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Because of the changes of world industrial structure, the refinement of social division and the integration of world regional economic, the innovative forms trend to open platform and cooperation from enclosed frame and independent. Therefore, enterprises get more and more exterior cooperation. The technological innovation activities of enterprises gradually turn to outside. Cooperation innovation came into being. Cooperation innovation refers to the technical collaboration and contractual relationship between enterprises and enterprises, scientific research institution or colleges. Based as partner's common interest, premised as the resource sharing or complementary advantages, cooperation innovation has the explicit goal and rule, and it take cooperation research as the main form. Cooperation innovation has brought many benefits for the enterprise. For example, save cost, share the resource and result, reduce the research and development risk, get government funding and policy support. Therefore, it has important theoretical and practical significance to research the operating mechanism of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation, so as to find the inherent regularity of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation.
     This article can be divided into three main parts.
     The first part is the theoretical basis. Due to the cooperation innovation basing on innovation and technology innovation, the article first to summarize the domestic and international theoretical research conditions related to cooperation innovation. This article mainly reviews research conditions of innovation theory, technological innovation theory and cooperation innovation theory. This theoretical study takes a theoretical foundation for this article research. Then, this article introduces the concept and characteristic of the cooperation innovation and described the relationship between cooperation innovation and independent innovation based on the above theory. Finally, it summarized the patterns of cooperation innovation which includes Industry—university research cooperation innovation model and inter-enterprises cooperation innovation model. This article selects the inter-enterprises cooperation innovation model as research angle of view.
     The second part is the central content. First of all, this article introduces the meaning and characteristics of enterprise, and defines the concept of inter-enterprise cooperation relation. Then, it puts forward that integrated supply chain and strategic alliances has become the main form of inter-enterprises cooperation with the development of world economic integration, discusses the characteristics of the two types of inter-enterprise cooperation relations. Next, from the angle of enterprises, the meaning, characteristics, and internal and external influence factors of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation have been studied. The five cooperation innovation models are given, including the entrusting type of cooperation innovation model, the joint type of cooperation innovation model, the vertical type cooperation innovation model, the level type of cooperation and the compound type cooperation innovation model. It studies above five models in details.
     Second, based on the conditions of market economy system, the article carried out the operational mechanism of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation, and had a further research of driving mechanism, trust mechanism, incentive mechanism, risk-sharing mechanism and the profit distribution mechanism of cooperation innovation by the application of dissipative structure theory, the relevant trust theory, expected utility function theory, principal-agent theory and cooperative game theory, etc. Through the discussion of the related mechanisms above, this article introduced the integrated model of operational mechanism of cooperation innovation, and described the interaction between the various mechanisms. When these mechanisms are in coherence, the efficiency of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation can achieve the highest level.
     Finally, according to the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, this paper builds a evaluation model of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation which has two specific applications: one is the evaluation model can judge out the capacity of the enterprise so as to select the most competent members of the enterprises to develop cooperation innovation; the other hand, the inter-enterprises cooperation innovation was defined as a system in order to find factors that hinder the cooperation innovation, further optimization of the system of cooperation innovation, and enhance the innovation capacity of the entire system.
     The third part is the case study. The article introduced the condition in cooperation innovation of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. This study tries to calculate the cooperation innovation capacity of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. through cooperation innovation capacity evaluation model to find out the key influencing factors. Then according to the correlative contents of operational mechanism of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation, it proposed measures and tactics to move forward a single step to improve cooperation innovation capacity.
     In general, the main conclusions of this paper can be summarized the following several aspects:
     First, China's independent innovation strategy is an important part of the development strategy of science and technology. It is the guidelines of all scientific and technological work. The work which enhance the ability of independent innovation and improve efficiency of resource utilization, is the central link to optimize the industrial structure and promote the upgrading industries, and is the fundamental way to achieve the objectives of our social and economic development. However, on the one hand, independent innovation is a very long, difficult and complex technical and economic process, on the other hand, Chinese enterprises as the main body of independent innovation, lack the necessary scientific and technological innovation conditions such as a large number of innovative investment fund and technical personnel and so on, and have feeble capability in general. Therefore, this paper presents that cooperation innovation between enterprises is the effective and practical ways and means in the current conditions of technology and economy. Only through strengthening cooperation and enhancing the overall technical innovation of enterprises, the whole national independent innovation capability is enhanced ultimately.
     Second, through the study on the cooperative relationship and cooperative innovation models of inter-enterprises, this paper puts forward that it is an effective choice mode of cooperation innovation at this stage for the cooperation innovation of inter-enterprises on integrated supply chain and the strategic alliance. This is due to low levels of industrialization, the complex relationship of inter-enterprises, imperfect laws and regulations of credit status in China, the existence of the individual rationality and prevailing opportunism ideology. In this case, the integrated supply chain through long-term cooperation between enterprises sets up the relationship that exists interest between each other, while the strategic alliance is based on certain contract basis, so that these two types of enterprise relationship is relative stability that exists some economic foundation and a basis of trust, they are the dominant model of cooperation innovation between enterprises at this stage.
     Third, because mechanism is decided by the system, based on the conditions of market economy system, this paper researches the operational mechanism of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation, from the view of the relationship and the interaction of all various effect factors of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation, has a further research of driving mechanism, trust mechanism, incentive mechanism, risk-sharing mechanism and the profit distribution mechanism of cooperation innovation. Through the discussion of the related mechanisms above, this paper introduces the integrated model of operational mechanism of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation, and has a conclusion that the driving mechanism is the driving force, the trust mechanism is the emotional bond and basis, the incentive mechanism is the safeguard method, the risk-sharing mechanism is a prerequisite, the benefit distribution mechanism is fundamental. In short, the interactions between the various mechanisms of inter-enterprises cooperative innovation are interrelated, and only when these mechanisms are in coherence, the efficiency of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation can achieve the highest level.
     Fourth, this paper proposes that it must improve the mechanism of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation, at the same time, the inter-enterprises cooperation innovation capacity must be promoted gradually. Through the establishment of capacity evaluation index system of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation, this paper constructs the comprehensive evaluation model to evaluate the capacity of inter-enterprises cooperation innovation.
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