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     第二,省域尺度的人口.经济重心轨迹动态分析。利用几何重心法得到中国自1952年以来人口.经济重心的变动数据,表明自解放以来,中国人口与经济在空间分布上发生了显著变动。基于GRA(Grey Relational Analysis,GRA)模型的关联性分析表明,GDP与三次产业产值的空间分布变动与人口的空间分布变动具有较高的关联性。虽然如此,人口与经济在空间分布上依然具有较大程度的偏离。解放以来我国生产向东部地区集中的同时,人口却因为各种原因而未发生相应的集中,从而造成我国东部沿海地区与中西部地区的生产与人口、就业分布格局的高度失衡,这是导致我国地区差距的重要原因。消除一切制约人口跨地区流动的制度及非制度因素,促进人口健康、有序流动,可以使人口与经济在地理空间分布上达到“均衡”,从而在一定程度上消除地区差距。
'What is the most prominent geographic characteristic of economy activities? The concise answer is centralizing'. Be similar with economic spatial distribution, the characteristic of population spatial distribution is spatial centrality. Based on plenty of studies, this paper, according to correlation among economy centrality, population distribution and population migration, studied the relationship between population and economic spatial distribution in China. Meanwhile, in view of economic geography, took some regions with different scales as examples, the paper hammered at demonstration, combined with qualitative and quantitative analysis.
     Firstly, static analyis on population-economic spatial distribution with county's scale. Based on population and economic data of 2355 counties, the paper has depicted static population-economic spatial distibution characteristic in China in 2000, by using indices including population(economy) decsity, proportion and geographic centralizing. The same as economyic spatial distrubiton, the spatial distrubtion of population is very lopsided. Population is very dense and economy is relatively developed in southeast regions. However, Population is sparse and economy is developing in northwest. By using GIS and ESDA, the paper showed that there exist prominent spatial autocorrelation and heterogeneity about variance index in all counties. These counties with the higher or the lower variance index were inclined to locate together, but not stochastic distribution.
     Secondly, dynaic analyis on population-economic spatial distribution with province's scale. The data coming from geometry barycenter indicated that population-economic spatial distribution has changed prominently since liberation of China. By use of GRA model, the paper showed that there is very high relevancy bewteen economy and population spatial distribution. Nevertheless, there is departure to some extent. Economy trends to centralizing in east-littoral regions but population is not followed, which results in the unbalance bewteen economy, population and employment. Therefor, it is necessary to eliminate system and non-system factors which restrict migration across regions, to promote 'equilibrium' on spatial distribution bewteen population and economy.
     Thirdly, analysis on economic urban-centralizing and its response of urban-pointing migration. Combined with qualitative and quantitative analysis, the paper showed that tradional urban-inclining industrialization strategy and uncultured rural economics led to economic urban-centralizing and plenty of labour force in rural regions, which enlarged income and consumption difference bewteen townspeople and countrymen. Pointing to city, migration scale and velocity from countries were related with economy development and population policy. Analysis on theory model showed there was affinity beween rural-urban migration and rural-urban difference. By use of the pool model including data of 31 provinces from 1996 to 2005, we has proved that the change direction of urban-pointing migration is same as rural-urban income and consumption difference.
     Fourthly, analysis on economic region-centralizing and its response of region-pointing migration. Industrial centralizing is mainly located in Changjian delta, Zhujiang delta and regions around Bo-sea since liberration, specially, since reform and opening. Under the ground of rigorous hokou adminiseration system, interprovincal migration is affected strongly by economic plan and politics movements from liberation to 1980s. Relativity bewteen migration and economic distribution increases after the middle of 1980s. Some provinces become destinations of migration and Guangdong province which reformation is advanced, especially, attracts a great lot of migrations from the Midwest. According to the multi-regress analysis method, the paper showed that the proportion of migration into the province is higher if its proportion of industrial GDP is higher. Compared with 1985-1990, 'drawing effect' of industrial centralizing on migrations becomes more stronger whin 1995-2000. Order correlation analysis also proofed the conclusion.
     Fifthly, Evaluate on population-industrial structure and its harmony under the background of economy centralizing and migration. Actual population-industrial structure in China is different from the correlative classical theory, Related with temporal economic background, and its evolvement has unique characteristic in itself. In the compound system about population-industrial structure, employment structure and production value structure are order parameters, which are important for systemic harmonious" development. However, every order parameter takes different effect on systemic evolvement. Under the ground of economy centralizing and migration, we have used harmony model based on synergetics to evaluates dynaic harmonizing degree bewteen employment and production value structure. The result showed that the harmonizing degree fluctuates greatly before 1984 and is to logos after 1984, which corresponds to the trend of economic centralizing and migration in time-serial. Scientific foundation is provided for steering migration and economic distribution with reason.
     Sixthly, Analysis on relationship among population, economy distribution and regional diversity. Taking Gansu Province as an example, the paper analyzed regional diversity based on relationship between population and economy distribution. We found that there is the current of population distribution to Lanzhou metropolitan area and current of economy distribution to Longzhong regions. However, the centralizing degree is different. Compared with the typical overseas core-regions, economy centralizing degree is low in Gansu Province, but population centralizing degree is more lower. Taking per GDP as the index, Gansu Province's regional disparity was analyzed by use of Geordie coefficient method. It is imbalance of the secondary industry and tertiary industry distrbution that led to regional disparity, furthermore, spatial centralizing of the secondary industry and tertiary industry that enlarged regional disparity. In 1990s, during the course of economy centralizing to core-regions, population have not centralized there accordingly. So spatial imbalance of population and economy came into being, which caused regional disparity.
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