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地黄(Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch.)为玄参科地黄属植物,是我国著名的大宗药材,具有很高的药用价值。本研究以陕西境内地黄优良栽培品种“北京5号”为材料,分别采用块根、茎段、叶柄、叶片为外植体,对其组织培养技术进行了系统研究,建立了完整的地黄快速繁殖体系和植株再生体系,并对组织培养过程中超度含水态苗的发生与其叶片形态结构特征及防止方法进行了初步研究。实验的主要结果如下:
    (1)地黄块根采用75%乙醇25~30s,0.1%升汞17~20min的体外消毒后,污染率较低,芽眼的萌发率较高;芽生长至0.5~1cm时,从基部切割转入MS附加BA 0.5mg/L、NAA 0.1 mg/L的培养基中,芽生长较快;培养5~6周后,试管苗生长状态良好。
    (2)将试管苗切割成具腋芽的茎段,接种在MS附加BA 0.5mg/L、NAA 0.1 mg/L的培养基上,腋芽开始萌发生长,并可少量增殖; MS附加BA 0.3 mg/L、NAA 0.2mg/L是最适的继代增殖培养基,腋芽萌发后小芽健壮,生长速度快,培养4~5周后芽的增殖倍数可达6.5。以此为基础建立了地黄茎段腋芽增殖的快速繁殖体系,在短期内获得大量地黄组培苗。
    (1)茎段、叶柄外植体接种在MS附加BA 1.0mg/L、NAA 0.5mg/L的培养基上,愈伤组织诱导率可分别达到100%和95.6%。将诱导出的愈伤组织转接入MS附加BA 3.0mg/L的培养基中,1~2次继代培养后,由愈伤组织表面可诱导形成不定芽,不定芽的分化率为41.7%。
    (2)叶片接种在MS附加BA 0.5mg/L、NAA 0.3mg/L的培养基上,愈伤组织诱导率达到96%,颜色多呈现翠绿色或绿色,这种愈伤组织在MS附加BA 1.0mg/L、NAA 0.1mg/L的培养基中培养25d后,约有44.4%的愈伤组织可分化出不定芽;而当叶片接种在2,4-D/BA、2,4-D/KT、NAA/2,4-D不同浓度组合的培养基上,愈伤组织诱导率可达到100%,形成的愈伤组织多为灰白色、米黄色,结构疏松,此类愈伤组织诱导不易分化,但能诱导形成不定根。
    (3)地黄叶片直接再生植株的最适分化培养基为MS附加BA 3.0mg/L、NAA 0.1mg/L,不定芽分化率为77.5%。不定芽的分化率受叶片接种方向、外植体取材部位等因素的影响;其中,以叶片远轴面朝下为接种方向,选取幼嫩叶片进行光照培养,可显著提高不定芽的分化率。
    (4)当不同外植体再生出的不定芽长至1~2cm时,将其切割后接种于改良MS附加NAA 0.05mg/L的培养基上,经过15~20d培养,生根率可达100%;将生根试管苗移栽于按1:1体积配比的腐殖质与河沙基质中,经过2~3周的驯化栽培后,其试管苗移栽成
Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch. belongs to Scrophulariaceae, was one kind of famous medicinal materials, and has high medical value. It used the root, stem, petiole, and leaf of good Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch.variety “Bei jing 5”planted in shaanxi, studied the tissue culture technology of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch., established the rapid propagation and plant regeneration systems, investigated the structure of leaf of its normal and hyperhydric shoot, and studied the occurrence and their control methods of hyperhydric shoots. The main results were as follows:
    1.Using the root of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch. as materials to study the rapid propagation system, the main results showed:
    (1) It can lower the pollution ratio, improve the ratio of germination after the root pasteurized with 75% alcohol from25 to 30s and 0.1%Hgcl2 from 17 to 20min. The shoots were cut down from the bottom when they reached 0.5-1cm, and transferred to the MS medium supplemented with BA 0.5mg/L, NAA 0.1mg/L, the shoots had better growth ability. The test-tube seedlings were well after culture for 5-6 weeks.
    (2) The test-tube seedlings were cut into several stems with axillary buds and cultured on MS medium supplemented with BA 0.5 mg/L, NAA 0.1mg/L, on which a few buds may multiplied; and the MS medium supplemented with BA 0.5 mg/L, NAA 0.1mg/L was most suitable for buds multiplication, on which the buds multiplication ratio was about 6.5 than 4-5 weeks later. According to the result, the rapid propagation system of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch. was set up, and a lot of test-tube seedlings can be obtained.
    2. With different explants including stem, petiole, leaf of the test-tube seedlings, the research established the plant regeneration system of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch., the main results showed:
    (1)When the stem and the petiole were cultured on MS medium supplemented with BA 1.0 mg/L, NAA 0.5 mg/L, the induction ratio of callus was 100% and 95.6% respectly. The differentiation ratio of callus was about 41.7% and the callus formed adventitious buds when they were cultured on MS medium supplemented with BA 3.0 mg/L for 1-2 subculture
    (2)A few emerald green or green callus were formed when the leaves were cultured on MS medium supplemented with BA 0.5mg/L, NAA 0.3mg/L, and the induction ratio of callus was 96%. Adventitious buds were induced from callus of leaf on MS medium supplemented with BA1.0 mg/L, NAA0.1 mg/L, and after 25 days of culture the differentiation ratio of adventitious buds from leaf callus was about 44.4%; while the leaves were cultured on MS medium with different combinations and concentration of 2,4-D/BA, 2,4-D/KT and
    NAA/2,4-D, the induction ratio of callus can reach 100%, and most of the callus was gray and yellow, the structure was loose and difficult to form adventitious buds, but it can easy form the root from the surface of callus.
    (3) Adventitious buds were regenerated directly from the leaf of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch., the most suitable medium was MS medium supplemented with BA3.0 mg/L, NAA0.1 mg/L, and the differentiation ratio of adventitious buds was about 77.5%. The differentiation of adventitious buds from leaf was influenced by the orientation and the explant location, the differentiation ratio of adventitious buds can increase obviously when the abaxial of upper infant leaf was on the medium under illumination culture
    (4)The shoots regenerated from different explants that reached 1-2cm were detached and transferred to the modified MS medium supplemented with NAA0.05 mg/L for rooting, after 15 to 20 days of culture the differentiation ratio of root was about 100%. When the plantlets were transferred to the culture matrix compounded equally by the humus and the sand for 2-3 weeks of cultivation, the survival ratio of plantlets can reach 96.7%.
    3. The structure of normal and hyperhydric plantlets was scanned by electron scanning microscopy, optics microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The structure of the leaf for the normal plantlets was similar to that of plants found in th
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