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     (5)设计了关联数据驱动的领域知识服务系统体系架构和功能模块,通过集成SPARQL、Virtuoso等关键技术,开发了水稻领域知识服务原型系统,实现了领域知识的集成浏览和关联发现、动态分面导航与检索、SPARQL终端查询、HTTP URI参引解析和RDF内容下载等功能。
The “Big Data” age is arriving as for the human beings are creating huge amount of data everyday,and the total volume of data would be doubled every18months.The “fourth paradigm” of discoverybased on data-intensive science emerging rapidly.However, the existing information organization andinformation service means is difficult to adapt to changes in agricultural research environment anddevelopment trend, and the researchers are often drowning in information, but starved forknowledge.They are looking for domain high qality information resources which are well organizedspecially, linked and merged, and depth-knowledge service means embed into their process ofagricultural research and innovation.
     The idea and methodologies of Linked Data have been adopted in this paper, the key technologyand approaches of the construction of agricultural sci-tech semantic linked data have benn studied, andthe multidimensional semantic linking model has been designed.The semantic linked open data basedon part of the literature resources of China National Agricultural Library and also some scientific datafrom the National Agricultural Scientific Data Sharing Platform have been constructed andpublished.Finally, a prototype knowledge service system completely driven by the semantic linked datahas been designed and realized in the selected “rice” domain.
     The main research work and results of this paper are concluded as following:
     (1) The latest research and practices progress of Linked Data home and abroad have beeninvestigated, the difference and relation between the Linked Data and the Web of Data, Semantic Weband Knowledge Organization System was analyzed, and the classification of linked data, thetechnological process, semantic link descriptive model, automatic tools have also been studied.
     (2) Concepts and semantic relationships within the Chinese Agricultural Thesaurus (CAT) havebeen formally described using the elements of Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS).Aconversion tool has been developed, and successfully converted the whole contents of CAT and itsmapping results with other knowledge organization systems related with agricultrure such asAGROVOC, NALT, etc., into the linked data version namely CAT/SKOS.
     (3) Main classes and properties have been abstracted from the literature resources of ChinaNational Agricultural Library.The widely used vocabularies and ontologies such as DCMI, BIBO,etc.have been reused to formally describe and model these classes, properties and semanticrelationships.An automatic indexing tool has also been developed to embed the concepts and links ofCAT/SKOS into these literatures.The semantic linked data of agricultural literatures have beenconstructed and published based on the open source software D2R Server.
     (4) Core metadatas of over700datasets and some particular databases hold the data about theinstitutes, researchers and projects of agricultural have been modeled by reusing the well knownvocabularies or ontologies (e.g.VIVO, SWRC, FOAF).The multidimensional semantic linking modelcovering the scientific data, literatures, and thesaurus has been designed.And based on this model, the expected multidimensional semantic linked data of agricultural sci-tech has been created and published.
     (5) The architecture and function models of domain knowledge service system have beendesigned, which based on linked data.A prototype system was realized based on some key technologiessuch as SPARQL, Virtuoso and so forth.Some import service functions have been provide in this system,such as integrated browseing and discovery of domain knowledge, dynamic facet navigation andsearching, SPARQL query endpoint, HTTP URI dereferencing, downloading RDF triples.
     In conclusion, this study proves that it is the best practice to applying the ideas, principles andmethodologies of linked data, to describe, organize and merge the huge amount of agriculturalinformation resources in a more fine described, formally structured and semantically linked way.Linkeddata would play a great role to increase the popularity, visibility, accessibility and value of agriculturalinformation resources.This research would be meaningful to explore new ways and patterns to organize,integrate and make good use of huge agricultural information resources, and promote the innovation ofagricultural science and technology. This study would be innovative at the aspects of construction ofmultidimensional semantic linking model and the prototype system completely based on the linked data.
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