data to create the lunar surface controlling points after contrasting ULCN2005’s DEM and the data processed by marching, de-noising, differencing and formatting the CCD image of Chang’E-1 and laser height data. According to the characteristics of the CCD camera, the article suggested that CCD image could be processed not only by perspective imagery, but also by line perspective imagery. EO(exterior orientation elements) of CCD image is calculated successfully by controlling points of lunar surface without the parameter data of satellite orbit.
     The article deliberately analyzed the value of creating the imaging RFM(rational function model) of CCD image to the research of lunar remote sensing and imaging, and created the RFM of third order for Chang’E-1 using the commercial remote sensing satellite. The precision of RFM is very close to rigorous sensor model after practical testing.
     Specific to the characteristics of Chang’E-1 three-line-array CCD image, combining controlling points of lunar surface, EO and RFM, the article proposed three imaging models which include stereo image space intersection、stereo position of RFM, bundle adjustment model. And construct DEM of Chang’E-1 image which reach perfect precision after experimental analysis.
     Aim for find proper three-dimensional matching for CCD lunar image, the article deliberately contrasted and analyzedgray scale correlation method, feature matching based on Moravac operator, Forstner operator, Harris operater, SIFT feature matching, and concluded that SIFT feature matching had better result.
     In order to meet the need of research to Chang’E project and improve efficiency, the article proposed to set up the processing system of CCD three-dimensional imaging which should include the pre-processing, single image processing, 3-D image processing, 3-D image matching, and et al., after analyzing the system demand and general design. The article proceeded with prototypal system development combining with previous algorism programs and got preliminary results.
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