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     本研究的主要贡献包括以下几方面。第一,提出一种新的产学合作知识边界:知识开放与封闭,大学是科学共和国(Republic of Science)的典范,大学的知识边界是开放知识;企业是技术王国(Kingdom of Technology)的典范,企业的知识边界是封闭或独占知识。第二,确立了企业和大学各自的知识治理机制,大学的知识治理机制是基于发现优先权的学术激励机制,即开放科学机制。企业的知识治理机制主要是基于经济租金的独占性机制,既封闭科学机制。第三,创造出一种新的产学知识合作路径模型:开放科学和创业科学。开放科学路径是基于知识互补原理、产学R&D分工和线性创新模式而产生的。创业科学路径模型是基于知识交互原理、大学创业职能和交互式创新模型而产生的。第四,开发出了开放科学和创业科学路径模型的运行机理,开放科学模型的运行机理是:企业向政府交税,政府公共资助大学研究,大学通过知识库和人才库向企业开放知识,企业积极地吸收大学的知识。创业科学模型的运行机理是:政府公共资助大学研究的同时,企业也直接资助大学研究,大学通过知识服务现有企业和衍生新的企业,进行高级形态的知识开放。第五,对美国的34个制造型产业和50所研究型大学进行了两大路经的实证测量,得出了两大路径具体的表现形态和模式。对于产业来讲,吸收出版物、雇用人力资本、合作研究、公开会议属于开放科学路径,委托研究、咨询服务、人员交流、专利许可属于创业科学路径。对于大学来讲,SCI论文、NS论文、获奖、博士培养属于开放科学路径,衍生企业、发明披露、美国专利、许可属于创业科学路径。第六,设计出一套促进中国产学合作的政策体系,包括开放科学制度、知识产权制度、利益分配机制、知识创业机制、产学合作促进法、科研考核体制六大方面。
Knowledge-based economy is the economic patterns based on the production and innovation-oriented knowledge. Enterprises and universities as two cores of R&D parts in the economic system, their collaboration is increasingly important for enhancing the independent innovation capabilities and contributing to the economic growth. The nature of Industry-University Collaboration (IUC) is the production, innovation and application of the knowledge. Enterprises and universities as the knowledge-based heterogeneous organization, both inherently have a strong motive for collaboration. A new era of economic globalization, networking, and open collaboration innovation puts forward new demands for the IUC theory. Moreover, our country is achieving a great strategic goal which fully implements the scientific outlook on development, changing the mode of growth, enhancing the independent innovation capability and building an innovative-oriented country which requires a new IUC theory to guide. This study has great theoretical and practical significance for exploring the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics.
     On the basis of existing IUC theory, through theoretical construction and empirical measurement, this study presents a new theoretical model on the boundary and path of IUC from the perspective of knowledge. This paper includes seven chapters. Chapterl, introduction—statement of the problem, the research significance and research design.Chapter2, the criticism of the related IUC Theory including the classical theory of knowledge and the NIS, NPK, TH, KBT, EU and other classical IUC theory. Chapter3, a new IUC boundary—the opened knowledge and the closed knowledge.Chapter4, building the theory of the IUC path based on knowledge.Chapter5, empirical measurement path of IUC based on knowledge. Chapter6, IUC and the policy design in China. Chapter7, conclusions and prospects.
     The main contributions of this paper are the following aspects. Firstly, this paper has presented a new knowledge boundary of IUC--- the opened knowledge and the closed knowledge. University is the Paradigm of the Republic of Science, its knowledge boundary is open. Enterprise is the Paradigm of the Kingdom of Technology, its knowledge boundary is closed. Secondly, this paper has established the mechanism of knowledge governance of university and enterprise. For University it is academic incentive mechanism based on the priority of discovery that is opened science mechanism. For Enterprise, it is exclusive mechanism based on economic rents that is closed science mechanism. Thirdly, this paper has created a new path model of IUC---Open Science (OS) and entrepreneurial science (ES). The OS path was generated by Knowledge complementary theory, IU R&D division of labor and the linear innovation model. The ES path was generated by knowledge interaction theory, the entrepreneurial functions of university and interactive innovation mode. Fourthly, this paper has developed the operation mechanism of OS and ES. OS model is that enterprises pay taxes to the government, then the Government publicly funds the university research, universities open the knowledge for enterprises on the base of Human capital, and enterprises actively absorb the knowledge. ES model is that the government publicly funds the university research, at the same time enterprises can also fund them directly, universities open high-level forms of knowledge for enterprises through knowledge service and entrepreneurship. Fifthly, this paper has measured the OS and ES path of 34 U.S. manufacturing industry and 50 research universities. We have found the specific patterns of the OS and ES path. For industry, the OS path includes absorption of publications, employment of human capital, collaborative research, public conferences and meetings; the ES path includes contract research, consulting services, personnel exchanges, patent licenses. For universities, the OS path includes SCI papers, NS papers, Awards, Training Doctors. The ES path includes derivative enterprises, invention disclosure, U.S. patent, license. Sixthly, this paper has designed a policy system in promoting IUC in China which includes open science system, intellectual property system, benefit distribution mechanisms, knowledge-based entrepreneurship mechanisms, IUC Act, and Research evaluation system etc.
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