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Biodiversity plays an irreplaceable role in ecological balance, man-nature harmonization and sustainable development. However, with intensive human activities, and rapid economic development, ecological damage is becoming worse and worse. Natural habitats for plants and animals keep reducing at global scale. Biodiversity conservation has drawn the attention of all mankind. The building of nature reserves in situ is a basic approach to protecting biodiversity. Due to large population and highly limited farmlands in China, land use contradiction is increasingly prominent. Therefore, how to improve the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation by making full use of existing protected area at different levels, together with the qualities and functions of them, grows into a major concern for both conservation biologists and related managers.
     On the basis of extensive literature and previous research, an exploratory study was conducted to examine the theory and methodology about the construction of terrestrial biodiversity conservation network (BCN). The concept of BCN was put forward, with its major tasks and functions and framework. The purpose of BCN is making full use of space in and out existing nature reserves at different scales, with different functions and qualities. By the construction of BCN, those protection areas formerly not linking to one another would be connected and integrated with one body, which would facilitate the management, implementation and coordination of biodiversity conservation.
     GIS and remote sensing tools were used to study the construction of BCN at different scales. At county scale, Mingxi County was chosen. As an example to analyze the relationship and coordination of various protection areas, especially the construction of eco-corridors. At provincial scale, Fujian was chosen. The study at this scale focused on areas (Nature Reserve, small conservation area, forest park, non-commercial forest, etc.) at different levels, with different nature and functions. In particular, the core parts and weak parts of the provincial BCN were explored. Finally, at the scale above province, the construction of South China tiger habitats corridor was expound.
     Considering that the social dimension of biodiversity conservation science is still weak, the construction of a social intervention system was also proposed, in the hope that it would be a guarantee for the smooth implementation of BCN. In this part, issues such as building a unified managing system, non-protection lands management and financial support system and the relocation of concerning people were discussed.
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