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     根据Belokobylskij(2004)和Yu等(2005)的系统,在各论部分鉴定和厘定了保存于浙江大学昆虫科学研究所800余件标本,记述了我国矛茧蜂族11属84种,包括1新种、10新记录种,每个种都给出了详细的文献引证和分布,并提供了寄主记录;同时还编制了一些属的分种检索表;对其中30种拍摄了共计162幅特征图。这11个属分别是:(1)矛茧蜂属Doryctes Haliday,1836,(2)拢沟茧蜂属EodendrusBelokobylskij,1998,(3)扁矛茧蜂属Halycaea Cameron,1903,(4)合沟茧蜂属Hypodoryctes Kokoujev.1900,(5)甲矛茧蜂属Ipodoryctes Granger,1949,(6)小甲矛茧蜂属Mimipodoryctes Belokobylskij.2000,(7)陡盾茧蜂属Ontsira Cameron,1900,(8)泡腿柄腹茧蜂属Platyspathius Viereck,1911,(9)条背茧蜂属Rhaconotus Ruthe,1854,(10)楚南茧蜂属Sonanus Belokobylskij et Konishi,2001和(11)华矛茧蜂属Sinaodoryctes Chen et Shi,2004。
     新种:中华合沟茧蜂,新种Hypodoryctes chinensis sp.nov.。
     新记录种:俄罗斯矛茧蜂Doryctes gyljak Shestakov,1940,具柄矛茧蜂Doryctes petiolatus Shestakov.1940,条纹矛茧蜂Doryctes striatellus(Nees,1834),暗色矛茧蜂Doryctes tristriatus Kieffer,1921和波浪矛茧蜂Doryctes undulatus(Ratzeburg,1852),环角甲矛茧蜂Ipodoryctes annulicornis Belokobylskij.1994,长甲矛茧蜂Ipodoryctes longi Belokobylskij,1994,皱盾甲矛茧蜂Ipodoryctes rugosiscutum Belokobylskij.1994,三岛甲矛茧蜂Ipodoryctes tamdaoensis Belokobylskij,1994,小陡盾茧蜂Ontsira parva(Muesebeck.1941)。
This thesis focuses on the taxonomic research of the tribe Doryctini (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Doryctinae) from China, and includes the general part and systematic part.
     In the general part, the research history, taxonomic system, biology and distribution studies about Doryctini are briefly introduced.
     In the systematic part, eighty-four species belonging to eleven genera are described in detail based on the classification systems of Belokobylskij et al. (2004) and Yu et al. (2005). Eleven genera are distributed in China as follows: Doryctes Haliday, 1836; Halycaea Cameron, 1903; Hypodoryctes Kokoujev, 1900: Ipodoryctes Granger, 1949; Mimipodoryctes Belokobylskij, 2000; Rhaconotus Ruthe, 1854; Ontsira Cameron, 1900; Platyspathius Viereck, 1911; Sinaodoryctes Chen et Shi, 2004; Eodendrus Belokobylskij, 1998; and Sonanus Belokobylskij et Konishi, 2001. One new species and ten newly recorded species are described in this paper.
     New species: Hypodoryctes chinensis sp. nov..
     Newly recroded species in China: Doryctes gyljak Shestakov, 1940; Doryctes petiolatus Shestakov, 1940; Doryctes striatellus (Nees, 1834); Doryctes tristriatus Kieffer, 1921; Doryctes undulatus (Ratzeburg, 1852); Ipodoryctes annulicornis Belokobylskij, 1994; Ipodoryctes longi Belokobylskij, 1994; Ipodoryctes rugosiscutum Belokobylskij, 1994; Ipodoryctes tamdaoensis Belokobylskij, 1994 and Ontsira parva (Muesebeck, 1941).
     Each species is described in detail with information on distribution, host species and the relevant literatutre provided. Keys to species of the genera and species from China are given. 162 pictures of 30 species are provided.
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