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Knowledge based economy is a new economic form. Production, distribution and use are the most important elements of social economic operation. In software enterprise, effective management and applied knowledge are the important methods in guaranteeing its competitive advantage and sustainable development. At present, knowledge management in the software enterprise operation is faced up with a challenging question: how to promote own core competitiveness through the development knowledge management. This article primary intention lies in through a series of research and the exploration seeks for and establishes a set of knowledge management implementation method which appropriate software enterprise.
     After analyzing the issues of enterprise knowledge management methodology, the software enterprise's characteristic and software enterprise knowledge management's typical characteristic. The paper comes down to summarize their basic philosophy and the method system. By importing system thinking, action research method and interest-coordination soft system methodology, it puts the software enterprise metaphor under the knowledge management question scene and carries on the examination, then it puts logical steps of software enterprise knowledge management method, and describes its logical steps. Take this as the beginning, then applies this method in actual knowledge management process of the typical software enterprise. Causes the practice and the scientific research unifies and carries on the integration based on the action research. Thus forms a set software enterprise knowledge management method based on the action research. Finally, gives the concrete operating procedure and the implementation effect through the empirical analysis.
     There are three innovative points in this study.
     Firstly, it takes the breakthrough in theoretical system. Through analyzing the issues of correlation theories literature and the characteristic of software enterprise, proposes the software enterprise knowledge management component elements and the logical relation. Redefines the concept of software enterprise knowledge management, and ravels the content, the goal and the characteristic of software enterprise knowledge management.
     Secondly, it takes the first time exploration in method. It is first time to import action research method and interest-coordination soft system methodology into the research of software enterprise knowledge management. Puts the software enterprise metaphor under the knowledge management question scene and carries on the examination. Under system metaphor instruction, through system thinking, it puts logical steps of software enterprise knowledge management method, and describes its logical steps.
     Thirdly, it takes innovation in technical and application stratification plane. In technical plane, proposes a series of reference model, which contain the software enterprise benefit community model, the knowledge sharing gambling model, the software enterprise knowledge management implementation model and the strategy preference pattern and so on. In application plane, utilizes this method to an enterprise's knowledge management project, and has made the good application progress.
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