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In recent years, Chinese firms are faced with a great amount of dramatic changes in business environment. These changes make it necessary for Chinese firms to enhance their technological innovation capability rapidly. Thanks to the reformation of Chinese firms, the technological level is greatly improved. Many firms gradually attachh importance to technological innovation, which is becoming the source of competitive advantage. But the speed of many firms' advancement of technology and the extent of their technological innovation hasn't reached the level to which they could have got. Therefore, the research on mechanism and the path of the advancement of technological competence, by combining the theories and management methods of western firms' on technological innovation competence and Chinese firms' pratice, has great theoretical value and practical meaning to facilitate the innovation efficiency and economic performance of Chinese firms.
    In Chapter 1, the historic and practical meaning of technological competence accumulation is discussed, by going over the practice and existing problems of Chinese firms' technological innovation. Then the development and the state-arts of technological innovation competence theory is systematically reviewed in details, which shows clearly the direction for the following research.
    A firm's technological competence is not only embodied in equipment, technological knowledge and technique, but also depends on the firm's technological organization, knowledge network and technological strategy.
    In Chapter 2, the four dimensions of technological competence and their interrelation are analyzed firstly. Then according to knowledge theory, the essence and levels of technological competence are discussed. Based on this, the basic model and track of technological competence evolution are studied. For developing countries in particular, a basic evolutionary model of technological competence is put forward, that as from imitation and manufacture capability to creative imitation capability, then to indigenous innovation capability.
    Finally, the technological competence building and enhancing process of I]angzhou Oxygen-making Generator Manufacturer, West-Lake Electric, Changhong, Eastcom, and I-laier are discussed, which indicates universality of the basic evolutionary model. By comparing the change of technological competence's dimentions of the five firms, the successful factors of building creative imitation capability are induced.
    In Chapter 3, in view of firm's internal and external environment, the drive mechanism, knowledge capture mechanism, knowledge share, knowledge process and technology investment mechanism are discussed, thus the essence and mechanism of technology learning are presented.
    Tfren the representative cases of Changhong, Eastcom, Haier and Hengdian are analyzed. By reviewing the successful experience and failing lessons of Chinese firms that learn technology, the baisc model of technology learning is induced. Consequently, from the point of view of organization learning, the mechanism of technology learning on the technological competence building process is discussed, the model of technology learning based-on knowledge absorbing is put forward, which clarifies the basic model of technology learning in theory.
    Finally, combined with customer demand, market competitive and technology chase, the logic of firm's technological competence transformation is discussed. By seting up a game model, the key factors of strategic learning, in particular network learning, are studied.
    Chapter 4 first focuses on the interaction and reinforce to each other of internal R&D and external knowledge in the process of technological competence evolution, the model of the two paths' circle action is put forward. In every phase of technological competence, the path of technological competence accumulation transforms from external knowledge assimilation to internal learning, these form three circles from external path to internal path.
    Finally, the importance of organizati
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