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Currently Internet has become an irresistible environment we must meet in development of software engineering. From serving for OS to serving for network, from owned by us to used by us, networking tendency emerges from the development of software, we are striving to the era of service-oriented software engineering. Semantic web service technology which is based on resource-aggregation is developing rapidly. Networked software takes into birth under the background, which can provide on-line service pulled by user's varying requirements.
     One of essential features of networked software is represented as both behavior and topology structure of software is evolving dynamically as time goes by. A large scale and complex software has only core feature at the beginning. Absorbing user's individualized and diversified preference requirements continuously, the scale and complexity of software increase progressively with more and more resource aggregation on Internet, according to interaction between user and network. User requirements and experience are also increased, which makes networked software evolves towards the common user requirements.
     In the face of new features that networked software brings about, the traditional requirements modeling methodology does not support requirements evolution modeling in the service-oriented computing. The networked software requirements modeling methodology is difficult to support requirements evolution modeling beyond the scope of domain knowledge support. All of these lead that the released networked software doesnot satisfy system user when domain requirements knowledge is not sufficient to meet specific user requirements. To address the above mentioned problems, the scientific problem that the thesis explores is how to abstract meta-description of evolutionary requirements specification and refine methodology of evolution modeling for networked software, so as to guide user's requirements evolution modeling. Considering the scientific problem, the main contributions of the thesis are summarized as follows.
     (1) Corresponding to RGPS requirements meta-modeling framework, a service-oriented evolutionary requirements meta-modeling framework has been proposed, which is used to guide requirements evolution modeling for networked software. From perspective of goal, process and service, three meta-models have been proposed. In the guidance of the meta-models, user's changed requirements proposed from different layers in different granularities can be modeled. These meta-models helps to establish normalized evolutionary requirements specification。
     (2) A service-oriented, aspect-based requirements evolution analysis approach has been proposed in the foundation of evolutionary requirements meta-modeling framework. Characteristic of the approach is to encapsulate evolutionary goal, evolutionary activity as well as interaction between service interace and users in an aspect so as to enhance manageability of evolution. Individualized requirements evolution analysis refers AOSD methodology and traces evolutionary goal, evolutionary activity as well as interaction encapsulated in aspect in whole requirement lifecycle. Through the approach, user can manipulate the common requirements model, including adding and modifying in order to meet his specific requirements.
     (3) An approach for integrating individualized requirements goal models has been proposed. The approach addresses how to integrate N individualized goal models into one system goal model. Through integrate goal models with similar requirements after clustering, achieving the shift from individualized requirements model to system requirements model, from satisfying single user individualized requirements to satisfying requirements for a user group. Integrated goal models are recommended to domain expert in order to evolve domain requirements models.
     (4) An approach of service resource dynamic configuration for system requirements model based on context has been proposed. Most run-time morpha of networked software is represented as web service composition. System requirements model is realized by web service composition finally. We propose a resource configuration framework for web service composition. Dynamical configuration for atomic web service makes run-time system dynamically evolving witht varying context around. The core of framework is an approach for web service discovery based on context and inference rules. The result of web service discovery will fulfill the user's context in this way.
     In the end, we realize a tool for system requirements evolution modeling. The tool can help user to model evolutionary requirements, and generate networked software satisfying specific requirements of user's.
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