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     1、设计应用分别与枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)和地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacilluslicheniformis)等菌属脂肽类表面活性剂代谢调节相关的合成基因(srfA3/licA3)以及与假单胞菌属(pseudomonas)鼠李糖脂类表面活性剂代谢调节相关的基因(rhlR)对应的简并引物,在功能基因水平上对胜利油田的5个区块共10个油井产出液进行了产脂肽和糖脂类表面活性剂微生物的分析;应用培养法和克隆测序方法在微生物种属方面进行了辅助分析。结果表明,多数油藏样品中检测出芽胞杆菌和脂肽类表面活性剂代谢调节相关的合成基因(srfA3/licA3),产脂肽类表面活性剂的微生物是激活油藏内源微生物产表面活性剂的主要方向。
     3、开展了激活沾3油藏微生物产表面活性剂的可行性实验,通过对脂肽合成基因实时荧光定量PCR和克隆测序结果综合分析,推断沾3油藏脂肽合成基因与地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis)相关。在此基础上,筛选得到有机氮激活剂配方(JHJ-1:0.4%玉米浆干粉,0.5%葡萄糖,0.2%可溶性淀粉,0.4%蛋白胨),该配方激活沾3油藏样品,脂肽合成基因最高达2.6×10~6copies/μLDNA;表面张力最低达38.0mN/m;扩油圈直径最大达7.0cm;但乳化指数小于5%。无机氮激活剂配方(JHJ-2:蔗糖2,NH_4Cl0.6,酵母粉0.03,玉米浆干粉0.05,KH_2PO_40.06,Na_2HPO_40.2)激活沾3油藏样品,脂肽合成基因最高达1.6×105copies/μLDNA;乳化指数达96%。克隆测序结果表明,JHJ-1激活后样品结构单一,优势菌为Bacillus licheniformis,而JHJ-2激活后样品相对复杂,优势菌为Bacillus licheniformis和Bacillus thermoamylovorans等。
The biosurfactant production is one of the dominant mechanisms of microbialenhanced oil recovery (MEOR). At present, there are mainly two kinds of applicationof biosurfactants in MEOR, which are the injection of fermentation production(ground method) and exogenous microorganisms (exogenous microbial flooding),respectively. Compared with ground method and ex-situ microbial flooding, in-situmicrobial flooding is more inexpensive, process simple, and environmental friendly.However, there are few studies concerning the detection of biosurfactant-producingmicrobes accurately. Especially,it is hard to regulate and control the indigenousbio-producing microbes rationaly.
     In this paper, a new method was constructed, which can analyse function genes ofindigenous biosurfactant-producing microbes of oil reservoir qualitatively andquantitatively. Based on the analysis to the bio-producing microbes of Shengli OilField, the Zhan3block was choosen as the object of study to selectively stimulateindigenous biosurfactant-producing microbes. As the result, a formula of activatorswas determined. This paper showed the influence of the stimulationbiosurfactant-producing microbes to the relative permeability profile, rock wettability,and oil recovery. Finally, the physicochemical properties and structure of thebiosurfactants produced by indigenous microorganisms were also analysed. The mainresults are as followings.
     1、There are two types of degenerate primers which are the surfactin/lichenysin(srfA3/licA3) gene involved in lipopeptide biosurfactant production in members ofBacillus subtilis/licheniformis group and the rhlR gene involved in regulation ofrhamnolipid production in pseudomonads. There were ten well produced fluids fromfive blocks of Shengli Oil Field, which were detected and analysed concerninglipopeptid/glycolipid biosurfactant-producing microbes. The methods of culture andcloning and sequencing were used subsidiarily to judge the species of the microorganisms. The results were as followings, The srfA3/licA3gene involved inlipopeptide biosurfactant production has been detected in most of the reservoir brinesand lipopeptide biosurfactant-producing microbes should be the target to biostimulatethe production of lipopeptide biosurfactants by indigenous microorganisms.
     2、Target at the detection of lipopeptid-producing microbes, the technology ofReal-Time PCR was applied into quantitative analysis of lipopeptid-biosynthesis genewhich was standardized with srfA3/licA3gene. The real-time fluorescence quota PCRmethod which was for the test of lipopeptid-biosynthesis gene were fleet, sensitive,and specific, which can be used into laboratory and field tests.
     3、 The feasibility study about biosurfactants biosynthesized by indigenousmicroorganisms was applied at Zhan3block, the comprehensive results of real-timefluorescence quota PCR and cloning and sequencing showed thatlipopeptid-biosynthesis gene has something to do with Bacillus licheniformis. Withthe addition of external carbon source, the stimulating agent formulas of inorganic andorganic nitrogen sources were selected through Orthogonal experimental design,respectively. The formula of organic nitrogen source was determined as corn syrupdry powder0.4%, glucose0.5%, soluble starch0.2%, peptone0.4%, which wasnamed as JHJ-1. The experiment result of the application of JHJ-1to Zhan3blockwas that lipopeptid-biosynthesis gene was maximized as2.6×106copies/uLDNA,surface tension was reduced to38.0mN/m minimally, the biggest diameter ofexpanding oil circle was7.0cm, emulsification index was less than5%. The formulaof inorganic nitrogen source named as JHJ-2was that sucrose2%, NH_4Cl0.6%, yeastextract powder0.03%, corn syrup dry powder0.05%,KH_2PO_40.06%, Na_2HPO_40.2%.With the application of this formula, lipopeptid-biosynthesis gene was maximized as1.6×10~5copies/uLDNA, emulsification index reached up to96%.After thebiostimulation of JHJ-1, the sample had simples microbial community, and thepredominant bacterium was Bacillus licheniformis. Nevertheless, after thebiostimulation of JHJ-2, there would be more complex result, the predominantbacteria were Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus thermoamylovorans.
     4、The influences to the relative permeability curve and wettability were studied,after the biostimulation of biosurfactant-producing microbes. The model test was alsoexperimentalized to evaluate the biostimulation to oil recovery.The oil-water relativepermeability curves of Zhan3reservoir before and after biostimulation ofbiosurfactant-producing microbes by JHJ-1and JHJ-2were measured under thereservoir condition.The result show that the equal-permeability point on the curve ismoving to the right which indicate the core hydrophilicity is increased after microbeflooding. The oil-phase relative permeability is much higher than water flooding.Biostimulation of biosurfactant-producing microbes can drive residual oil effectively.The rock relative wettability indexs are increased which indicate cores hydrophilicityare increased after microbe flooding.The ability of improving oil discovery bybiostimulation of biosurfactant-producing microbes is estimated using core floodingexperiments. Biostimulation of biosurfactant-producing microbes with JHJ-1andJHJ-2can improve oil discovery10%and13.6%respectively on the basis ofwater-flooding under the conditions of Zhan3reservoir.
     5、The physicochemical properties and the structure of the biosurfactant in thesample which was biostimulation by JHJ-2was analyzed.The yield of biosurfactant inthe sample is0.47g/L.Critical micelle concentration(CMC) of the biosurfactant is33.3mg/L,at the concentration,the surface tension of the biosurfactant solution is38.5mN/m. The emulsifying activity index is1.25U with the sample was diluted100timeswhich indicate the sample emulsifying activity is strong.By means of TLC、IR、HPLCand MS,the structure of the biosurfactant in the sample which was biostimulation byJHJ-2was elucidated to be a type of lipopeptide.
     The results of this study will privide the technologic support for directionalcontrol of reservoir indigenous microorganism for improving oil discovery.Inaddition,it will provide the theoretical and technologic support for indigenousmicroorganism oil displacement technology bring into practice in Zhan3block.
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