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    Fe-Lys和 Fe-Gly,下同)的吸收转运规律以及实际应用效果。
    鼠对 Fe-Lys和 Fe-Gly的吸收、转运规律。试验采用90只 40日龄Wistar纯系雄
    胎次为第2胎的纯种杜洛克母猪,分 3个处理(三种铁源 FeSO_4、Fe-Lys和Fe-Gly,
    Fe-Cl;大鼠对Fe-Lys中铁的吸收、转运和利用优于 Fe-Gly。
     o功.05hF e-Lye-Lys和Fe-Qy是良好的铁源添加剂,仔猪生后用其取代常规补铁
     126.72%和*.94%,则 Fe-Gpee-R组仔猪的相应值分别为 1*石二%、116.6她
     都能极显著彤响仔猪的生长发育。就铁源平均数而言,以 Fe-Lys组最高,而且,
     饲以氨基酸鳖合铁oesLys或 Fe-Gly)辅以注射铁补针对提高仔猪 0~ZI、0—35
The study consisted of 2 trials was aimed to evaluate the absorption and
    transportation characteristics of ferrous lysine chelate (Fe-Lys) and ferrous glycine
    (Fe-Gly), and their application.
    Rat in normal physiological status was chosen as experimental animal mode in
    trial 1 to evaluate the absorption and transportation characteristics of iron in the
    form of Fe-Lys and Fe-Gly. Ninety 40-d-old pure Wistar male mice in normal physiological status were used to study the changes of specific ~(59)Fe radioactivity and the gross iron content in blood, red cell, serum globin and duodenum at different time (2, 24, 96, 168, 240h) after lavage, and in tissues and organs (liver, spleen, muscle, thighbone) at all times, and major haematology parameters (haemoglobin, serum ferrous, total ferrous -binding capacity) on the 10th day after lavage.
    In trial 2, Pigs were used to study the application effects of Fe-Lys and Fe-Gly. Seventeen pure Duroc sows were divided into 3 treatments according to the type of ferrous source, which were FeSO_4, Fe-Lys and Fe-Gly (120 mg/kg in sow rations and 150 mg/kg in piglet rations). The application effects of Fe-Lys and Fe-Gly were evaluated by determining iron content in milk in different times (1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21d) after farrowing, key haematology parameters at different ages (1, 7, 14, 21, 35d) and ferrous content changes in tissues and organs (liver, spleen, muscle, thighbone). Growth rates of pigs were recorded with or without combination of ferriporphyrin via intramuscular injection in order to provide theoretical evidences for scientific, economical use of ferrous amino acid chelate (FAAC),
    Iron from Fe-Lys and Fe-Gly in purified diet could be absorbed, transported,
    and utilized easily The Specific ~(59)Fe radioactivity and the gross ferrous content in
    fferent hssues and organs supported the conclusfon. Iron from M in
    conventiOnal diet could be absorbed, tr8nspohed, and utithed bett6r than that hom
    Fe-CL with better effect from Fe -LyS than from Fe-Gly
    Fe-Lys and Fe-Gly could increase hon content in sow Inilk to some extents
    in comParison with FeSO4. Especially Fe-Lys significantly enhanced iron content
    in Inilk. However, there was no obvious law existed in the effectS of Fc-LyS and
    Fe-Gly on ferrous retention in 0d and 2ld-oki pislets. CotnPared with FeSO4,
    Fe-Lys and Fe-Oly could increase haemogfobin, serum iron in pghtS of different
    age. EsPechlly Fe-LyS wiificantly increased haemogfobin content in milk and
    notably decreased serum total iron -binding capacity in 14d to35d-old pghtS, wune
    had no effects on serum total iro n-binding caPacity in 0d to l4d-old pislets. Fe -Lys
    and Fc-Gly were excellent ferrous additive and they can replace feniPorphyrin via
    Intfamuscular injection. They would promote growth rate greatly if used together
    with fetriPorphyrin via intramuscular injection. Taken the data supplcmented with
    FcSO4 +Fe-R during the 0d to 21d Period, 0d tO 35d Period, and 21d to 35d PeriOd
    l00%, daily wcisht gain of pinlets supplcmented with Fe-LyS + Fe-R wcrc
    132.62%, 126.72% and 119.94% respectively and those supplemented wih
    Fe-Gly+Fe-R were 113.62%, l16.69% and 1l9.94% resPedely The FAA and
    ferriPorphyrin via intramuscular injection both promoted growth rate of pteletS
    wificantly As far as ferrous additive was concerned, Fe-Lys group had the best
    effeCt. Furthermorc, there existed posithe interaction betwOen FAA (Fc-LyS and
    Fe-Oly and feniPorphyrin via intramuscular injection on cnhanccment of daily
    body gain. As far as fermus supplement method was concemcd, Fe-Lys combin6d
    wAn fenipOrphyrin via intramuscular injeCtion was thc. Deal method to provide
    Pguts with iron.
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