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After reform and opening, SME(small and medium-sized enterprises) in china develops well and becomes important force promoting the rapid development of national economy. However, with the acceleration of economic globalization, domestic and international market is more competitive. Under the new situation, SME has its own advantages, but a serious lack of talents and lagging management affect SME's healthy and sustainable development. Therefore, if not improving attention on the talent status of SME, it will certainly enable SME into a vicious cycle of "shortage of talent - insufficient funds - backward technology - low efficiency". Starting from the effect of talent accumulation, this paper resolves important problems of talent scale and using efficiency in the talent management through displaying the joint effort of talent. In addition, it points out the virtual talent management of considering the "role" as the smallest management unit. Through talent segmentation, role allocation, role of incentives and other means, one person can make several things at the same time. Then, it can achieve role accumulation and reach the effect of talent accumulation. This is a effective way for resolving talent crisis of SME. The main conclusions of this research can be summarized in the following areas.
     First, talent scale, talent allocation and talent of incentives are the key success factors for realizing the effect of talent accumulation. Factors influencing the effect of talent accumulation have talent size, talent quality, talent structure, talent distribution, talent flow, organizational goals, incentives, organizational culture, economic environment, organizational communication and organizational cohesion. Through cluster analysis, it obtains that talent scale, talent allocation and talent incentives are the key success factors for realizing the effect of talent accumulation. That is when the talent to reach and exceed a certain scale, through the rational allocation and appropriate incentives, it can promote the phenomenon of talent accumulation to the effect of talent accumulation.
     Second, role management can resolve the plight of realizing the effect of talent accumulation in SME effectively. It is possible for SME to realize the effect of talent accumulation under the environment of small-scale talent. Based on the role theory and virtual human resource management, this study makes talent subdivide and talents are divided into a number of roles based on the ability or expertise. Then, Roles are combined to form a new role union that can complete business tasks. Every role union is like a virtual talent. Enterprises can make comprehensive management as managing internal talents. Therefore, it is blurred of the boundaries of internal and external talents. Finally, talent scale is effectively amplified in the process of role division and re-combination.
     Third, comparing with "cloud computing", "Cloud Storage", "Cloud security", role management can be called "cloud management" vividly. On the one hand, role is the smallest management unit and is also goal-oriented, self-adaptive open unit. Just like "Computing resources", "memory resources" and "Security Resources", it can be provided to SME by network in the form of "service". Roles can be divided as knowledge structure, flow and other ways. Different subjects and research emphasis have different dividing methods. On the other hand, "cloud management" has obvious features of fractal structure: self-organization, self-similarity and dynamic variability. In the fractal organization, roles combine layer after layer and form multi-role unions which complete the complex task of enterprise in the form of role group.
     Forth, starting from the talent scale, talent allocation, and the talent incentive, "Cloud Management" solves the problem of the effect of talent accumulation in the SME. On the one hand, using "public cloud" and "private cloud", "cloud management" enlarges talent scale by attracting external talents and role re-combination. On the other hand, using ant algorithm, introducing learning coefficient, forgetting coefficient and the credit coefficient, it conducts task division and realizes role allocation in the effect of talent accumulation. Then, using trust, duty, feelings, goals, honor and behavior incentive methods, it realizes the effect of role accumulation through role accumulation among the same role class, different role class and role union.
     Fifth, "cloud management" includes "public cloud "and "private cloud". In the construct of "public cloud", it involves governments, intermediary organizations and enterprises. Governments and intermediary organizations set up public role database which supplies role resource through building SME portal. The publication of the "private cloud" clouds two processes. One is role management which includes role division, the form of role database and the building of virtual talent. This belongs to the areas of personnel management. The other is task management that includes task incentive, adjustment of urgency, distribution of role right and the building historical database of task. This belongs to production management. According to the building process of "private cloud", this paper develops "private cloud" management system which includes three subsystems: talent and role management, task management and access management of "public cloud". It manages role resources of enterprise comprehensively.
     Sixth, through role management, it is effective for SME to realize the effect of talent accumulation under low-scale talent. This research chooses one Auto Accessories Company of Weifang that have certain Representation as case. In this case, as the "public cloud" requires the government set up the system platform, so it only simulates environment of "private cloud". It improves the efficiency of enterprise talent management ultimately through role differentiation, role allocation and incentives. Under the help of "cloud management", the project of "golden Longqi" shorten the cycle, increases efficiency and is recognized.
     The main innovations of this paper include: first, it considers the“role”as the smallest management unit and resolves the scale plight in the effect of talent accumulation; second, based on the role management, it points out“cloud management”and realizes the role allocation in the effect of talent accumulation; third, it comes up with the methods of the construction of“public cloud”based on the“wetkey”theory and improves the operability of“cloud management”;forth, it studies the effect of talent accumulation using fractal theory and ant colony algorithm.
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