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     3.研究了采用VB对Solidworks进行二次开发关键技术的方法,调用Solidworks API函数,提取Solidworks操作平台下的特征树中所有特征信息,将提取的信息导入数据库,供CAPP调用。
Fast changes of Market demands and global economic integration have influenced the depth and breadth of manufacturing activities enormously. The value structure of products, production cost and responsive speed are more and more decided by the manufacturing information and knowledge. And the information is rapidly become the leading factor to restrict the modern manufacturing system; therefore this phenomenon calls for the new requests to manufacturing science and technology.
    Under the background of the informalization for manufacture industry, the information integration for many kinds of application systems is requested in a modern enterprise. CAD for product design and CAPP for technological design are the isolated information islands for long time since they were developed respectively. Therefore, it is very important to study the information integration of CAD and CAPP.
    Base on the existing software for product design, by means of developing one new module, the functions of CAD and CAPP are strengthened by the author, the unnecessary man-machine interaction operation is also reduced in the design process, and therefore the intelligent designing capacity of this software is enhanced in some special occasions. Simultaneously, by means of characteristics technology under concurrent engineering environment, the integration of isolated CAD and CAPP is studied for the information sharing and alternation in the product designing and manufacturing process.
    At the beginning of developing new products, engineers should consider all factors which are effective for these products from their conceptive designing stage to discarded stage, and include the quality, cost, progress plan and user requests in entire product life cycle. Therefore, the success ratio in product manufacturing can be improved, the cost and developing cycle reduced, and the competitive ability of products also enhanced.
    The author has mainly completed the following works:
    1. Base on the analysis of the characteristics in product concurrent exploitation, the overall structure of product concurrent designing system is proposed, and designing frame for the manufacturing feasibility of its accessories under the parallel environment also presented.
    2. To take characteristic information as the carrier, the key technologies and
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